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Everything posted by abacus2

  1. You definitely need a print version, but I'm tempted to order the Kindle Version too for easy access to book suggestion lists when out at a bookstore, library, or curriculum fair.
  2. I think the newer edition of TWTM should help make your decision because they explain why they changed their recommendations.
  3. This looks like a great list to me. :)
  4. Other. I'm new enough to this that I'm not really sure how things are going to be for us long-term. This is our second year homeschooling. My biggest regret from my 1st year homeschooling is that I didn't start changing curriculum the second half of the year when my curriculum choice wasn't working well for us. I kept resolving to work harder and be more consistent rather than addressing the underlying issues that weren't working. Now I have some subjects that I love what we're doing and some that I like what we're doing. For subjects that are just at the like level, I am on the lookout for a better or best choice that I had missed before or wasn't available previously.
  5. I've been reading through The Well-Trained Mind, which is an amazing book, and trying to decide how these recommendations will impact my homeschool in practice. The recommendation that is giving me the most pause is notebooks. How do you maintain so many detailed notebooks? Where do you store them all? Do you reference them again or do they just end up stored as records of your child's work? I'm also really unsure about Latin study. Have you found it to be worth the time investment or do you see more value in spending that time on other academic pursuits? My local libraries are not close (20-30 minutes away) or good. What, if any, companies sell book packages for the classical model that include everything you need? What other recommendations have you tried and liked or tried and not liked?
  6. My DH received his masters degree online from Nova Southeastern University. We were very pleased with them. They do offer Psychology online.
  7. My mom makes a "tuna" salad that is mostly egg. Drained tuna, chopped hard boiled eggs, a little sweet pickle relish, and mayo.
  8. DH asked me to homeschool, so yes. He had a terrible school experience. At first I was nervous and unsure about the idea, now I can't imagine doing things differently.
  9. I don't know about WP, but have you already done core B or B + C? The World History Sonlight Cores would be appropriate for your 8 year old and more accessible for the tag-along 5 year old.
  10. Other: both good and bad. From my Christian perspective, people are created in the image of God (good), but sin has also affected all (bad).
  11. Wow! My DH did this once when he was a kid. I can't imagine a kid pulling that many. Yikes!
  12. My kids love it, too. I let them pick which copywork sentence (WWE1) to do and they both insist on the longer one every time.
  13. I just found my Homeschool Buyers Co-op Math Mammoth order in my gmail spam folder. It was sent April 5th, but I didn't know. So if you are waiting, check your spam folder.
  14. I love Betty Crocker Cooking Basics. It really is a beginner cookbook with lots of pictures and detailed explanations.
  15. We don't have an HOA, but we do have deed restrictions so if a neighbor is being ridiculous, any other neighbor can take them to court to get them to fix things.
  16. I am laughing so hard. This is the best so far: (I’ve just finished making a sandwich for a customer. I am new at this, so he double checks what I do.) Customer: “Did you forget anything?†Me: “No, sir.†Customer: “Are you sure? You remembered the cucumbers and turkey?†Me: “Yes.†Customer: “And the lettuce?†Me: “And the tomatoes, pickles, mustard and mayo, sir. It’s written on the–†Customer: “Mayo? What the h*** is that? And you left out the mayonnaise! Why did you do that?†Me: “But, that’s what I said.†Customer: “No! You said mayo! That’s not what I wanted!†Me: “I put in mayonnaise. Mayo is just an abbreviation.†Customer: “Abbreviation? What’s that, some kind of fruit?â€
  17. I love the way that HWOT teaches writing these letters. I also have my dd form the letter shapes with her left and right hand, look at them and see that the left hand comes first and makes the b shape like b comes first in the alphabet. I also have a letter chart with uppercase and lowercase letter that she can look at to remember which letter is which. Initially, she would sing the alphabet song through the chart to remember the letters.
  18. My wishroom: http://thepioneerwoman.com/homeschooling/2009/09/not-to-belabor-the-point-but/
  19. You're probably right about that. WIC isn't the same kind of program at all. It's goal is too improve nutrition for mothers and babies, not help low income families get by. WIC does not provide money for food; it supplies certificates allowing families with young children to pick up specific supplemental nutritious food at a grocery store. My family of 5 could make nearly $48,000 a year and qualify for WIC.
  20. Drop the Sonlight Language Arts and switch to what you like. It is my experience, and I've seen others say the same thing, that Sonlight's writing requirements are above the rest of the language arts. We are now using FLL, WWE, ETC, and AAS.
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