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cave canem

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Everything posted by cave canem

  1. I have experience with racially diverse fraternities going back to the 80s. I also knew fraternities whose membership was all black or mostly Jewish. Sometimes this had to do with the organization's historic mission at the national level. Sometimes the national targeted a minority group for membership but the local chapter rushed ethnicity-blind. I don't think any ethnic group is excluded from the Greek system. I don't know whether individual fraternities are not open to nonwhites.
  2. I think that is the right way to look at it, but I don't think ebay gives you a choice in that situation.
  3. The difference was $10, which seemed like a lot to some people.
  4. An item was listed on ebay with a projected shipping charge. After the item was sold the seller noticed a less expensive, by about $10, shipping method with the same delivery window. The seller thought this was a windfall for him. An observer thought the seller should refund the shipping difference to the buyer. What do you think?
  5. Whitestavern, which state do you live in?
  6. That emoji is such an inspiration to those of use still in the trenches. Thanks for all of your help and don't ever change!
  7. roughly 74 x 48 inches 12 or 15 pounds washable, well-fitting cover, easy to remove and replace, in high-quality, comfortable cotton Does anyone know a source?
  8. I really hate this sort of thing. Unless I am certain that the target would really enjoy my meddling, I don't see why my thinking that bothering the property of another is funny makes it OK. Our car had a few balloons inside, some writing outside, some metal (cans?) dragging in back. It wasn't difficult or time consuming (broken hyphen) to live with, caused no permanent damage, long term (broken hyphen) embarassment, or expense.
  9. No boxsprings at my kids' dorms. At home the bedspreads cover boxsprings.
  10. Has anyone found the magic bullet for the hassle of bedmaking the upper bunk? I have seen fitted sheets with an zippable top sleeping surface, a pseudo-flat sheet attached to the fitted on two sides, and a fitted comforter. These all have advantages and drawbacks. Does anyone have a favorite specialty linen for the top bunk sleeper who likes to change sheets often?
  11. I haven't read it. I am trying to decide whether it is worth buying, for $10.80.
  12. https://www.amazon.com/Arguments-Deleting-Social-Media-Accounts/dp/125019668X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530206859&sr=8-1&keywords=ten+arguments+for+deleting+your+social+media+accounts+right+now
  13. bumping because I am also knee-deep in books.
  14. We need a macbook for the next two weeks. What sort of place does short-term rentals for personal use? The options I can find online require five or more units or only supply to businesses. Any ideas?
  15. intracranial meningioma suspected based on MRI. Is PET scan useful for differentiating from cancer?
  16. All Who Go Do Not Return by Shulem Deen describes some of the fraud in this educational system. ETA: I posted without clicking on the link. Now I see that the article in the OP is by Shulem Deen. I highly recommend his heartbreaking book.
  17. I know such a large student body can't be characterized too easily, but we are wondering whether the campus has a discernible vibe. We have experienced the sports vibe, the party vibe, and the serious pre-professional vibe. There is a lot we like about Cincinnati on paper.
  18. One of his interests is mechanical engineering, which is easy to find. The other is industrial design, which is typically in the college of art. He is still deciding.
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