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Everything posted by jenncslp

  1. I live in Nashville, Bellevue area (just moved back here because of its central location). I love this area! I register with an umbrella school, Home Life Academy, and it is easy. Feel free to pm me if I can help. I love Tennessee; hopefully you will too! Oh, and I'm about 7 minutes from McKays...it is one of my favorite spots!
  2. Here's another vote for a Shark! Best vacuum I've ever owned!
  3. I lasted less than a day at a cold call center for selling tickets to the Policeman's Ball. They literally gave me a phone book and script. I called and asked for one man and his wife answered and said he had recently passed away. I gave my condolences and ended the call. They yelled at me and told me to call back and SELL! I'm so not a salesperson. I lasted less than a month at a preschool. They trained me, then the director and lead teacher both left for a conference. They left me in charge and I still didn't know much of anything about the actual center. The first day a fire broke out in the lights. The third day there was a massive lice outbreak. I was so mad! I've had some crazy jobs...one temp job I had turned out to be so much fun (when I thought I wouldn't like it). I ended up being hired to do "Banana reports" every morning. I had to call grocery stores to get the status on whether the bananas our company delivered were good. Let me tell you, grocers can get really upset about the ripeness of a banana. But it was a funny job.
  4. I've used some of these cards with language clients before: http://www.superduperinc.com/products/view.aspx?pid=FD30&s=irregular-verbs-fun-deck Maybe they would help.
  5. I use it all the time, but you do have to wait for many books. I just recently got Story of the World from it.
  6. I just wanted to thank everyone who posted to this great thread! There is so much information here! I loved the Little House books (though I only read one or two) as a child. My 2 1/2 year old is totally in love with the picture book series. Of course her favorite is "Jack". (I'm so sad to hear that Jack was sold :-( ). I'm hoping that I can go through this series with her as she gets older.
  7. I didn't read all the responses, but I would definitely let them know up front what type of placement you are wanting. I did medically fragile. Between all my kids at the time (4), I was averaging over 30 appointments a month. It was too much for one person, I couldn't do it. While you learn to be flexible on some things, you have to set your boundaries on others.
  8. Well, it can be difficult. My hardest issue was that I had one that had to go to public school (because foster kiddos are not allowed to be homeschooled here) while we were homeschooling, while the medically fragile sister was home. It was hard adjusting to the public school schedule-and a big wake-up call to me about how little time I was able to spend with her during school days. I would plan on initially taking it easy and not stressing about how much you are getting done. It takes a while to juggle all the appointments she will have, along with her getting adjusted and used to your home. However, it's a great time for your whole family to get extra practice in love, sharing, giving and flexibility. If you have older kids I would also assign them each a time period every day where they play/teach the new foster child. It will give you a chance to focus on something, and they will gain some valuable leadership skills. It's quite the journey-I hope to start again soon. Enjoy!
  9. I don't know, but I feel for all of you that deal with it constantly. I took in a little 5 year old who was disrupting from a local adoption for a while. She had just been (finally) diagnosed with Smith-Magenis syndrome, which causes an inverted sleep cycle. She would fall asleep frequently throughout the day (so many times into a plate full of food), then be up 1/2 of the night. It was SO hard!
  10. We just had another 11-year old (in TN) die this week from complications of the flu. I do not usually get the flu shot, because for years I did, and got sick right after it. However, I got it for both of my girls-one has Down Syndrome and heart conditions (and her cardiologist would flip his ghourd if I didn't) and the other was a micro premie. My daughter with DS and I both got pneumonia and were down for 3 weeks this season, so I'm praying we're done with illness for this winter!
  11. As an Ebay seller, I say, go through the official process. You can get your fees back. You don't want them to be able to come back, leave negative feedback and be able to get double their money back!
  12. One time as a teenager I went to a restaurant with my mom. I got a breaded, fried shrimp. When I bit into one, I found a paper rolled up with numbers instead of shrimp. There ended up being several on my plate that way. My first job was at a little "Tea Room" (where I had to wear an outfit like "Alice", complete with tennis shoes). One day the local restaurant reviewer came in and sat in my section (she went to our church, so I knew who she was). I served her a muffin with her coffee and she found a used bandaid baked in it. The restaurant got slaughtered in that review...but she raved about her server, who was mortified and apologetic. I've also found maggots in a Reese's cup from a vending machine. Yuck!
  13. I had the first one you posted, and it quit working after a couple months. Right now, I'm borrowing a friend's extra one (same kind). I love it when it's working, but I know several people who have had trouble over and extended period of time. The other's are just SO expensive!
  14. I'm literally cringing at the thought of a bat in my room. Please, Jesus...NEVER!!!!
  15. I would highly recommend the book, "Teaching Math to Individuals with Down Syndrome". There are a lot of tips and ideas for teaching. They also encourage using the calculator. Math is very tough for most individuals with Down Syndrome.
  16. I remember someone recommended a great book last year for keeping Christmas simple. However, I've searched and can't find the title of it. Does anyone else remember this? Thanks! Jenn
  17. I can only find the melt-a-ways at Target (grape) and Walmart (Bubble gum). I try to keep them with me.
  18. No wonder I'm not making it!!!
  19. You can put that in your listings, but I don't think you can enforce it. I'm pretty sure ebay gives them at least 7 days to pay. A pain, but some people take their time.
  20. I have a lot of homeschool stuff pinned, decorating, recipes, food, websites. Love that place! http://pinterest.com/jenncslp/boards/
  21. You definitely need to get it checked. As a Speech Path that was one sign that I always looked for to refer for PT testing. With her history that would be a big red flag. If your pediatrician doesn't refer or you can't go without it, I'd say get a new pediatrician.
  22. I second what other's said about just easing into life. I wouldn't worry about formal schooling yet. But I wanted to say, just read her story and she is amazing! What a beautiful family. I love to see how God puts families together!
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