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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Is that Michael Phelps? :lol: Congrats to both of you. You got married when you were, what, 12?
  2. You. will. love. it. Promise. You will be amazed how much you can push into that thing and still shut the door! You will be amazed how quickly your clothes will dry. You will call the buzzer Yankee Doodle like my dh does :) Some days I'm sad I don't have any laundry to do. Now THAT's amazing.
  3. Agree with this. In fact I've not sold anything with our current move for this reason. So many WTB ads request excellent condition for "reasonable" (code for cheap, wink) prices. I've enjoyed giving things to friends who can come by and get them from my house, thus no hassle with the post office for me :)
  4. I have worn toe socks on my hands when running in the winter - sort of like long formal gloves LOL which gets back to the original issue of the queen, :lol:
  5. Website of an AWESOME Texas group - http://www.caedmonscall.com/ Thanks for the update - it feels like we've all birthed this baby together :) :grouphug:
  6. You might try CBS (Community Bible Study). I used to be a children's leader and we had a student who had an epi-pen. We never needed to use it - thank goodness! - but we both (the other teacher and I) knew how to use it just in case. :grouphug:I'm sorry this happened to you.
  7. http://www.latimes.com/news/education/la-me-test8-2008aug08,0,7851692.story Ya think? :glare:
  8. Does she have any of the James Herriott books? All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small, etc..... Also she may like The Waterhorse and other Dick King-Smith books (the author of Babe) - though they may be a bit young for her.
  9. I would say this, plus the fact you live in Alaska, plus the fact you ordered at their busiest time of the year.... all add up to slow slow slow.:thumbdown: That's great though that you get state money - is it from the pipeline or ?? Agreeing with others that I would call them on Monday. And just FYI I know from past experience that phone orders are quicker, I'm not sure why - maybe they call it back to you and can tell you the status of any backorders right away. I once received a box from them within a week when we lived in the UK - but that wasn't in the summer. :)
  10. My dd has reached the point where she is ready to take the first "summary quiz" - but we can't find where exactly this is on the CD's. Can somebody help us out? Thanks so much!
  11. I'm with you on that. THis time we deliberately waited till summer to move, to get a clean break with activities, etc. It worked really well. :grouphug: Don't beat yourself up too hard. You've had a kinda sorta international move - you are a long away from the mainland anyway, and about 5 timezones away :) As far as school is concerned, your children are still fairly young to worry about getting full credits. And remember that public schools never finish the textbooks. The one year my dd went to "regular" school, I was SHOCKED at how little they did finish.
  12. PSAT for practice in 10th, for "real" in 11th (for scholarships) You can take any of the tests any time, a friend's dd took ACT in 10th and made a 31. Your student might not be fully prepared for the math or science but only you can decide. One caveat, the College Board will send ALL the scores to any colleges you request, not just the highest score... although I think I read going forward the SAT will send the highest of each of the sections, regardless of the number of times the test was taken. Your test center will determine the fee of the test. My dd took the PSAT last year at the local ps high school and we didn't pay anything. I figure our taxes paid enough to cover her test :) Try this for the ACT http://www.actstudent.org/
  13. Look into having her take dual credit, it might be free if she's considered a high school student.
  14. Scholars Online has a Chemistry course. We've not done it but I've traded emails with the teacher - she would welcome any questions or concerns you have. http://www.scholarsonline.org/Info/science.php
  15. Next year my dd will be 11th grade, so we'll follow WTM's suggestions and study Federalist Papers, US Constitution, Common Sense....I intend to allocate 1/2 credit to Government. Not sure what I would do living in Canada. For Economics we'll watch the Teaching Company's videos and we may read a textbook they recommend. Otherwise, I'm not sure :) We'll still do the other books rec'd in WTM as Literature, but she's a prolific reader and we generally read year round.
  16. Does your local high school give 2 credits for each year-long course? I would think it would be only one. You might check their website for specifics. One thing you may consider is using some of her "credits" as extracurriculars. My dd will be a junior this year, and I haven't totally figured out what will fall where on her transcript. Some will be for-credit courses, some will be ec's. At this point I'm making sure we are covering all the basics for a college prep course of study. :)
  17. I get that. Stay on the forums all night till it's too late to call :lol: Where in AL are you? I'm from B'ham originally.
  18. I agree with this. I totally understand wanting to know her thoughts. I think though if she were "hot" to move on it, she would have done so by now. OTOH if she's mulling it over, your phone call won't turn her hand in your favor. I think patience is your best bet.
  19. They both carry car care products, maybe that would work. I've also seen bottle water and some nice trash cans. Will they expire, or could you use them after your move? Trust me, you will spend all that (and more) at home improvement stores when you move :)
  20. Just an encouragement.... I tried to like the Hobbit- 4 times I tried to like it - but could NEVER get through it. Picked up LOTR and read all 3 books in one weekend. Granted I was sick as a dog and couldn't get out of bed - but I would have read something and was glad to have read them. :)
  21. No. I think you did the right thing in NOT saying anything, even if in hindsight you think of a cute retort. Somebody like that should just be avoided, like an aggressive driver - just get out of her way ASAP. Remudamom's idea of calling 911 would be the right response, if anything.
  22. :iagree: How horrible for that child to say that - you KNOW it's coming from the adults in his life.
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