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Everything posted by TracyR

  1. There's a small book that Christian Light sells for like $3 Its called Basics of Diagramming http://www.clp.org/product/basics_of_diagramming_1637
  2. :iagree: I'm interested in the few other codes. I'm not on BabyCenter. can someone post them? I don't feel greedy about it at all since I have four kids. That equals to about , oh umm, a year each!
  3. Wohooooo!!!!! My daughters love Reading Eggs. This is like the Holy Grail! LOL
  4. Well, it all depends. There are some that they are just wired that way, BUT most are taught from infancy to read believe it or not. Many of those families use the Doman method. Programs like Monkisee, Your Baby Can Read, created to teach babies to read. I remember once coming upon a mom at our local Y who's son was 3yrs old. He was reading 1st grade books all by himself. I thought to myself what in the world did you use to get him reading like that. Eventually I worked up the nerve to ask and she said he picked it up when his big sister (who was 6 at the time) was learning to read. So I thought , well my kids aren't like that. That those kind of kids are just wired that way and those weren't mine. Fast forward to about 12 yrs later and my youngest daughter was 3 yrs of age. She saw the Your Baby Can Read commerical and jumped up and down telling me she wanted to read. I thought no way in the world would I ever waste my money on that stuff. I was all sure it was a scam of some sort. Other then that little boy I never knew anyone who's child was reading at a young age. To me that was a rare thing. At least that was my assumption. When my daughter was 4 we saw the Your Baby Can Read video on the shelf at our local Walmart. Maggie saw it too and insisted we get it. So I got it, with the expectations of that I had just wasted $60. Boy was I wrong! It was the best $60 I ever spent. She got up and reading in less than 2 months. After that I learned about Monkisee and Brillkids. And have those products. Now my 5yr old reads better than my 8yr old any day of the week! She loves, loves , love to read and to be read to. She reads 2nd grade books that my 8yr old comes home with from school. So she's got to be at least a 2nd grade level,, maybe even higher. I don't know. I haven't tested her on her level of reading. In the end , there are some kids who just pick it up and are wired for reading. And there is the other half that are taught very early on how to read from infancy. p.s. If you don't believe me. Visit the Brillkids forum and see thousands of families that teach their babies to read and do it successfully.
  5. Thanks everyone! I'll get seperate boxes. I just wasn't sure and didn't want to get another one if everyone said that all you need is one!LOL
  6. :iagree: This is very similar to us. My mil is a very nice person but she's not warm at all. Not a joking person, doesn't smile much, isn't and was never affectionate with her two sons. His dad is a little bit more affectionate but not much.. She's very reserved. I've never seen his parents be affectionate. Never have heard in the 16yrs we've been married I love you. They fight, argue and bicker. I've maybe seen her give my husband a hug once in 16 yrs. Now I came from a more warm side. My mother was a wonderful person. She loved hugs, and kisses. She loved to know what I was doing as a teen. She and I would spend many a nights up talking about different things. My mom loved to joke and she had many, many friends who loved her. Very , very different from my mil. My husband said they really weren't involved in his life growing up as a child. Most what he can remember is that they went to work , he went with a baby sitter or school, and that was about it. He and his brother were pretty much on their own as far as that went. They did go on family vacations though once a year and that was their family time. Where as we never went on vacations but we did experience life together as a family. Of course my family has their dysfunction too. My own father is not a warm person. He doesn't really talk to me much and I'm his own child. He never comes and visits us ( he lives 45 miles away) and my kids really don't know him. They do know my dh's parents though. If my mom were alive today they would have loved my mom very much. She was my mom , and she was my friend.
  7. Yes, tumeric has very good healing properties. Great for inflammation. I know at times my right shoulder starts hurting. If I use tumeric it stops. I do it a bit differently and drink it as a 6% solution. 1 Quart filtered water to 1 TBSP of tumeric. Simmer for 15 minutes and let cool. You can drink it. Though the first time it can be tough to get down, it has like a woody taste to it. But if you keep at it then it becomes like drinking anything else. You just do. I got used to the taste quickly. Some people use tumeric capsules. I add it to our egg salad sandwiches and other recipes.
  8. Its really up to you. I find nothing wrong with preschool at all. Its a time for them to get out, do something different, learn that they will be okay with out mom for a little while and that you'll be right back to get them. All four of my girls attended preschool and they did just fine. It gave me time to work with my other kids for just a little bit out of the day and with my last one it really helped. She has health issues since birth and began to relate anyone who wasn't I or my husband as someone who was going to hurt her. Even her own grandparents. She did a year of preschool and we accomplished that mission , she no longer sees her world that way. That there are other people out there who aren't out there to poke and prod at her. She's now quite the little social bug. Academically its disappointing. But even when my girls came home from preschool they wanted to do their school work. I never pushed it on them ever. It was something they wanted to do and I let it be that way. Preschool can be a positive experience and if you know its a good school then it won't hurt her. But then you also have to look at it from another perspective its going to cost and arm and a leg for it too and you can't afford it. You can still provide her with a positive experience being homeschooled for preschool at home too. You can find lots of preschoolers at the library when they have reading times, the YMCA was where we found many friends when we joined doing swimming lessons and the sort at the time. If you live near a homeschool co-op you can find friends. Anyways its up to you , its your decision. One thing is for certain I never had any issues with a good preschool. Its after that is when I say , Keep them home.
