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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. I am at a loss as to what to get my two uncles this year. They are both in their 50's, single, no kids, both work long hours -(one is a railroad man, the other a janitor), and they both could be described as 'loners'. They both have a rather minimalist lifestyle. They are not into computers, electronics, movies, music, home improvement, gardening, tools, cooking, etc. They are rather 'outdoorsy' and they both like shooting (target practice) and fishing. I can only spend about $25 (or less) on each one. Any ideas?
  2. Maybe 'break' was too strong of a word...but it forcefully 'un-fuses' the joints in your skull - the ones that fuse after birth, (think of a baby's 'soft spot',) ....and then they fill in with new bone. (Just like what happens when a broken bone heals) Here is a blog entry that talks more about expanders. (Be sure to read the comments... they mention both good and bad about expanders.) http://thethinkingmother.blogspot.com/2007/10/speech-altered-with-palate-expander.html
  3. WOW! Our family had the flu last week and BOTH of our cats were acting sick, too (wretching, sneezing, meowing miserably....) This week they are fine. I'll bet you anything they had it.
  4. I buy used. I'm on a budget, but I also sort of get a thrill about hunting down bargains. I've learned you have to start early...and be very patient. Eventually I get almost everything I'm searching for - the other stuff I order form Rainbow.
  5. There are different versions Some people do a word wall out of sight words, others just use their kids vocabulary/spelling words. But most make a word wall out of word families (Example: The -at family: hat, bat cat, etc. ; the -ip family: tip, nip, ship, etc.) You can also do prefixes/suffixes Ch- : chip, chop, chicken, etc. You make cards out of sentence strips or 3x5 cards and as the student learns a new word, he places it on the wall under it's proper family.
  6. A cross bite is where one of the jaws is shifted to the side of the other. (There's a sample photo on this page) http://www.invisalign.com/WillWork/Pages/WillFit.aspx?&txtReferringSite=45&txtCampaign=09SEARCH&utm_source=Google_Paid&utm_campaign=invadultsearch
  7. I'll be the voice of the opposition...:001_unsure: We are choosing NOT to go this route for my daughter. When I read what the device actually does (forces apart/separates the bones of the skull!) it really freaked me out. I have also talked with our niece (who had one) and said it was excruciating for the first few weeks when her mom would turn the key (when the bones were being broken apart.) She also developed a lisp, and...her nose widened! Now, my DD doesn't have extreme orthodontic problems like an underbite or a crossbite. Her orthodontist said he would like to use the expander because, "her measurements were a little bit off." After researching it further, (and getting a second opinion,) DH and I just said, "No." Her ortho thinks he can still achieve the desired results with headgear and springs (?). So we're going to go with that.
  8. Elijah Wood ( from Lord of the Rings) was homeschooled The Jonas Brothers are all homeschooled Spencer and Abigail Breslin Barlow Girl LeAnne Rimes
  9. This happened to my kids. They had the high fevers and felt lousy for a couple of days, got better, and then the fevers returned. The second round DD's cough turned into croup. :-(
  10. I wanted a linear timeline, yet one that didn't take up much space...this was my solution.... http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/foxvalleyfamily/730749/
  11. No - I think CLE is very complete. The lessons are quite long (4-5 pages,) and I think it would overwhelm my kids if I supplemented with anything else.
  12. My (asthmatic) DH ended up int he ER with 'the flu.' The nurse told us that 'the state' would not allow them to test people for H1N1, so they were just assuming that all flu cases were H1N1. :confused:
  13. The Britax Regent has been discontinued, but there are still a few around (they would have a shorter life, however, because they would expire sooner than a new seat.) The downside of the Regent is that it is just a harnessed seat, and will not convert to a booster, so you may still need to buy a booster if you child doesn't fit an adult seatbelt when she outgrows the Regent. Another seat you may want to try is the Graco Nautilus. This one is sold at most Walmarts/Targets, so you could see if the slot height fits her. The Nautilus does convert to a booster. Other boosters to consider - The Britax Parkway and the Sunshine Kids Monterrey. Both of these have nice tall heights, and offer deep headwings for added side-impact protection.
  14. Can you measure her torso? (Have her sit on the floor and then measure from the floor to the top of her shoulder.) Depending on her torso height, I may be able to recommend a few harnessed seat, otherwise there are several nice high-back boosters (other than the Turbobooster) that would offer upper body protection.
  15. CLE It's wholesome, academically rigorous, and easy to teach.
  16. Based on my personal experience, I would NEVER recommend it. I had one ...and it is a decision I regret SOOOO much that it brings me to tears. I have some heart problems, and my cardiologist thought that another pregnancy would not be a good idea, as my last two pregnancies really exacerbated my arrythmia. We had 4 healthy children, and so when I had to have surgery to remove an ovarian cyst... I asked my OB/GYN to tie my tubes. worst.decision.ever. I wish I had thought to get a 2nd opinion from another cardiologist, because there is not a day that goes by that I don't pray... "Please God...let me be one of those women who miraculously get pregnant even though she's had her tubes tied." Now that my youngest is older...I would give anything for another baby. My kids beg for another sibling, and I admit...our family just doesn't feel 'complete' yet. (Dh admits it was a mistake, too.) Now I struggle with 'contentment' (being grateful for the wonderful family that I have... vs. knowing that I could have had more children if I wouldn't have tried to take a decision into my own hands that should have been left up to God.) I would really recommend thinking about other options before doing something permanent. Oh...and yes...my periods have been much worse since the surgery. Heavier, longer, more cramps, and DH says that my PMS is waaaay worse too. :glare: If it truly is something you are considering...I would highly recommend talking it over in depth with your DH...and possibly a pastor/counselor. It is NOT a decision to be entered into lightly.
  17. I got the one at Target for my wiggly boy, too. It has worked out really well for us.
  18. If you're into cute/county style graphics I really like these sites http://ritvasgallery.com/ http://snogirl.snoville.com/ http://www.hshpgraphics.com/freegraphics.htm http://amretasgraphics.com/ The graphics are free...you just have to remember to download their icons and post them on your blog to give them credit.
  19. It depends on the book. If it is intended for younger audiences : The Wind in the Willows, Black Beauty, The Secret Garden, etc. then I prefer the unabridged versions, but if it is an 'adult' book with more mature themes, or if it is super long we will sometimes read the abridged versions (example: we are reading Ben Hur in the abridged version right now)
  20. Much Ado About Nothing The Princess Bride Ever After
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