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Everything posted by warriormom

  1. If you live in GA, you can get salsa on channel 8. Do a search for your area. I love using it and the kids love it!
  2. Thought this might be an interesting thread. What are your favorite apps to reinforce learning in home school/after school? Do you use a great app for foreign language? math? language arts? memory work etc?
  3. Thought this might be an interesting thread. What are your favorite apps to reinforce learning in home school/after school? Do you use a great app for foreign language? math? language arts? memory work etc? :bigear:
  4. You did not come across as snotty at all. Thank you for telling me about your dn. I want to build up some of my kiddos vocabulary before my husband starts speaking almost exclusively in spanish.
  5. This may be a ridiculous question. Do you think learnables 1 can be used for a 5 year old if mom is learning right there with him? I am looking at the CD-Rom.
  6. I am glad to know that I am not alone with trying to get dc to speak spanish. Thank you for your recommendations.
  7. I have learned so much from this forum, but I want to hear more about language learning (spanish). Any great forums you can suggest? Articles? I am bewildered on which program I should use with a K with exposure to spanish with dh and grandparents. This is not enough to moving him toward speaking spanish comfortably. I think I am rambling.....:D
  8. Ok, I am totally confused about which spanish curriculum to use for my 5 year old (and my 2 year old through osmosis:)). I originally thought I would use learnables, but he may be too young for it. Then, I considered Getting Started with Spanish, but the author and a fellow forum board member said he may be too young. The author mentioned that I can teach him through rote memorization with GSWS. My dh is spanish speaking (bilingual). EVERYONE tells me to have him just speak to them in spanish. He does but the kids need something more (since he does not speak exclusively to them in spanish...he wants for his kids to understand him). Any suggestions? I do not want to get a curriculum that goes in one ear and out the other. :) We want a good program that they can retain since they will be speaking spanish with dh and in-laws. Of course dh will reinforce and follow up with review. FYI, cost is an issue! Here are the options I am looking at: 1. Learnables Spanish 2. Getting Started with Spanish 3. Risas y Sonrisas 4. The Easy Spanish Junior 5. La Clase Diversitad 6. Puertas Abierta Please tell me your EXPERIENCE with the program. :tongue_smilie:FYI, I loved Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. If I could find something like that in spanish, it would be GREAT!
  9. Do you think it might be ok with a 5 year old who's father is spanish speaking (bilingual)?
  10. What do you plan to use after GSWS? I am considering this program, but the only drawback I see is that there is no second book in this series for spanish. Any suggestions?
  11. :iagree: I had thyroid issues after doing my first marathon. Get your hormones checked.
  12. I agree, but it wastes my time. This is not a "once in a while" issue. This is pretty regular issue that I face teaching him. It is very frustrating. BTW, sometimes this happens at the beginning of the day.
  13. I totally believe it is important to let your kids know that you are "crazy enough..." to do what it takes for their benefit. I am totally a fan of John Rosemond that believes that the punishment should way outweigh the crime. You should make it easy on you and harder on them. My grandmother would have packed up the legos or playmobile if it stood in the way of her kids learning. sorry to ramble...
  14. What do you do when your child gives you "nonsense answers" during school? When I am speaking about "nonsense answers" I mean, you teach a concept 3-4 times and they give you a wrong answer just to get your attention or mess with you. BTW, I can tell the difference with my ds between generally not understanding the concept and just "messing with me." He usually confesses. :rolleyes: I really do not understand why he does this.
  15. Ok, my husband and I are going to go to a Classical Christian school in our area to interview. I would LOVE for my husband to listen to at least a GOOD logical introduction to classical christian education (explaining the trivium etc.). I would prefer to find an mp3 to let him listen to on his way to and from work. Any Suggestions? :)
  16. Love the names: Zion Micah Eva Gabrielle Isabel Gabriel Noah
  17. Heart of Dakota is great if you want something more religious (Christian). Kumon has some awesome curriculum. Oh and I love the letter of the week curriculum: http://www.letteroftheweek.com/preschool_age_3.html Be sure to pick up the Leapfrog phonics DVDs. They are incredible. Also I love the Leapfrog refrigerator magnets. Once they have letter recognition and basic phonics start with something like "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy lessons" or "Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading". Hope this helps!:)
  18. I think you may be on the wrong board. Try the high school and self-taught board. :tongue_smilie:
  19. I am planning on using the Phonics Page movies with my son- http://www.thephonicspage.org/movies.html after we finish TYCR100EZ lessons. After that, I am considering starting All About Spelling. Be sure to let us know what you decide because I might be interested:)
  20. My only problem is that I have to administer breathing treatments every 4 hours. That means middle of the night and nap time treatments :crying:
  21. I just took my dd to the doctor today to find out that she has pneumonia :sad: I have never had to administer a breathing treatment before. The doctor showed me how. Is there a trick to administering a breathing treatment to a toddler? Or is it just hold a toddler tight with the mask on their face and watch them scream for 10 minutes?
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