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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. This reminds me: Pipe smoke. My grandfather smoked it and the few times I've smelled it it took me right back to my grandparents house. I love the smell of pipe smoke - much more pleasant than cigarettes, even though it still does damage.
  2. try Vermont Country Store. They seem to specialize in merchandise from the era.
  3. Alberto V05 - the hair conditioning oil. My grandmother used it. It will take me back to my time with her. And Old Spice. Definitely the smell of high school. :)
  4. Rodin's home/museum. It was one of my favorites. If they do a day trip. I'd suggested skipping Versailles and going to Monet's home Giverny. We were greatly disappointed with Versailles and still regret not getting out to Giverny.
  5. These are all so funny. Well, funny and a bit sad.
  6. I had to share with other moms who would get it. I babysit my 2 grankids 2x per week. My 21yr old daughter is home from college for winter break and it's been nice having her here to help me. She's really been great... but today's episode made me laugh a little: She offered to take my 23mo.old granddaughter to the library and then go by Dunkin Donuts, which is next to the library, to pick up coffee and a treat or two for both grandkids. I spend a little grandma time with my 3yr old grandson. About 30min in I get a call from my daughter saying, "I'm going to bring C. home and then go back out to get the donuts. It's really hard taking her places." :huh: :laugh: Why yes, it is hard to cart toddlers out to run errands. Try doing it with multiple kids. :lol: She is filling my car up with gas while she's getting me donuts, so I'm not complaining.
  7. I like David Sedaris, but be careful - you may find yourself laughing out loud on the plane. My favorite is/was "Me Talk Pretty One Day" I also like Sarah Vowell. Her books aren't as laugh at loud funny as Sedaris, but still fairly light. They tend to be more along political topics, but she isn't preachy.. it's more in a: "have you ever thought about it this way before." kind of way.
  8. I have never run out of likes. My love language is definitely not "words of affirmation". Just ask my husband :laugh:
  9. rescue. Although it took a LONG time. I think if you can find a good match via word-of-mouth or friend that would be a nice way to go. I don't know that I'd trust CL.
  10. The thing is, he's a pretty young man. I'd say he's probably still in his 50s. He could easily live another 25-30yrs. That's a lot of damage. David M. seems to have brought it to a whole nother level of awful.. but it was still pretty flawed under LRH. I don't know if can come back from that. Perhaps if someone took some of the good teachings (like their smoking cessation program) and use it alone, it would be okay. Just don't associate with The Church of Scientology. My understanding from 20/20 is that is partly what Marty Rathburn is doing - which got him into more trouble with the church (copyright laws, etc).
  11. Thanks for the update. It's easy to lose these in an old thread, so I'm glad you started a new one. I'm also glad the ALS is off the table. I hope tomorrow's doctor appt. is productive.
  12. Amen!! As a mom I just don't get the teachings that your children should be separated from you at a young age. I just can't. It must be like the frog in the pot of water that is slowly turned up. You don't realize you're in a soul-destroying atmosphere until it is too late. So sad.
  13. I'm still watching too. Did anyone catch the 20/20 episode on Friday? It interviews many people from the show, plus an attorney for Scientology. She' is the one who successfully fought for them to get tax exempt status. But... She's not a Scientologist and even said in the interview that her children went to Catholic school or were raised Catholic or something. Very strange. Here's Mike Rinder's assessment of the show: http://www.mikerindersblog.org/abc-2020/ After watching 20/20 I have to wonder if Leah R. is going to try and interview Marty Rathburn. I'd love to know what happened. I'm still watching, but behind. I haven't seen the episode about the twins yet. It is owned by the Unification Church (Moonies). They are not a Christian Cult. They may have started out with some similarities, but it has long since move away from it. I have no idea if they have cult-like practices such as has been discussed here and other places. I knew someone who was a western convert to their religion. He was married in of one of those mass weddings that they used to do here in the US. He was married for few years to his wife, but later divorced. I never heard him say much about cult-like activities. He left because he didn't agree/believe it anymore. This was many years ago
  14. This... so much. Sorry you've been in the same boat.
  15. oh, if only!! I wish he'd take to his bed and stay there. At least mine isn't too demanding, but still. I wish he would stop wandering around the house and moaning. Oh and sneezing. He cannot sneeze quietly to save his life. It's almost a yell-sneeze - even when everyone else is sleeping. Thanks for commiserating.
  16. He's been sick for 2 days now. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't moan and sigh so much. Seriously? Am I going to have to get the smelling-salts out next? :laugh: Oh, and the man who hounds me to take meds the second I mention I've got some pain has refused all encouragement to take something. :huh:
  17. oh my! I read in the the other thread about Echo's is that there is a way to turn this feature off.
  18. total liturgical nerdom: which lectionary are you using now? I want to say it is a burgundy book but don't want to be confused with the infamous red book. (former LCMS Lutheran and my BIL worked on one newest LCMS Lectionary/hymnal). I like the idea of saving one nice gift to open on Epiphany. That's a great tradition.
  19. my college-aged daughter got one for Christmas a couple of years ago. I think she was still in high school when we gave it to her. She loves it. She's the only one I know that has one though.
  20. my mom was auburn and it was definitely an issue. She died before a lot of this information became available. She suffered a lot. IT was something we knew about her as a family, but doctors rarely listened.
  21. my family. I doesn't bother me as much as it used to though. But one thing that does drive me crazy is bright lights in the morning. My husband must turn everything on the moment he wakes up. I prefer showering with just the night-light on. seriously. It hurts with all those lights. I make my tea with the illumination from my fridge's ice dispenser. Obviously, I'm also not a sun-lover either.
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