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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. If you only had 3 days a week for school, every other week 4 days, what would you focus on and how would you structure your days/weeks? The days we have out of the house we could maybe get 1-2 things done. We will do Story of the World audio and other audio books in the car. 3rd and 5th grades.
  2. Our library has kits with a picture book and audio to check out as a kit. We used those when they were younger (like curious george aND similar). Now they listen to audio books most nights.
  3. What brand is it? We have Genesis bows for the kids. If you are in a city, check regulations. We have an acre lot and can't shoot the bow on site as it is equivalent to discharging a firearm.
  4. MN north shore area. Several great state parks with day hike options
  5. I reached a point with my dd where I gave her a chart to use so we could move on to multiple digit multiplication and then division (Math U see). She understood the concept so i figured the mastery of facts would come, and it has.
  6. No opinion on color. We did a natural maple. But what I do love is the tall height vanity we made.
  7. Leftover pulled pork and baked beans. Corn and some rice cauliflower on the side
  8. Medallion is one of the brands we have a quote on We have a couple of local guy quotes coming in too. DH would never go for IKEA. He wants all plywood construction. We built our last set of cabinets and just don't have the time this go round. Thank you! I am still tweaking the final design and options. It is a small space we have to work with but I am trying to arrange everything in my head and make the best use of space. We have a lot of wasted space I feel. Drawers in the lower cabinets are something I am considering. Either that or doors with pull out shelves. Not sure which I'd prefer. I'm sorry. That really stinks. Thank you! We are really intrigued by this! It might be the perfect compromise between building everything and just ordering from the big box stores. I have requested a quote from them as well. If anyone has layout tips or other things they like or wish they had, I'd love to hear them. One thing I want is garbage cans in a cabinet. We have a U shape layout with a peninsula separating the kitchen from the dining area. I am debating if I do a counter to soffit cabinet to "end" off the kitchen.
  9. Do you have a brand you can recommend to use or recommend to avoid? We are looking to do our kitchen soon.
  10. The state parks here have camper cabins. They have bunk beds and a table. They also have heat and electricity (most anyways). You have to cook outdoors and bring sleeping bags We use them early or late in the season so we don't have to worry about overnight temps. Still have to walk to the bathrooms too.
  11. We do. We had a Scamp trailer and sold it when we got grandpa's fishing boat. We do tents or camper cabins depending on the trip. We also stay at a rustic resort sometimes. It has a dry sink and private outhouse. The girls have gone since they were babies. Dd1 was 11 months on her first trip and dd2 was 5 months.
  12. The Soudan mine is a must do. They have 2 different tour options. A mine tour and a physics tour.
  13. I'm curious as well. I see them as an advertiser in my Facebook feed.
  14. Letters from a skeptic by Greg Boyd Surprised by faith by Don Bierle Both come to mind in addition to others mentioned.
  15. The airport has volunteers as do nursing homes to be companions to residents. Kids at an elementary school could read to her, our locally schools have programs for that.
  16. Right, but the op was asking about enrolling in a charter school. Again, Anyone who makes a choice that is different shouldn't be made to feel wrong. Each family can research what is the best option for their family at any given time. If they don't research what they sign up for that is ignorance, not getting "sucked in".
  17. I don't think it is fair to say that homeschoolers get sucked in. People homeschool for a variety of reasons. Not everyone is opposed to all things public school. The OP was asking about charter options, thus would know that a charter student is not a traditional homeschool student.
  18. Here is some of what I sent to a friend. The girls are enrolled in the distance education part of the Worthington, MN school district known as VIBE. Harmony Education is the curriculum provider for them. Each student gets enrolled in 4 core subjects: math, language arts, social studies and science. For each of the core subjects you get to choose from a few online curriculums or choose their FLEX program. The flex program gives you $125 for the subject with the requirement that you submit a worksheet every 2 weeks. The worksheets follow the schools approach of a survey of subjects each grade. So with the girls, each had a worksheet or 2 at their grade level on plants, and a couple on basic physics/gravity, etc. They jump around and follow more of a traditional school method of covering a bunch of subjects a little bit each. You can mix and match, if you want to do science using an online option and then do the rest FLEX, that works, or any combo you want. If you do use FLEX, you can combine the funds among students and subjects. So for example if you spend $25 on math, you can lump the remainder into science and then have $225 for science. So, in addition to the 4 core subjects funds ($500 total) you get $300 for general education expenses/extras. We bought a bunch of art supplies. And you also can get an electives kit or participate in the options day. We chose Options Day. This school year it is weekly from 10-2:30. The kids have Karate, art, music and science labs. So to recap. If you do all FLEX option, you get $800 per student (it is less for kindergarten). And the weekly options day. You have to submit one worksheet in each core subject (math, language arts, social studies and science) every other week (18 days total per school year). 1st semester was crazy for us, but I have liked our approach so far 2nd semester of just doing worksheet after worksheet until we are done. My goal was end of January, but with my mom's health, it will be pushed out to a couple weeks into Feb. But once they are done, I will feel like I can focus on some things I want like Logic of English, Bravewriter, using some of our science kits, building model rockets and having American girl doll get togethers with friends. So if we continue with the program next year, we will do all worksheets ASAP to get them done and then proceed with what I'd rather do. We do come across some things like fractions for example that we just haven't hit in our math sequence so I just teach to the worksheet knowing we will come back to it when our math book says to. Le t me know if you have other questions
  19. Alaska might. This year MN has Harmonyed.Com we do their flex program and receive some funds through that. Harmony is in 3 other states too, I don't recall which ones off hand though.
  20. I learned 1 1/2 years ago. It is super awesome to have your kids shout "killed it mom" from the back seat and keeping track of how many times I did so.
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