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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We went to the UK with a 10month old in '96. It was also a company trip, but we split our time between staying in the hotel and staying with friends, IIRC. We actually didn't do too much in London, but went out into the countryside each day via train. We loved the Cotswolds area and I remember we took her to Salisbury to visit the cathedral. I'd have to look back at our photos. We used a baby backpack carrier but she was 10months and she didn't weigh a lot. I flew alone as my dh went ahead for the conference he attended. It's always a red-eye. She didn't sleep until about 20 min. before landing. :001_rolleyes: Fortunately, she was a happy social baby otherwise it would have been a miserable flight for everyone. Of course, she woke up when we got there because of all the bustle of going through customs. But, we were there in Oct. 2015 visiting this same daughter, who was now doing her study-abroad in London. One of the things we loved the most was the Harry Potter walking tour. It was very cheap (10-15pounds pp), but then you tip the tour guide. Ours was great and there was a lot of enthusiasm in the group. It was a long tour with LOTS of walking, so if I had a 1yr old I'd definitely want a stroller for that. We also did the Tower of London tour with the Beefeaters. That was fun too, but more expensive. We also went down to see the Eye. Some of us rode the wheel. I took pictures from the ground. I remember asking about things to see/do in London here on the Chat boards. I got some really good ideas. We couldn't do all of them however.
  2. Alison & Katy - you have my sympathies. Reg - umm.. I'm saying this in the nicest possible mommy voice. "Bless your heart" :nopity:
  3. Generally, I've found that BWI has cheaper flights. I always check all three airports in the area. There isn't a direct flight to Glasgow with BA? Does that matter or are you hoping for the cheapest tickets? The flight to the UK will be quicker because of the air-stream. Going home is longer and it will be tedious. At least it was to me. You may want to consider a direct flight if they have it and it's within your budget. I like BA. We flew with them last year when we went to London. My daughter flew Iceland Air to London. She thought they were very good too. However, they did have a layover in Reykjavik, which I think was standard for the airline. You will get there around 8-9am. Your option is to get to a hotel or B&B as quickly as possible and sleep for a few hours or plow through with lots of caffeine. I prefer the 2nd option. Otherwise you lose a whole day. Buy very comfortable shoes. There's lots of walking in the UK. Plan on it being chilly and rainy most days. How fun!! I'm jealous. I love the UK and I especially love Scotland.
  4. I'm saying that for some people it is a thing. I'm like you. I don't notice that stuff, but others seem to feel the need to notice *and* comment.
  5. I'm sorry. I've found that it's not settings but people themselves. Some people have hair-line triggers about certain topics.
  6. how fun and exciting. I just clam up when I'm nervous. I would have pretended I didn't see him and moved quickly away.
  7. hugs. I don't know about any social groups here, but I bet there are some other groups online somewhere that are for cancer support. You may even find one specific to your mom's type of cancer. I'm sorry this has happened and I hope you find good support. :grouphug:
  8. this, exactly. If I knew it would all be over with in a few months I can wait it out. The problem is there's just no knowing. I'm 53 for goodness sakes. Stop it already!
  9. This has just started happening to me, except mine is 3 weeks on with heavy, heavy flow every day. I think I got 2 weeks off and then it happened again! The first time it happened I did a little research online and it seemed like it wasn't uncommon for women going through menopause. Almost every one of them said that calling to doctors did no good. But, now that this is the 2nd round in a row I'm calling the doctor this week to see if anything can be done. I'm 53 and on a HRT patch. I have had a history of heavy flows but nothing like this. I was starting to go about 3months between periods too and that was wonderful. The doctor gave me Lysteta and the first two cycles, that I had problems, it was like a wonder drug. It stopped those periods in their tracks. But I've taken it these last two times and hasn't done anything, and of course, it's much much worse and happening longer. It's like my body is all messed up. What seems to help is taking ibuprofen and Black Cohosh. I take 2 black cohosh 3-4x per day and it does seem to stem the flow, but if I forget, then it's back to changing every hour.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad for you that you were able to go and be with her. :grouphug:
  11. I'm not sure it is as private as you hope. You may want to ask those who are more knowledgeable about it than I am. I know it's been discussed here before. That said, I have several adult children and would love to join. Do you have a link to the group?
  12. glad you were able to get there and spend time with her as well as being a blessing to your family. Hugs.
  13. Safe travels. thinking and praying for you during this time. :grouphug:
  14. I'm so sorry. Many hugs for you as you do this important work. :grouphug:
  15. Can you go for a day or two before the Bar Mitzvah? Is there a friend you can lean on to help you with some of the preparations that would free you up for a day or two?
  16. This. I would try to drop everything and go. Liver is very fast. I'm so sorry. Has hospice care already started? If not, make an appt. with Hospice and be there the day they come to to intake. It's usually a long process, and it may take more than one day of visits. They can usually do it within a day of the person being admitted to hospice. Try to be there for the initial visit. Usually hospice can be there as much as the family needs, and it sounds like it's going to be needed. I would set up as much as they can provide. The social worker and/or nurse will talk with you and your sister about family dynamics (if they don't ask, offer the information - it helps them).
  17. just seeing this and praying. I didn't realize you had closed your restaurant. :grouphug:
  18. I'm the same way with new material too, especially if it's technical. :grouphug: You can do it!!
  19. so wonderful to see your happy update. Hope you have more time to visit us.
  20. so glad you've said hello. Welcome to our little corner of the internet.
  21. Where the Red Fern Grows (it's old, so it may be hard to find). Bridge to Terabithia My Dog Skip
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