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Everything posted by chickenpatty

  1. Lol, my six year old saw it and said, "Are you going to get one, Mommy?" Funny!
  2. ROTFL!! The first part of the dog breed I mentioned in my post was automatically **** out! LOL, I really didn't mean to say a bad word! :eek:
  3. This thread is bringing back a very vague memory... I think I recall a friend's ****zu's eye popping out. It was due to some kind of trauma. Ewww... I do like pugs, though. I want one of those or a daschund.
  4. I've fallen off track recently - sick one week, and dd's diabetes diagnosis last week. But, seeing as I'm signed up for a 10k in early April, I think I'll be hopping back on the treadmill ASAP. Your outdoor running experience sounds so wonderful! We just finished listening to The Trumpet of the Swan, so when you mentioned trumpeter swans, I felt like you had seen someone famous! :) Louis? Serena? Say Hi to them for us. Cheyenne:cool:
  5. Can you tell me a little more about these? I don't like the idea of dd having artificial sweeteners on a regular basis. Thanks!
  6. I'll second the buff orpingtons. The two we had were good setters. I want to get some more & raise chicks to sell. Buffs are sweet, too. Until they get broody, that is!
  7. I've found some online, but I don't know... they look "iffy". Like, a package of cream cheese and a couple packets of splenda doesn't sound very appetizing. :confused: Any tried and true recipes?? My mind is so full of counting carbs/insulin/blood glucose levels [dd was recently diagnosed as type 1 diabetic], that I'm even dreaming about it at night! It all still feels like a bad dream. Thank the Lord, dd is handling it all very well. But, I sure could use some recipes or ideas. The nutritionist in the hospital wasn't very helpful. We'll see the endo tomorrow, so hopefully will get some more help in this area.
  8. I know you've gotten a load of advice already, but... Write down every single thing -and the exact quantity thereof- that you eat every day for 3 weeks. You will be amazed at how many calories you are eating. I did this and realized I was eating well over 3500 calories a day. No wonder I wasn't losing weight despite running for 22+ miles a week! It is hard work. Good luck!
  9. Is there anyway he could be taught/apprenticed(?)/take a course on hands-on type of things, too? A skill? Mechanical stuff? A girl from our church's christian school graduated last year and didn't go to college right away. So, the school did a "continuing education" program with her. She took correspondence courses from a college and throughout the year spent time with various members of the church, learning specific skills. The skills were things like sewing, cooking (which I taught :D), first aid, secretarial work, and even a basic mechanics class.
  10. LOL, am I the only one who says, "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you get hurt"? Or, while dh and the boys were wrestling in the living room last night, before sitting down on the couch, I announced, "Now, just because I am here, doesn't mean you can come crying to me when you get hurt." I agree with Peek's method for tolerating rough-housing.
  11. They really do mean a lot! I ordered her a bead bracelet with a fairly obvious diabetes "tag". I also ordered a "gummy" one for karate or ice skating. Thankyou!!
  12. We just got home from the hospital. We are still in shock. Dd has been an amazing trooper. Her poor little fingers are so sore. :( We don't have a history of this in either family. I'd like to get her a pretty (diabetic) bracelet, something special. Anyone know where I might find one like this? Sigh. Now I think I will go cry all the tears I've been fighting back at the hospital. I wish it could be me instead of her. My poor sweet baby. :(
  13. Quilting or fabric stores often have classes for beginners. My dds (ages 9 & 10) have been taking a beginners sewing class at a local quilting store. I am impressed with all they have learned! (I know how to sew, but I was too nervous about letting them use the machine. Now, they use it like a pro.)
  14. I think you can focus on getting your body fit for the sake of being fit, not for showing to the world. Being a healthy size is a very good thing! You can aim to make your body sexy for your husband (by being fit and letting him see it). Focus on making your face attractive to the rest of the world. You want people to be attracted to *you*, not your body. Does that make sense? Sorry, I'm not the most articulate around here.
  15. He and I have met several times here in the past week and a half. And it is always when dh is not here (or asleep)! I smelled smoke, so got up to look out the windows. Then I noticed that ds had left the van interior light on while cleaning it this afternoon. When I went out to turn that off, I heard the guineas whistling and then... I saw those two beady eyes glaring at me. Grrrrr.... Thankfully, the chickens (and guineas) are locked up safe and sound, but I'm afraid if we don't get an electric fence or something, he's going to get them one night when we aren't home to lock them up in time. I need to learn how to use dh's shotgun. Somehow, I get the feeling the BB gun won't do much. Grrrr... I've got a personal vendetta (sp??) against that mangy rascal.:mad:
  16. Oooh! I feel your pain! After trips with all six of mine, I feel like a basket case. And they're fairly well behaved, too. This too shall pass. (I think?)
  17. LOL, at the rate my treadmill chews up my sneaker soles, it might be a good way to get some exfoliating done, if you were to run barefoot. Personally, I prefer sneakers:)
  18. LOL, my 7yr old is still convinced that I have those eyes, too.
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