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Everything posted by jenncslp

  1. I am looking for a timeline covering founding of America to present (or as close to it as I can). I was wondering if anyone might have favorites. It's for my daughter with Down Syndrome. We're just starting to do some history (she's still working around 4-5 year old level) and I thought it might be helpful for her to see the progression. Also, if you have any curriculum suggestions, that would be awesome too. I'm getting some of the "If you lived..." and "A picture book of..." books for simple descriptions. Thanks!
  2. Thank you for all the inspiration ladies! We've had several weeks of sickness, but I'm finally getting back to the purging. My goal for the rest of the week is the homeschool/office room. It is the biggest mess. I've just agreed to do an informal meeting with some local moms of kiddos who have Down syndrome. All the moms want to homeschool and I'm going to bring my materials. I'm thinking that really looking at what we use and like will help me pare things down. Now off to work!
  3. My latest blog is: http://uniquekidsuniquemamas.wordpress.com/ ...but I have got to get better about posting on it!
  4. I don't have any schedule input right now, but wanted to say, "WELCOME"! :hurray:
  5. So glad to see this thread today. I recently finished reading "Simply Classical...A Beautiful Education for Any Child"...and after reading it, I've realized my kid isn't classical either. I love some things about classical education, but for my girl with severe special needs...I have to be practical too. She needs the practical too!
  6. Well kiddos with CP can really vary in their strengths and weaknesses. So, can you tell us a bit more about them? Do they know English? Verbalize?
  7. An Amazon gift card...I seem to have a never ending wish list.
  8. I do it, but I don't know that I feel successful at it all the time! I have a 12 year old with Down Syndrome and a 2 year old...and they are not very independent workers. I have to work during naps, bedtime, or when I can keep them busy with a video or some structured play. Unfortunately I don't have any childcare help and really don't have the extra money to hire any. Sometimes we work a lot on school, sometimes I have to focus more on work. I basically do what I need to do to keep us afloat. Public school did not work for us, so I will basically do whatever I can to keep them at home. (And I do love being with them!) Organization helps...if it is a priority, you will do it!
  9. Love this thread! So many great links to follow and things to think about. Thank you to all who contributed!
  10. I am so sorry for your loss! I haven't been able to read through all the responses, but thought I would throw in my two cents. I was about 25 when I ended up losing both of my parents during an 11 month period. I lost my mom the first week of grad school. It was such an incredibly difficult time. I tried to push things aside and study my heart out and quite honestly it hurt me in the long run. I would not push or pursue any difficult work at all. There are some days that you're doing good just to get out of bed and remember to breathe. I would actually do what someone suggested, journaling. I would also find things to do with your hands...maybe some handiwork, crafts, something that could be a creative outlet. You can still cover the basics, when you can...but just focus on everyone's emotional well-being. Hugs and prayers being sent your way! Jenn
  11. It seems to be the norm here, and I hate it. It makes me so mad and I feel like I'm not worth their time.
  12. As a former Amazon seller, I have to say, they are still paying a percentage to Amazon in commission (because they have to pay on postage too) even if it's priced at .01. Many of the big sellers have auto pricing programs that lower the prices to match someone's lowest price, so that can lower them. But you can still make a buck or so off of little paperbooks if you can mail first class. People that are selling hundreds of books can still make decent money that way.
  13. I'm in the midst of purging...I definitely have a lot of books, but my real downfall is educational toys. I'm getting ready for a big consignment sale in July, so I'm hoping I can get rid of a lot there. Now, who said they had FIAR books to sell, because I may need those? :-)
  14. Some of our favorites are: getting a "Squiggle writer" vibrating pen (Amazon), it is great for kiddos to hold and try to write with and builds up strength. Also, hiding buttons, beads or even counting bears in putty or play doh. I have some ideas on this pinterest board http://pinterest.com/jenncslp/ot/, but I think there are others scattered throughout my other boards.
  15. Amelia Bedelia cracked me up as a child, now I worry that my daughter will try to imitate her. However, (I'm a Speech Path) one of the best conference session title's I've ever seen was "Does Amelia Bedelia have Asperger's?"
  16. What kind of language skills does he have? Does he understand all language directives? Complex sentences? Was he tested through a verbal IQ test? If he has any language (receptive or expressive) issues, he should only be tested by a completely nonverbal IQ test. Otherwise the scores are not accurate. And yes, as someone previously said, children with an IQ of 70 can definitely learn to read. ...I don't have time to write more right now, but wanted to get that 2 cents worth in there. Keep plugging away, mama!
  17. I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you! One thing that popped out of your post at me is that you said she wouldn't sleep without meds. Has she been tested for Smith Magenis Syndrome? Many times it's misdiagnosed as autism and features an inverted sleep cycle. I wish I had some other advice, I will pray!
  18. My daughter has Down Syndrome as well. I would encourage you to look at whether he is truly able to move on to 1st grade. I have held my daughter back twice in the early years (even though we homeschool) because I feel that it's beneficial to have as much of a solid foundation as she can. Some things that we have used are: -Handwriting without Tears -Sight reading program from the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County (all available for free online) -Leap Frog products for phonics and alphabet learning. -Numicon for math (Made for visual learners/especially those with Down Syndrome). i'm attempting to build a website/blog to share our other speech/language materials. But those are some of my academic recommendations.
  19. I haven't used the diapers, but I have tried some of the other products. I love the fruit/veggie wash. The bubble bath was okay; but I really don't like the shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo doesn't really lather at all and just doesn't seem to work well on my hair. It also has an "orange sherbert" kind of smell that I'm not fond of. I think I'm going to give a few more products a try, but overall, I'm not overly impressed.
  20. I'm so happy to see this thread. I just got my first "Project Life" kit for Christmas and I'm so excited!! Can't wait to check out all this other information. Thanks!
  21. Thanks! I hope your family gets better quickly! I hate seeing kiddos with fevers, they just look so sad.
  22. Everyone seems to finally be getting better here. Both of my girls had a virus, then one of theirs turned into a sinus infection, one and ear infection. Then I got it. It was really bad for a while, but now it is just the crazy lingering cough and some congestion. I will say, this year seems horrible! Almost all of my friends have been sick and several kiddos even hospitalized. I don't like it one bit!
  23. I haven't even read through all the quotes because it was so upsetting to see such a lack of empathy by some. Do you understand that these children are being given a death sentence because of this? That sweet, innocent children like my daughter, born with extra chromosomes would be basically tied to a crib and starved for her life? That is the truth of the matter. The Russians don't want their children with special needs...and thankfully we were able to help them before this. Yes, you hear about the few bad adoptions...but what about the thousands upon thousands of good ones, where the child was given a chance to live, grow, thrive, learn? This is a HUGE deal, because it's about LIVES!!!
  24. I'm in this time! I had set 52 books as my goal for this year, and finally finishing the Bible. I tend to read a lot of self-help/non-fiction books, but I think it will be fun.
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