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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've gotten pulled over in MD - probably 30 yrs ago.. I never had to do that. That's strange.
  2. At least you made it to 47!! How lucky. I was in my early 40's when it struck. I found that nothing I do works forever, so I have switch things up a bit. Lately, I've been using magnesium at night sometimes along with a natural sleep aid you would find at a whole food type store. It usually has Evening Primrose, Valerian, and some other ingredients I don't remember. The mag. is also for my restless leg, but it definitely helps relax me too. If insomnia is really bad, and goes on for days, I take a benadryl along with wine in the evening. For some reason this summer I've had one of the best sleeping summer in a very long time. I don't know why. I've been using the Mag. and sleep aid at night for well over a year. Good luck... hopefully you'll find something that will work soon.
  3. I think I may have had a similar change as you. After much study and reading of early church writings as well as writings about the history of those times I also had some pretty significant changes in my theology. I think it's more than just a change in theology - it is a paradigm shift as well. Even after 15years I still often find myself falling back to some of the old patterns and I have to catch myself. It sounds to me like that is where you are. Your brain is adjusting away from a long-held belief...probably a belief held by many of your friends/family?--- it doesn't shift gears easily. If you need to talk via PM, I'm happy to do so. What you're saying does resonate with me even if the particulars may be different.
  4. oh my goodness. I have never had such a bad experience. Granted we don't camp all that much... and we prefer primative camping to state parks and such. We like to go to the places that RV's can't get to. The last place we camped at all the sites are probably 1/4mile apart. It is wonderful. I have a friend who had a nightmare experience.....although the guy ran through their site at night - naked and wielding a knife! It was a Nat.'l park, and fortunately the authorites showed up very quickly. Guy was high on drugs... but no one slept that night. I thought my friend's experience was an outlier... you guys are making me scared.
  5. We must be distant cousins. I'm the only one in my family who hates sitting out in the sun, it makes me feel sick too.. Sun and sand together is worse! My family has a long history in MD too! LOL. We'll have to get a corner and talk at the meet-up. ;) I remember when my parents got central air.. my mom was so happy. I think I was already out of the house by then.
  6. I used them for 2 of my babies. They check for STDs... They are great, compassionate, strong ladies. It's too bad she's gone back to AR because I'm sure they would be a group she could safely reach out to. One of the founding MW's daughter was murdered by her abusive boyfriend (20+ years ago)
  7. from People mag: I find so much of that disturbing.. I don't even know where to start. Of course, it is People mag...and it is "some source" So I hope there's a lot of conjecture... but it just makes me sad. Where are her parents???
  8. They do have renter insurance.. I do not know if they've called. I will send your message on to them. That's scary. Nobody needs that kind of nightmare.
  9. The apartment directly above my daughter's apartment caught on fire today while no one was home. It looks completely gutted. http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/laurel/2015/08/20/laurel-fire-2-burn-injuries/32050281/ Officials will not let anyone into the building and I heard they were throwing insulation out of my daughter's apartment window. But, we have no idea the extend of the damage. My son-in-law called and let us know that Red Cross has put them up in a hotel for a few days, given them a toiletry bag and a gift card. That plus whatever was in my grandkids diaper bag. My dd cloth diapers. My grandson cannot wear disposables..I don't know if they ever tried with my granddaughter. I'm probably going over tonight to help them get some clothes or to babysist while they go get clothes. Prayers would be appreciated.
  10. I didn't realize you've lived in MD your whole life!! There's so few of us natives here. I have found that as I've aged I don't tolerate the extreme heat/humidity or cold the way I used to. The heat especially bothers me. I get head aches and feel sick. I don't know if it's actually worse than when I was a little child (I remember smog days and we had no central a/c) or if it's part of the aging process.
  11. this is what I remember from previous years. Warning with a grace period. If it's sited again then you get an actual ticket/fine, etc. (or go to court as Angie inVA noticed). But having to prove it was done with the first warning is new to me. Son took it in last night to be "approved"...so that part is done...but what a hassle.
