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Aquinas Academy

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Everything posted by Aquinas Academy

  1. :seeya: Welcome fellow Canadian! There is no thread where people introduce themselves. You can start your own intro thread if you want, but it's not a requirement as far as I'm aware. In response to the OP, whenever threads like the other one come up I worry people think I'm a troll. In reality, I don't think anyone notices me very much, but I'm a wary wart so I always get a bit nervous.
  2. It happened to me once and I have no idea why. The dish (along with our dessert) had been in the oven for a while when suddenly there was a loud bang and I opened the oven to discover glass and apple crumble everywhere. :glare:
  3. Yes, I've had parents ask me, in the same casual way you mention, if I'll homeschool their kids. I doubt I ever will because for me homeschooling is so much about family; adding a non-family member to the mix wouldn't feel right.
  4. Can I choose all the options? :) My bedtime varies wildly depending how severe my insomnia is. It's currently10:36 here and I doubt I'll be asleep until well past midnight.
  5. Dissections *shudder* Not only will I not do them, but I won't let anyone do them in my house. Co-ops Crafts -- I'm actually trying to do more crafts now because DD 8 loves them so much, but they are my least favourite thing in the whole school day.
  6. I'm British, my DC all have British citizenship, we do lots of memorisation. But the Magna Carta? No way. We read it and that was enough.
  7. DH works full time and has to travel a lot for his work. He's both the native French speaker and the scientist in the family so he helps with both subjects in the evenings and on weekends. He also joins in on family read alouds which are often history related.
  8. I've never been diagnosed, but I suspect I have OCD (and maybe autism as well). I would be interested in a support group.
  9. :iagree:DD 15 tried Thucydides and just couldn't get into it. Herodotus, however, was a hit.
  10. So You Really Want to Learn Latin can be done independently.
  11. 1. I started playing violin when I was 9 and decided within a couple months that I wanted to be a professional violinst. I could have become one except that my hands are too small to play a lot of advanced repetoire. I now play in a community orchestra with a slightly insane conductor. 2. I love the north. I'm not quite sure where this love came from, but it somehow developed in my teens and I ended up getting my degree in Scandinavian Studies. 3. When I was 15 I threw up cooking chicken. I've been vegetarian ever since. 4. I'm terrible at blowing my nose. I'm also pretty bad at blowing out candles and I can't play brass or wind instruments. 5. I go barefoot as much as possible. I would love to do barefoot trail running, but none of my previous running attempts have ended well. 6. Reading is my favourite thing to do. Always has been, probably always will be. 7. I adore languages. If I had an infinite amount of time (and an amazing brain), I'd learn every language in the world. Since that's not the case I try to content myself with French, Norwegian, Latin, and Greek. 8. I have a British accent. 9. I find voting extremely difficult because my political views are all over the map and the issues I care most about are from opposite sides. 10. I have the best MIL and the worst FIL ever.
  12. We do study Latin, but not with the goal of learning English vocabulary. I'm sure their knowledge of Latin has somewhat improved my children's vocabulary (or perhaps it has significantly improved their vocabulary and I'm just unaware of it), but for the most part my kids learn words through reading, and they have all acquired excellent vocabularies this way. We don't use a voacb programme.
  13. Obligatory other. :) I've used the 3rd edition for ten years and can't imagine ever switching. Since we use the metric system here in Canada I'm not interested in the imperial measurements that have been added to the US edition. The only things I've had to tweak are the sections on money. I love the Asian flavour of the 3rd edition; the US and Standards editions are too Americanised for me.
  14. :crying: I have always admired Jack's passion and dedication, his warmth and compassion. He will be sorely missed by this non-NDPer.
  15. Out of interest I searched "why does" on Google from different countries. From google.ca (English): my eye twitch my mom turn me on my keyboard type é my belly button smell my cat lick me From google.ca (French): my mom turn me on why does my heart feel so bad my belly button smell my arm shake and burn bright red when I'm eating dirt From google.no: my mom turn me on my boyfriend want me to poop on him it always rain on me it always rain on me lyrics my arm shake and burn bright red when I'm eating dirt my heart feel so bad lyrics quagmire hate brian my heart feel so bad Canada have two official languages my mom hit me From google.se: the Swedish king wear such silly hats From google.de why does it always rain on me my heart feel so bad doesn't my boyfriend get his period From google.com.sa: linguistics is considered a scientific study of language a round pizza come in a square box a technician wear an antistatic wrist strap it rain lyrics this patient have an impaired two point discrimination my mom turn me on my belly button smell Plato banish poets from his ideal state I had a ridiculous amount of fun doing that. :tongue_smilie:
  16. From the FAQ sectionof the website: Does RS4K teach from a creation, intelligent design or evolution perspective? None! REAL SCIENCE-4-KIDSdoesn’t favor one worldview over another. REAL SCIENCE-4-KIDS focuses on the nuts and bolts of chemistry, physics, biology, geology, and astronomy and teaches kids how to investigate science through the lens of any worldview. In that way, you can give your child the richest source of insight-the ability to evaluate opposing models. Being able to evaluate opposing models is needed both for a solid education in the sciences and to better prepare for an enlightened, thought-centered future. The goal of a quality science education is to give students the ability to think critically, discuss openly, and evaluate analytically.
  17. Here's the link. There are samples of all of their books on the website. DDs 13 and 14 have used So You Really Want to Learn Latin and they both love the books. I think they are very well written, challenging texts with a nice touch of humor. Highly recommended.
  18. Wow! Lori, that post is so helpful! I've got to go, but will be coming back later to read and ponder. :)
  19. :iagree:I am an old earth, theistic evolutionist Catholic.
  20. :lurk5:I'm wondering about this myself. DD13 joined into DD14's history cycle, so she's two years "off". If she continues with her current cycle she'll do early modern in 9th grade. I'm not sure if she should keep going with this cycle or do ancients again in 9th.
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