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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I've not seen a nightgown but Michaels carries clothes for 18 inch dolls, and the price is even better with their easily found 40% off coupons :)
  2. Hmmm...I'm thinking you have only 3 of the 5 total test sections - Critical Reading and Math have two sections each, and there is one section of writing, for a total of 5 sections. actually scratch that - what you need is the conversion tables :) Critical reading - 42 = 71 Math 30 =64 Writing 33 = 66 Total score = 201 :)
  3. This morning dd asked me to pray that she would be a blessing to the other students in her room. :thumbup1:
  4. I read somewhere the computer can't read the answer sheet if the answers are recorded with mechanical pencil, and will record the test as a "0" :eek:
  5. :willy_nilly: Are you talking about me???? (where's the helicopter mom smilie??) Are you part of our club or is ds firmly planted in CC these days? Thanks for the good wishes. I think the hardest thing in our house was getting up at 6:00am:lol:
  6. Could you find a school testing on Saturday or would she still need to stay off it then?
  7. We spent a weekend searching and researching, emailing homeschool groups over there when we were offered a transfer a few years ago. We decided to turn it down - if we were in the early days of formal education, we would have used the local schools for language immersion, alas we were on the cusp of high school. :crying:
  8. You know, I remember from last year that they collected all the cell phones. We'll ask tomorrow morning. Thanks!:001_smile:
  9. THAT is really strange. I'm surprised her parents let her do that. Of course this is what's on my mind these days - but I wonder what college admissions committee people would thing of her name :lol: We did all our dissections at a nearby museum with other homeschoolers, as I recall we did a worm, a heart, a fish, an eyeball, a brain, a lung.... several plants.... I'm sure there were others but that's what I remember :)
  10. I'm so sorry. As good a reputation as MDAnderson has, I've also heard they don't like to be questioned, sort of like they're God. :glare: If you can get treatment there that you're happy with, I would go with that and get it over with, rather than having to face it on your return - you have enough other issues back home :( :grouphug:
  11. Yeah, between NCLB and the TAKS test, it's amazing anybody learns anything in Texas public schools.
  12. Maybe Houston can take a lesson from Dallas ISD's playbook - don't fail anybody! Unbelievable. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6057845.html
  13. The website says it's optional. I didn't know whether it was tracked for verification purposes.
  14. For each correct answer, you receive one point. For questions you omit, you receive no points. For a wrong answer to a multiple-choice question, you lose a fraction of a point. For a wrong answer to a math question that is not multiple choice, you do not lose any points.
  15. I'm sending my dd with a sweater (she's cold natured) and a cell phone to call me when she's done :)
  16. This is the PDF for test administrators - http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/psat-nmsqt-supervisors-manual.pdf
  17. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. You said no hugs (and I totally get that) so how about a firm hand squeeze instead.
  18. Robin! I just found out yesterday we'll be in Houston for dance Wed. - Sat. 10/29-11/1 - is that one of the weekends she's performing? do you all have a website?
  19. They're not but well worth the 10 pounds or so. Churchill took a nap there every day during WWII. Fascinating!
  20. THey may enjoy doing a brass rubbing, also in the crypt. I believe they're open late-ish in the evening, after the museums close. They might like the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower, when they go through and lock everything up for the evening. Agree about theatre - our London favorites are Les Mis and Lion King. Here's a place for discount tix http://www.lastminute.com/site/entertainment/theatre/
  21. Aw,:grouphug:you're NOT a loser mom!!! Personally I hate goody bags and all the junk in them just ends up in the trash. Especially since you don't know how many children will participate, I wouldn't give one more thought.
  22. Will you get to tour the campus as well? Dorm layout is big on my list these days :) We toured SMU today and I really liked the layout of their dorms - most were suite style - 2 beds in each room with a bathroom in between. We've also learned to ask whether the school has any requirements of homeschoolers that are different from other students. I would also get somebody's email or phone number - the admission counselor, tour guide, etc. - in case you have other questions. Enjoy your day! I love college visits - just one aspect of my new role as guidance counselor that I'm enjoying ;)
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