  12. I would use it but only occasionally. I have collected tea cups/saucers from different sets over the years... some old some not. When I had a small tea party a few years ago I put them all out to be used. It was really fun. I'll also pull out one of my nice tea pots and cup/saucers when I have a friend over...but it's pretty rare for that to happen.
  13. I'm curious. My son was pulled over last week for a broken headlight (the bulb was out, nothing was busted) The warning said that he had 10days to take it to an authorized mechanic to be fixed or, if he did it himself, he had to take it to a police station to verify that it was fixed. Either way the warning ticket had to be signed and turned in within 10 days. It's been a very long times since I've gotten a warning, but I'd never heard of that. It was just a warning... that's it. Clearly, that has changed. What is it like in your area?
  14. Not Vermont, but maybe NH. The taxes are better in NH. I also understand that NH is a pretty independent minded state... perhaps Vermont is this way too... perhaps anything away from the DC metro nanny state that seems to have become MD is that way. I don't have much comparison. I just know I'm getting as weary of that part of living in MD as I am the heat and humidity. However, as much as I want to get out of MD too, I don't know that I'd move that far north. Like is mentioned, I don't like the heat and humidity but longer and much colder winters would probably wear on me too. But, that's me and it seems like that's not an issue to you. Good luck
  15. praying. We made a move many years ago after being at a church for 13yrs. We had known many of the people from a previous church (it was a split off/planting), so we'd known the pastor and several original people for much longer than that. While it did have it's sadness, we realized after leaving that we probably stayed about 2-3yrs too long.
  16. I just want to send a hug.. you're not alone in this. We made a move about3.5 yrs ago that was a mistake. I still struggle with it and my heart aches too. If it were me I'd look into going back, but i would also include the kids in the decision, if they are older.
  17. I sporadically journaled throughout my teens and early 20s. I think I even did some when I was a young mother. There's a bit of daily information that I sometimes find interesting to look back on, but most of it is teenage angsty stuff (even as a young adult)... and bad memories from some dark times in my life (as someone else mentioned upthread). It's pretty embarrassing or just not appropriate for other people to read. Okay...true confession.... I has a little health scare last week and ya know what one of the first things I thought was:. "If I die, I do NOT want anyone finding those journals!" I don't know why...it's not like they're something I think about all that much. I haven't touched them in years... but that's what came to mind. :laugh:
  18. Not fall.. but Mr. Robot looks promising...esp. if you have computer geeks in the family. Dh and I watched the first episode and he was pleasantly surprised that they seemed to know what they were talking about. Anyway, it's all conspiracy theory stuff...but looks promising. For the fall I'm looking forward to another season of Longmire. It moved over to Netflix and I'm hoping it does well. Last season was a bit too melodramatic for my taste, so I'm hoping it goes back to the better writing it had in season 1 &2.
  19. whoops! Yes... Thursday!! I expect I'll have thurs. carpool too since I won't have g'kids on those days.
  20. Time sounds fine with me too. I will have to leave early as I suspect I will be doing carpool on Tues. again this year. But I can get there by noon, no problem.
  21. getting out of town tomorrow so we can watch them over the weekend. It's supposed to be clear all weekend,
  22. whoa!! I never paid that much for my Prius tires.. Is that because it's a '12? That's a lot of money for tires.
  23. I have a Prius and I love it. So much so that we got a used Highlander Hybrid. The battery that is expensive is not like in one in a regular gas car. This is the battery that is the brains of the operation. So, when you replace it it's somewhat like getting a new transmission. That is why it is expensive. That's great at your son wants one! Esp. so because they are not known for their sportiness. Sometimes when I'm trying to get on the highway going up a hill I feel a bit like I'm on a lawn mower... I can go fast, don't get me wrong... but it certainly doesn't have the same pep as a traditional 4 cylinder gas car (or even my Higlander).
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