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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Craigs List. If you don't know how much something is worth, you might want to try the website http://www.whatsitworthtoyou.com/ I had something appraised through them and found it to be a good experience. I posted about it here.
  2. I love to swim, and it's my favorite form of exercise, but it doesn't cause me to lose weight. If anything, I gain when I'm swimming regularly.
  3. :hurray: Keeping track of what you eat is so eye opening, isn't it? I was shocked at how many calories I was consuming. Made a big difference in my eating habits.
  4. Did they try to reduce it in the ER? There are maneuvers and techniques they can do to try to get it back into place. If it were me, I'd want them to at least try those before considering surgery. Is there another ER around? Or an oral surgeon? I'd call around and ask if they have anyone with experience in reducing acute jaw dislocations. Technical, but describes some of the techniques: Dislocation, Mandible: Treatment & Medication
  5. Who told him that? I'm having a hard time believing it automatically disqualifies him. I'd look into it further. A depressed but untreated police officer can't possibly be better than a treated one, KWIM?
  6. When this happened to me it turned out my tooth was cracked. I think I'd get a second opinion.
  7. Thanks for posting that. Their poor kids. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  8. One of my all time favorite books is Alexander Dolgun's story: An American in the Gulag Amazing story.
  9. One factor is that Finnish is a highly phonetic language- one symbol, one sound. Learning to read Finnish is much easier than learning to read English, and they have far fewer problems with reading disabilities. Of course, if American schools taught reading properly, we'd have far fewer problems too.
  10. I love the way J Jill jeans fit, but even though I've washed them many times, the dye still comes off and leaves my hands and legs blue. Since they're made in China, I'm a little paranoid that I'm being poisoned. Back to the search...
  11. I have the same problem. Some Swatch watches are all plastic.
  12. I clicked but I can't "like". I think you must have to be her fb friend. Maybe she could make her page public for the time being?
  13. Was he sick at the time? Severe vomiting and diarrhea can cause it, as well as certain medications. It definitely needs to be rechecked, but it's possible that things are back to normal now. Hope it turns out fine this time.
  14. In general, an elevated BUN/creatinine ratio indicates a "prerenal" problem, meaning the kidneys themselves are not diseased but there is decreased blood flow to the kidney. This can be a result of many different things, like low blood volume, low blood pressure, renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the artery supplying the kidney) and others. With kidney disease, you would see a *low* BUN/creatinine ratio.
  15. Also, at $5 per small pizza, the rate is 3.25 cents per square inch. At that rate, 2 large pizzas would be $16.51. So if the large pizzas are less than that, they are the better value.
  16. Area of a circle = pi*r^2 (pi r squared) so large pizza = 3.14*9^2=254.5 square inches small pizza = 3.14*7^2=153.9 square inches
  17. I live in Cedar Rapids, and grew up in Iowa City. That part of town has many college kids living in it, although I don't know about that particular block. It is safe, but could be really noisy, depending on your neighbors. I might be able to drive down there tomorrow and take a look around.
  18. This is all over facebook, and many of my friends have changed their picture. I'm wondering how people are finding these. Are you searching google images? Is it legal to copy them to your fb page?
  19. Earrings or other simple jewelry. I don't like to receive food as a gift.
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