  9. I just got our AAS Deluxe program and AAS 1 stuff along with it today. I am very impressed and my 5yr old is ready to go. She loved helping me put the magnets on the letter tiles. Anyways, with the box that comes with it to put the cards in. If you use this program with other children do you buy one for each of them to store their cards in? Or do you just add them to the same box? Hope its not a silly question. Still learning about the program at the moment. But was just wondering if I had to get one for each child or if the whole program can fit in one box.
  10. Of course you can use BJU independently. When I first started homeschooling that's all I could afford. They had Homesat back then. But I couldn't afford it. We did just fine with what we had.
  11. Personally, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had a few thousand dollars to spend on homeschooling For starters I'd buy a full curriculum for all of my girls instead of bits and pieces. I'd buy it all new instead of used. LOL I'd make sure I had a good printer (which I do already), plenty of printer ink and paper, markers, paint, construction paper. Oh heck I'd even get an Ipad. LOL I could go on and on with what I could do with $3,000.
  12. Just to add. Our dues goes towards food, craft supplies and any paper, ink that I need to print out our newsletters, activities etc., Patches and the end of the year banquet we have. Other then that we are still to new to do any field trips on our own ( not counting Council trips) yet. Our meetings are after school hours and most parents are working anyways. Its hard to get good help. Its me and one other mom with 14 girls between Daisy to Caddette. So unless I get help,, we aren't doing field trips until I do.
  13. I only used MUS once for my 2nd daughter and gave it back to the lady that let me borrow it. Didn't work well for my daughter at all. That's the extent of our experience with MUS. Anyways be sure your child takes the diagnostic test before placement. CLE's scope and sequence is VERY different from MUS. So don't be surprised if your child places a level or two (or more). Just start them where it says to start them and go from there.
  14. Both are good math programs. R&S is mastery, where as CLE is spiral. CLE has a good amount of drill so kids really can't forget. There is always review. Its very balanced. I always say don't fix it if it ain't broke. But if the lessons are dragging you down you could always give it a try. CLE is inexpensive enough you can buy a couple of workbooks to see if it works or not. That way your not out a ton of money either. Be sure to have your child take the diagnostic test. CLE's scope and sequence is much different. So don't be shocked if she has to go back a level or two. Totally normal. Just start where she needs to be and go from there.
  15. :iagree: Yup.. CLE. Directions in the workbooks are very straight forward. If you need more there is more direction in the teachers manuals. You can't go wrong.
  16. Sounds like a troop we once belonged too. We left. I usually stick things out but we couldn't do it anymore. My daughters weren't even having any fun. So we found another troop. In all actuality in the end I started my own troop. Its ran out of the private school my two middle ones go to. I have 14 girls and we have fun. We don't do field trips unless they are ones that Council puts together ( we usually do Bowling, Christmas Caroling, Swimming and Thinking Day and sometimes skating). Parents pay the price. I don't charge much for dues ( its a $1 per meeting twice a month). We're still a new troop. Its my second year so we don't have much money to work with anyways. Plus we didn't sell much cookies this year :<( We do projects and arts and crafts. Honestly I'd much rather do Keepers at Home or some other Catholic club instead. Girl Scouts is getting awful anyways with its books. The new ones are awful , and don't really cover anything worth doing that would be useful for life skills.
  17. We have an Ipod Touch and am happy with the quality of it. Its quick , fast to surf the webt. Etc. With that said its like a 1/4 of a pad. I told my daughter,,, I want the whole Pad. LOL! There are more apps for the Ipad than there is for the Kindle for sure.
  18. Not allow to do homeschooling with pj's on? Seriously.. I thought that was one of the perks of homeschooling? Of course my kids don't do it everyday but, really. At some point my girls put their clothes on because they have to go to some sort of activity. Even my two middles who are attending private school right now their school does pajama Day! LOL Most days for my 14 yr old its by 10 oclock she gets dressed. My 5yr old doesn't like to stay in her pajamas to long. She likes to get out of them as soon as she can. ON the days they wear pj's all day they just wear their jammies to bed. If they wear clothes , about 7:30pm, it time to get ready for bed and put on the jammies. Take a moment to watch the 7 myths of homeschooling debunked... watch it through its entirety. I think you'll appreciate what the teen says at the end. LOL
  19. Our tooth fairy tends to forget from time to time. My 12 yr old still believes in the tooth fairy and she's finished losing all of her teeth. LOL We did cover it up with " Maybe lots of other kids lost teeth the same day you did and she didn't make it in time before you woke up. So put it back under. I bet she'll come tonight." One time we forgot to put the tooth under the pillow and still had it in a baggie on our fridge. Just told our daughter that it wasn't under her pillow. That she wasn't going to look on our fridge for it. If he still believes. Let it be. Let him figure it out for himself. We played Santa for a long time and my daughter last year ( who was 13 at the time) told me, " Mom, I already know you and dad are Santa. I've known it for a while. But I just played along because I saw how happy you and dad where when you got ready for Christmas. So I just didn't say anything." We let her decide when she was ready to accept it. I think its mean and cruel for other to take that joy away , especially when they still believe. So tell your hubby to keep it to himself and let your son figure it out for himself. :>)
  20. I don't know. My daughter wants to play the violin and she's 5. Either way you really can't go wrong.
  21. :iagree: I'm surprised they didn't tell them to leave. She just endangered her kids life?? Crazy. Sounds like your Y needs to change some things so that doesn't ever happen again.
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