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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. In the meantime borrow your neighbor's. I've had to do that when a vacuum died at just the wrong time. Hope you fix it without major hassles too.
  2. Whoa... bad timing. Glad it came back on so quickly
  3. I get it. I think there's a lot of pressure these days to force people who don't like each other (or even enjoy each other) to be in the same room at *any* family gathering. It's already hard enough when we haave to put up with our favorite aunt's only son but then to add divorced people to the mix is insane... (oops, did I saw that out loud?? ;) )
  4. Thanks everyone. I mostly use my glass or ceramic pie pans unless I am making more that 2 at a time. I'm going to try and remember to put the pies on the lowest rack from now on...that is a great tip. Thanks!
  5. I've also tried using tin foil as a shield ..it mostly works. :)
  6. I'm busy getting pie ready for tomorrow and my usual pie-cooking cunundrum has arisen.... Do I pre-cook the pie crust (bottom) or not. I've gone back and forth. Sometimes it seems like uncooked pie crusts createa a soggier crust after cooking. But then when I pre-cook, the edges can get burnt. So which is best? Is there a good rule of thumb on this?
  7. I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask them if they could board their dogs for your dog's sake. Play the "doggie is old and ready to die" card. The whole idea of bringing one's pets to someone else's house (esp. for over night visits) is not something I grew up with and I would never, ever consider it for my own doggy. well, maybe I'd consider it IF the host brought it up and insisted- but otherwise, I just think it's a strange custom. Call me old-fashioned. Now, doggy "play-dates" that's different.
  8. Oh... I'd be frustrated by this whole situation..but that's me. I would say that if people treat their dogs like kids then their "kids" need to learn that different houses have different rules. You should feel free to ask them not to allow their dog to sit on the furniture or sleep in your beds. If they want to let their dog act like it's their home then either board them at the kennel or go to a hotel. You may want to warn them ahead of time in case they have a little doggy bed they can bring.
  9. recipe for the apple/cranberry pie please
  10. well.. if it's any help I'm completely unprepared for Thanksgiving and I'm having 12 people!! :scared: we just got a new oven after not having one since this summer. I wasn't sure it would arrive before Thanksgiving. And... I'm just not mentally prepared for Thanksgiving either. Tomorrow I have both g-kids so not much will get done in the prep. department. I plan to do my menu planning tomorrow and shop on Tues. Start cooking a little on Weds. Thank goodness my oven is actually a double wall oven. I'll be able to cook a little more than just with a trad. oven/stove.
  11. I heard about it when it happened. I heard her husband was a pastor and hadn't been home when it occured. I thought they got survelience of the rapist and had put out a pretty detailed description. Did that not come to anything? I didn't know the dh was the kind to talk about his sex life in his sermons... yuck. That would creep me out.
  12. It's become a problem here too. I think it's because there are more "Pedestrian" laws requiring cars to stop if a pedestrian is in the cross walk. They are good laws, but the problem is that pedestrians seem to walk right into the crosswalk without even looking first. I don't know that I'd be so bold. Someone might not see me, might not know the laws, not care, etc.etc. Like someone said, you can be "dead right" but you're still dead. I would rather wait to make sure the cars are actually stopping before walking into a crosswalk. But, we also have many more people crossing illegally/jaywalking. I also see a lot of people walking into the street when oncoming traffic has a green light. The walk signal is clearly RED but they ignore because of one car (me) that they can go faster than. There's also a lot of people walking down the middle of the aisle in a parking lot, completely obivious to drivers. And people who drive too fast in parking lots. It's a deadly combo.
  13. I saw that article and found it encouraging for those of us with a little extra that won't.go.away. Frustrated that this is yet another story that shows that science is never done... but those that question scientific findings, and gov't policy based on those findings, are constantly vilified. (good fat/bad fat, climate change, etc.) I thought the last sentence was the most telling: <quote>Maybe the real paradox here lies in our assumptions about what constitutes normal weight.</q> I hope this positively affects those whose insurance companies charge them higher premiums based on weight and BMI
  14. Goodness. If volunteerism isn't good works then what is in his theology?
  15. Whaaat? Any church that turns away the hungery without even attempting to help (at least a little bit) is really wrong. I've also never heard that volunteerism = anti-Christ. That is just so wrong-headed. I'm glad you're leaving the church. And hopefully your dialog will come back to him someday and he'll repent.
  16. whoa, you are pretty productive. All I've done is gotten a drink of water and surfed the net. :blushing:
  17. I hope your kids let you sleep a little longer than normal
  18. that type of insomnia is the worst! I hope you get some rest and your dd has a wonderful time.
  19. insomnia day 2. Ugh. Yesterday wasn't so bad and might not be classified as insomnia by some since I woke up at 5am (my normal is between 6:20-7). But, today I woke up at 3:30 and here I am an hour later no where near being ready to go back to sleep. Thank goodness it's not a day I have my grandkids.
  20. :grouphug: Agreeing with you, Dawn. I hate it when people say that... it's like it's another way of saying, "Just chill." So insulting.
  21. I think another issue is that the media makes it look easy to have kids well into your 30s and early 40s. What those public figures, who are having babies in their 40s, are not saying is that it often takes help from doctors and/or surrogates to have kids at that age. On one hand it is their private business, and I respect that. But OTOH, it is being a bit deceptive with the public when you are a public figure. I think it leads young people into a false sense that they can play and do what they want until they're into their 30s. I have friends who waited until their career was established before starting a family and it was hard. Some are childless and deeply regret their decisions.
  22. I haven't seen it on my FB feed because I have such a small sample of friends.. but I do know it exists. My 24yr old dd is friends with a lot of people like this. They are in the 20's and pretty self-centered on school, career or fun. My daughter (the one who used to love, love love kids) has been sucked into that mentality. She's not exactly rude about it, but she's also not afraid to speak her mind. She says all her friends think that way. And, she's my child who is the most easily swayed by "the group." If you KWIM. Most of her friends aren't churched or no longer go to church. I'm hoping it's either a phase or that it's self-preservation... because she's not in a relationship. I guess it's better than being a desperate single girl who has baby fever, but still it does make me sad.
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