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Aquinas Academy

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Everything posted by Aquinas Academy

  1. I'm either ISFJ or ISTJ depending on the test. The quote about ISTJ on the Mother Styles website cracked me up, "I have a serious love affair with to-do lists. I could sit for hours reading, organizing, and rearranging my weekly calendar." :lol: Yes! That's definitely me.
  2. Sagira, I think you just became my hero. You've answered all my questions today. :) I'll PM you.
  3. DD14 hopes to become a professional violinist, but she's also very interested in literature and linguistics. DD13 wants to be an eccentric artist and author (I'm told the "eccentric" part is very important) DS9 wants to be an engineer like Daddy DD7 wants to be an Egyptian pharaoh like Hatshepsut :lol: or a ballerina DS6 wants to be a priest DS2 is too young to say
  4. #1 is my favourite and #3 is my second choice. Beautiful photos!
  5. :iagree:Personally, I like to start with a living language (rather than Latin or ancient Greek). Which one you decide to learn is totally up to you. I think French and Spanish probably have the most homeschooling resources available.
  6. Thanks for the schedule, Ellen. I'm planning on doing more of an interest led approach to science next year, so we won't be following much of a plan *gulp*, but I think BFSU will provide a great springboard and guide.
  7. Thank you! I was looking for the Paula's Archives page the other day and couldn't find it. I don't seem to be having much luck with planning history this year. :glare: I'll look at the books listed an see if I can find corresponding time periods. Mallory, I'd love to see your schedule; I'll PM you. If anyone has a list arranged by SOTW chapters, please share. :):bigear: ETA: I have a copy of SOTW sitting on my desk, I just don't have the AG. So, I basically just need to know what the books are about and then I can organise when to read them. If someone already has done the organising, that's even better.
  8. Aquinas Academy, as if you couldn't guess that. ;) It was named completely by accident, but we love it so the name has stuck.
  9. I'm working on our SOTW 2 booklist for next year and am having trouble knowing when to schedule certain books. I'm fine organising the non-fiction books, but I'm not sure about the fiction and literature. I know the AG probably says, but my copy is currently boxed up in preparation for our moving house. Why I thought it was a good idea to pack it up already I'm not sure. :banghead: Anyway, if you'd be so kind to tell me what books you read for each SOTW chapter, I'd greatly appreciate it. :)
  10. Do the lessons need to be done in order or can you jump around a bit? Thanks. :)
  11. Textbooks, workbooks, and HIG (for 4th and up). 3rd edition user. :)
  12. We're pretty settled on Emilie for the middle name if we have a girl. It's the name of DH's beloved godmother who passed away last November. Laura, Caroline, Brigitte, Martha, and Theresa are all in the running for the first name. If we have a boy DH and I've agreed on a French first name and possibly an English middle name. We both love Christophe right now, so we're thinking about Christophe Martin or Christophe Henri.
  13. What are you looking for? A textbook? Living books? Christian? Secular? Is there a particular topic you want to study? If you're more specific I'm sure people will be happy to help. :)
  14. DD7 went to her friend's Brownie meeting last week. They were making Father's Day cards and at the end the leaders asked each girl to share her favourite thing about her card. DD said, "My card is inspired by Salvador Dali and my favourite part is the melting heart". :D
  15. Nansk, you're the best! :) Thank you so much for those links. I've printed and laminated the balance scale you linked to and told DS we can start this afternoon. He is currently sorting his Lego pieces in preparation. :D If I do decide to by HOE I will definitely check out eBay and Rainbow Resource, both places sound like they'll be cheaper.
  16. The day that kindergarten started and I didn't send DD. I'd known for several months that we would homeschool, but that was the moment when I though, "Oh my, I'm a homeschooler now". :)
  17. :iagree:Patriotism isn't important to me in the least. I do want to raise my children as good citizens and I hope that they will be grateful that they live in a country with such a high standard of living, but I don't feel a need to be patriotic. I've lived in Canada, US, and UK, as well as traveling extensively in Scandinavia. There are parts of each country that I love as well as parts I loathe. I don't think any country can claim to be the greatest. Yes, I do have a particular country that I love very deeply (FWIW, I am not a citizen nor do I live there), but it is certainly not superior to other countries. It is simply a nation with which I feel a deep connection. I cannot expect my children to grow up with the same love for that country or any other. They won't have the same experiences that I've had and therefore their feelings for countries will be different than mine. So in that sense, I don't really think that patriotism can be taught. But if patriotism is something you value, then go ahead and do your best to instill it in your children. To each his own. :)
  18. Our current church doesn't have VBS. Our previous parish charged, wait for it, $60 for the first child and $40 for siblings. Plus you had to buy a t-shirt. :eek: Admittedly it was full days for a week and you got a CD. I think they were appealing to people in need of childcare ($12 per day for childcare is very cheap), since I didn't need childcare I didn't send my kids.
  19. Great idea, Simka! Anyone have any deals? :bigear:
  20. AG is my favourite. I've used it for middle school, but it would work well for high school as well.
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