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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Mine disappeared when the boards went down a few days ago.
  2. So did you just skip the vocab and GUM portions of K12, or did you do it all? Dd's sister did K12 Literary Criticism and Composition a couple years ago. I really like K12's Lit, but doing all of both seems like an awful lot.
  3. Thanks everyone. One more question. If I get Magic Lens 1 and Essay Voyage, which practice book do I want? Practice Voyage or 4P1? Thanks.
  4. I think I've decided to go with MCT for my 8th grader. We've used R & S and Hake Grammar in the past, and although we haven't done a ton of formal writing, she's a pretty good writer. She went to ps last year and the grammar and writing they did was minimal. So she hasn't had much since 6th grade. She'll go to ps for high school, so this is my last chance to do LA with her. I was thinking Magic Lens 1 Word Within the Word 1 Poetry and Humanity Essay Voyage 4 Practice 1 I don't understand why the Poetry book says grades 6 and 7 when Magic Lens and Vocab says 6, 7, 8, 9. She looked at the website (my mistake) and thinks she should do a higher level Poetry, because she doesn't want to do something below grade level. We haven't done much formal poetry and it's a big weakness for me, so I'm reluctant. Any advice? Still haven't decided what to do about lit.
  5. I have had better luck by going to google and searching "grammar made easy" site:www.welltrainedmind.com.
  6. You can't. I've posted about this and emailed the mods. No luck.
  7. We eat rice 2 or 3 times a week. When I make stir fry, I double the amount I need, then use the leftover rice for fried rice 2 days later. I also use it in burritos or as a side with enchiladas. Rice and beans (I serve it over rice instead of as soup) is a fast meal when I'm really rushed.
  8. Each lab has their own reference ranges. You can't necessarily compare tests performed at different labs.
  9. :hurray: My 12 year old would have said the pizza. :001_huh:
  10. I don't know enough about it to have any opinions, but there is lots of evidence that it's easier to prevent reading failure than to remediate it. I don't know why that is. I'm just repeating one possible explanation that I find interesting. Might be totally wrong. :)
  11. That's a really good point- those studies were done in kids that go to school, not homeschoolers. AFAIK, there isn't any data on homeschooled kids. I'm guessing they fare better, but it's also possible that there is a biological window of opportunity that closes at some point.
  12. To a lot of kids, it does make a difference. The trick is to know which kids benefit from early intervention and which can wait. Unfortunately, there isn't a good way to identify them.
  13. I just looked at the other thread and see that there are other families in your community with chicken pox. Even more reason to think that's what she has.
  14. Chicken pox can be hard to diagnose in people who have had the vaccine. They don't get as sick, have fewer spots, and the rash can look a little different. Since she had the vaccine, this still might be chicken pox. If your other kids get sick in the nest few weeks, you'll know that's what it is. CDC
  15. Nah. It's harmless entertainment here. They have to buy their own though.
  16. When my kids were younger we had books galore. Then we moved, and I swore I'd never move that many boxes of books again in my life. I kept a few bookshelves full, but got rid of everything I never planned to read again. Ever since, the only books I buy are things we'll use as reference or things we want to mark up. Otherwise, it comes from the library or I put it on the Kindle. We're still big readers but if you walked through my house you might not know it.
  17. I do, but they are all kids who are on fb and post zillions of pictures of themselves anyway.
  18. I didn't have chores as a kid. My mom complained a lot about my messy room, but she never taught me how to clean or organize it and it stayed a mess. I managed to learn to keep a clean house on my own as an adult, but I'm sure my college roommates were not impressed with my housekeeping skills. My kids are expected to keep their rooms clean and do all their own laundry. The girls have their own bathroom and ds has his, and they are all responsible for keeping them clean. Ds does a good job with that, the girls -- not so much. They mow and shovel snow. They help with household chores (washing windows, vacuuming, setting the table, etc.) when I ask but they don't have specific set chores. They do far more than I did when I was a kid.
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