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Everything posted by trailofsparks

  1. Kharis means grace in Greek, I believe. Could be spelled Charis, too. Corissa I like Charlotte a lot and Char for nickname. Cameron, and i like Cam for nickname.
  2. Lol, I knew this thread would become a long one - that there would be a lot of us who could relate to you, op! so, I haven't read all the posts.... I think your family needs to see you after you've had some regular, consistent "recharge" time! Maybe you could describe to your family your needs for this and why (difference between introverts and extroverts) and have your dh back you up. Run an experiment for one week to let them see how wonderful it can be when mom is recharged and ready to go! Best of luck to you. I really understand.
  3. Trishe, Godspeed and all the best to you and your 3. :grouphug: and saying some prayers right now.
  4. No...no sweepstakes. I'm sure I've done nothing to deserve this ;) Thanks, everyone. I will certainly be more careful online, uncheck any stupid little boxes :D I will return the bill, unpaid of course, with the word cancel written across it. This beats phone calls and emails!
  5. :rant: I have had this happen before.... Dealt with them by several emails containing threats that if they don't stop harassing me with unsolicited magazines and subsequent billing, I would report them to the BBB. They stopped. But it looks like a couple years later and they are at it again. I'm not interested in going through this again, wasting my time and energy. Do you ever get this hassle from any company? What if I just ignore them? Can they tag my credit rating? is it even legal what they're doing? Sheesh.:rant:
  6. I am sorry for your losses and your son's losses. Just a thought.... When and how you decide to move forward will be met with greater success if you each take the time you need to grieve these losses. The grief stages are so integral to the restoration process.
  7. i really like most of what I see in Trisms and think it may be the best fit for us. Trisms is so remarkably different from anything I've used or looked at. I have spent hours going over everything on their website (several times) in order to envision what implementation in our homeschool might look like. Phew. Still can't quite get my brain around it. If you use Trisms... What spine(s?) do you use? Also their "resource packages" are very sparse. Could you state which subjects you add/replace. (Ie: If you add a lab science, which curriculum? Do you use their timeline? Would you begin a timeline with HM or wait until starting DAW? Re: world view, do you read portions of the Bible chronologically interspersed? Do you use a curric for that at all? Church history? What % of resources are 1) Internet 2) encyclopedias 3) books you provide - either at home or from library 4) other? Iow, what is your standard approach per topic researched. Our background: Christian (not reformed, Protestant). I tend to get "paralysis of analysis" when there's too much "going on"; fewer subjects, far deeper is how I operate best. Ds is a naturally independent student - if anything, I wish for a good read aloud spine so we can overview together. He and I *need* points of connection in this pursuit - open to ideas to facilitate this! We have a writing program (CC), Latin (Henle), Eng grammar (R&S), algebra (VT and Foerster's), spelling (SWR), general sci (Apologia). Other things to add? Thanks so much!! I'm beginning to feel some relief to think we might have found a curric to work for us! :tongue_smilie:
  8. Are you familiar with the teachers in the VideoText DVDs to coma pre for me? Ds is having some complaints about VT (not many), but we are supplementing with Foerster's and a word problem book. Thanks!
  9. First, thank you to everyone who responded to my post. I looked at all suggestions, and really like most of what I see in Trisms and think it may be the best fit for us. Trisms is so remarkably different from anything I've used or looked at. I have spent hours going over everything on their website (several times) in order to envision what implementation in our homeschool might look like. Phew. Still can't quite get my brain around it. If you use Trisms... What spine(s?) do you use? Also their "resource packages" are very sparse. Could you state which subjects you add/replace. (Ie: If you add a lab science, which curriculum? Do you use their timeline? Would you begin a timeline with HM or wait until starting DAW? Re: world view, do you read portions of the Bible chronologically interspersed? Do you use a curric for that at all? Church history? Our background: Christian (not reformed, Protestant). I tend to get "paralysis of analysis" when there's too much going on; fewer subjects, far deeper is how I operate best. Ds is a naturally independent student - if anything, I wish for a good "read aloud" spine so we can overview together. He and I *need* points of connection in this pursuit - open to ideas to facilitate this! We have a writing program (CC), Latin (Henle), Eng grammar (R&S), algebra (VT and Foerster's), spelling (SWR), gen sci (Apologia). Other things to add? Thanks so much!! I'm beginning to feel some relief :tongue_smilie:
  10. Since oldest got into middle school yrs, dh has become increasingly involved. I am still primary - still selecting all curricula - thank God. But having some feelings that I may have to ask dh to back off a little :D actually, it's working well and I'm really grateful he is actively participating.
  11. Thank you, everyone! I'm in the process of checking into each one of these - especially Trisims and Biblioplan, since they come doubly recommended :D Feel free to include other considerations! Wn't be making up my mind for several more weeks. Thanks!!
  12. 3-4 cycles of history, corresponding geography, literature books, and timeline would also be nice; not a smorgasbord of choices for activities - just simple, concise, yet goes deep. This would be for my rising 8th grader who is very dialectic, sometimes rhetoric level. I would customize for my younger from there...with appropriate literature books, but otherwise do this with them. I'm looking for lots of ideas to research. I know I am not interested in TOG, MFW, DW. These are too involved for me. Biblical view is a must, but do not want preachy, doctrinally-saturated materials. We enjoy listening to SOTW CDs as supplemental. I was looking at History Odyssey. It has the writing component that I wouldn't use and the timeline looks OK. If you have used this, do you think I should consider this program? Also, I would have to supplement w/more literature books. The ones listed for this level seem light for us. I've looked at Omnibus (sort of) but thought it looked a bit dry, but perhaps I'm not giving it a chance. Again, any thoughts? I am open to hearing more about your experiences w/these or any other programs you think would be a good fit for us. Thanks SO much!
  13. Boosting her immune system via supplements, herbal or vitamin, and perhaps juicing. There are alternative medical treatments - and I don't mean to discourage you or your mom since she has elected chemo treatment, just saying she can boost her health to strengthen her. Yes, I would go the first time and see from there what she needs. Must be scary. :grouphug: for you and her. All the best.
  14. Did the first dentist show you the x-rays by chance? Did he point out the dark grayish part that appears to have penetrated the enamel? Anyone else have this experience in the initial exam and "mouthful of cavities" ? I'm asking b/c my youngest had a recent similar dx....and I've been wondering if I should get a 2nd opinion, as you all have. Hmmm....
  15. RightStart for many reasons. The manipulatives make sense - a specially designed abacus, which discourages finger counting and, later, encourages a transference to using a mental image of it. Plenty of practice pages, if needed....but the corresponding Math Games are more fun and a fantastic way to build skills. All this...and more :D
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