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Everything posted by trailofsparks

  1. Not a Disney World fan here, but it *is* where you took your honeymoon! Seems fitting to celebrate your 10th anniversary there, too. Congrats!
  2. In our home, it finally caught up with me and dh: We had talked the talk, but when it came down to it, we need to work on this ourselves. We have decided to make some mistakes on purpose. Next we will have our dc also make some mistakes on purpose. It's a strange thought. Going to be harder to do, I think. But how else will we become comfortable (and not afraid) to make mistakes? Just sharing my thoughts. Only just beginning to implement. But when I talked to my dc about it, we were all giggling at the thought. Certainly that can't hurt:D
  3. I agree with the other posters. Also wanted to add to make sure he's drinking plenty of water, especially adjusting to the new climate you're in.
  4. Yep, this. I am in my 40s and have experienced too much of other people's drama and crap. I've always been an introvert, but used to enjoy being around others more than I do now. In fact, anymore I rarely want to be around others. I have wondered, though, if this will change when I am not so busy with self education and education of my dc. I only have so much energy to go around!
  5. Write it down and have them sign it. Then keep it somewhere visible for a few days or weeks. That helped reinforce the discovery when mine made it :D
  6. http://www.google.com/search?q=herbs+to+help+gallbladder&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari Do you have any herbs on hand or herbal teas? Check out this link. I also seem to recall taking organic apple cider vinegar in water. Sorry you're going through this! Best of luck.
  7. I watched robins hop across the grass, tilting their heads, listening for and pulling worms. Such a beautiful assurance of spring.
  8. Prayers for your dh and family, plainjane. Peace and :grouphug: to you.
  9. I've intended to take a look at this book for a while now. Just ordered it from the library. Thank you. Thanks. Will do. Thanks for the link and the well wishes :)
  10. I would say, to this point, I have struggled to educate my children classically. The more I try to teach in a classical way, the more I see that I don't understand the nature of it. The *idea* of it is elusive. I am a complete product of a weak public school education, including college. I grew up in a very pragmatic home and am, by nature, intensely practical. This is my "grain". Classical training continues to go against my grain. I am convinced of the rewards of classical education. I understand the stages: grammar, logic, rhetoric and what they mean. I use great books (classics) in our school, though I fall short in analysis and other study. I am barely grasping the idea of teaching "disciplines" rather than "subjects" and integrating them.... Just to give you an idea of where I am in my journey. I think part of my confusion may be rooted in the brands of "classical" education around me. But what I am interested in is the substance. I feel like I have been grasping at the shadow, iykwim. How do I retrain myself to understand, embrace, and teach it? Thanks for any insights!
  11. It's very quiet at my house when I take my kids to the library each week. Maybe if your dh sees them reading....;)
  12. Separate homes and kitchens! I lived communally for a short while with a common kitchen. It was tough. I even gained weight due to eating whatever was prepared for the group. I hate cooking, but this experience was nothing I would want to repeat, especially now that I have a family. Meals and family "go together". I wouldn't want to share family or meals on a regular basis.
  13. Said a prayer for you.... Hang in there. I, too, have negative relatives re our life choices. Stay focused on "the joy set before you" which is the joy of Christ, Giver of all good gifts, and your newest little gift within you. :grouphug:
  14. 75% used - much of it here on the FS board, but also check http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com. I enjoy going to used book/curricula sales and have, on occasion, found books at a Half Price bookstore. Sometimes Amazon used, but not much.
  15. Not Peach, but have you looked at RightStart Math? Very little in the way of worksheets, conceptually strong, interactive (auditory), great manipulatives (visual), and math games for practicing facts.
  16. You are truly lucky to have a dad who, obviously, supports you, your endeavors. :thumbup:
  17. 501 Levis and Polo shirts Birkenstocks and Nikes (which were much tamer then!) :iagree: Someone else mentioned learning "Thriller" dance would be sooo fun! Red Vines (licorice)
  18. :iagree: It seems she was never the person you thought she was. Safe? Caring? No, just judgmental, deceptive, arrogant. We should be able to vent and not be "happy" all the time around real friends. Real friends are a safe place where we can be authentic and free. It seems she couldn't handle this. She's got problems that she doesn't see...and wants to put this whole thing off on you, IMO. Don't beat yourself up. It wasn't wrong for you to trust her. It wasn't wrong for you to charge her for your work. It was presumptuous of her to think otherwise - and on top of it she didn't even communicate directly (forthrightly) with you! Take your authenticity and your friendship and offer it again to someone worthy. All the best. Sorry you are hurting :grouphug:
  19. I vote horseshoe, where you are in a chair that turns and rolls and dc are at either ends with their own space to work. About middle school age I would want (and have) a rectangular table. I figure by high school they'll work wherever, mostly independently.
  20. Here are some names that might be suitable for your very cute yellow lab! Willow Buttercup (smooth, like Buttah) Meadow Honey Sunshine (sunny) Buddy Pal (Pally) Popcorn (Pop or Poppy)
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