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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My grandmother/woman who raised me had no idea what I was reading; didn't care, never asked. And I read a LOT. The book that had sex in it that I read in high school would be The Raging Quiet and The Handmaiden's Tale. I was already afraid of sex hurting and those books made it worse. I wasn't properly prepared when it came to sex and it's affect my wedding night and every night since in a negative way. I intend to be very careful about how I teach the "birds and bees" to my daughter so she doesn't grow up having the same dysfunction I have. :(
  2. It's being lied to and made a fool that made us feel like victims of the cheater. That would not have been possible to do to us if we had known. THAT is why, not because they'd didn't "share private business."
  3. Actually it WOULD be for the sake of the third party. I've been that third party that wasn't told what was going on. This left me in a position to be lied to, TO MY FACE, by the cheater, and I had no idea. She did the same thing to her brother, my dh. We were completely hurt, betrayed, and felt like fools when we found out the truth from someone else. This is why family members have have the RIGHT to know about an affair on the part of a close family member; to keep them from becoming victims of the cheater as well. And whether adultery is abuse or not, both dh and I agree that it is emotional abuse.
  4. I'd forgotten about my cousin's first husband until you mentioned this. She found out he was cheating when she tested positive for an STD. :glare: Turns out he got it from her best friend. Isn't giving someone an STD and not telling them considered a form of assault?
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: I understand, though I have positive feelings about going back to the NICUs my babies have been in. We went to the reunion picnic back in CA every year and I'm sorry to be missing that now that we've moved. We became good friends with the moms of two kids who were next to ds4 the whole time. Writing the experiences out on my blog has really helped to just let it go emotionally for me. Once I've written and posted about a certain aspect it's like the emotions grow dimmer and they're not as close to the surface as they were before. Maybe that could help you?
  6. That's what happened to us, too, despite my discovered 7 tips for easier chicken mummification. In my defense, though, I became pregnant halfway through the waiting period and was to sick to stand up and change the stuff.
  7. ITA with everything Scarlett has said. I also believe that if adulterers were publicly shamed there would be less of them. I understand the "hate the sin, love the sinner" mentality, but with my SIL? My in-law's attitude with her makes her think that they've forgiven her when she hasn't repented! So she can't understand why Dh is insisting on holding her accountable for her actions until she actually repents (and repents for lying to us as well.) Pretty much she's gotten away with it so she doesn't see negative consequences. (Besides losing contact with us.) Added: The rest of the family knew what was going on before Dh and I were told. Because we didn't know it allowed SIL to lie to us about why they were divorcing. So when we found out the truth, we were extra pissed for being lied to by the cheater. I think all family members should be made aware so that they can't be lied to and hurt worse.
  8. Ds4 wants to be a Minecraft Zombie (he doesn't play, but he watches big brother and Dh play.) Ds6 wants to be a PB&J Sandwich. Dd will be a ladybug. <3 My kids are young and are happy with simple, homemade costumes. Last year they were Bob the Builder and Super Why. (Ds4 still loves the Super Why costume I made and wears it often.) The two years before that they were Thomas the Tank Engine and Percy. (They loved the costumes and characters so much they wanted to wear them two years in a row.)
  9. Dh's adopted sister cheated (emotionally) on BIL for their entire marriage and ended up leaving BIL a few years ago. Dh cut off contact with her because she lied to our faces about why they were separating and she treated BIL really horribly, and we like BIL. She also doesn't think she did anything wrong about anything and won't take responsibility for her actions. Oh, and she stood in front of our church and God and promised to raise our kids to serve Him if something happened to us, but it turns out church "really isn't [her] thing" and she didn't believe after all. So for us, it was more than just the adultery. Dh's family still talk with her and don't mention what she did. She moved away to live with her bio mom (she moved in with Dh's family when she was 16) so we haven't had to see her or talk with her.
  10. My favorite first day of school was senior year where one of my teachers asked if anyone besides me had the answer. :D That had happened before, but never on the first day!
  11. We celebrate the our first day of school, and I've seen other homeschoolers post pictures like that on facebook, too.
  12. Why is it my second ob didn't seem to know that?! I told her I thought I was swelling in my face (with a history of HELLPs with my first) and she just brushed it off and ignored me at an appointment the day before I collapsed and had to go to the hospital with severe preeclampsia. :glare: (I also had high blood pressure at that appointment.) OP, with my history of preeclampsia for this third pregnancy they wanted me on bed rest near the end when it was creeping up to the 130/100's and to go in if it stayed at 140 for several hours. If you can bring it down with water and rest, then don't freak out about it. If you're doing that and things to relax (I watched videos that made me laugh and What To Expect When You're Expecting on Netflix instant) and it goes down then you're not in danger; just keep a calm eye on it. I got an arm monitor (not a wrist cuff) when I got my positive test because I knew it was something I was going to have to keep an eye on.
  13. Mine are! My first wasn't quite 7 lbs and my others were preemies. In fact, I took pictures of Lady Bug in American Girl doll clothes! :) That said, I have three newborn onesies, one that is short and fat, one that is medium length and even wider, and one that is half the width of the second one but several inches longer. Babies come in all shapes and sizes. My rule of thumb for buying/making for other's babies is to go big: they can always grow into it.
  14. Thank you for thinking of this! This is something I thought about, too. With the last initial "W" we avoided any middle name that began with a vowel. I also knew a kid in 1st grade who's coat of arms project had the initials "JAM" and a girl in middle school who's initials were PMS and she acted like it!
  15. Tubal ligation with my last c-section. Doctor cut, sutured, and BURNED the ends so if it still grows back then I wasn't listening to God when I made the decision. (Said tongue-in-cheek.) I may get baby fever, but I almost died with the first two and the third I was incapacitated with HG for 5 months and then on bed rest because of pre-eclampsia, week long hospital stay, and had to have my baby at 36 weeks (4lb 10 oz) soooooo, yeah, not going through all that again. :glare:
  16. What age? I didn't have my 1st grader/ 6yo write his narration because he's weak in handwriting and our regular handwriting was more than enough for the day. I don't think it hurts them to write on blank paper, so doing it on the back of the illustration is a good idea. We used the activity book so I had him color or do the pages or activities from there and a narration. I wrote the narrations on paper and just kept a log of them to reduce paper usage. And we did do a narration for each sub chapter.
  17. I've got codes for another 7 weeks free on Reading Eggs at the bottom of my blog post review of them. Also kids can learn a lot from the free games on PBSKids.org, especially the Super Why, Cat in the Hat, Sid the Science Kid, and Wild Kratts games and video clips.
  18. I purchased the materials to make ribbon embroidery sunflowers as a thank you gift for a friend.
  19. Walden Two by B.F. Skinner addressed this and I would love to live and work in his fictional community.
  20. There is a great series "What Your ______________ Needs to Know." I'd skim through those for starters. There's also by the same author (I think) a book called Cultural Literacy, which should fill those gaps, including government knowledge.
  21. International Folk Dance Group! It was loosely affiliated with the school aka you needed someone on the yearbook team to be in the club for it to show up in the yearbook. The year before I joined it was in the yearbook, but my three years it wasn't. It was also loose enough that some of my fellow yearmates volunteer with the group now, and they attended dance camps for years after high school.
  22. I tried ironing on my kid's Sparks patches and it didn't work. :confused1: So I sewed them on. Has AWANAs started EVERYWHERE? Cr@p, I'm late....
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