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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I think I'd prefer a root canal. Moby Dick was the first book I didn't finish. It was a liberating experience.
  2. As long as the person was fully vaccinated at some point, the tetanus shot is sufficient after an injury. People still have some immunity for many years after the primary series, so the booster causes a quicker antibody response. OTOH, if someone hasn't been fully immunized, they need TIG after the injury, in addition to the booster.
  3. It's not an assumption. :confused: I was responding to the comment that physicians had an average IQ of 100-110, which just isn't true. It's about group averages. The average intelligence of a group of doctors is going to be higher than the average intelligence of a group of menial workers. There are going to be individual outliers in each group, of course, but like it or not, the average for different groups are going to be different. I know there is controversy about how to measure intelligence, and I don't think people even agree on what intelligence actually IS.
  4. I don't know anything about this source, but this sounds reasonable to me. No way the average IQ of doctors is 100. and from Modern IQ ranges for various occupations
  5. Dd 2 is going to dual enroll next year (9th grade) and will be doing math and language arts/literature at home, and will take science and history at ps. We are planning to do the WTM four year literature cycle, and will start with the ancients. We have also started Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings and will continue it throughout the year. I've come up with the list below, thanks to the incredibly helpful posts by LoriD and Nan in Mass, among others. I know it is overly ambitious and I'll have to modify it as we go. We won't get to some of it but I haven't yet decided what we'll keep and what we'll drop. Anyway, I'm wondering if I could consider this both literature AND world history, or if I would need to add something to it to make it count for history also. She's already going to be taking American history at ps, but if we can claim credit for world history also, we may as well. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks. Great Book Study 1.The Bible: Genesis, Job. Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament, The Old Testament for Teens: A Guide to Critical Issues and Perspectives 2.Epic of Gilgamesh 3 weeks (abridged version by Westwood) Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Lit 3.The Iliad (Lattimer) 12 weeks. Writing = summarizing/narrations of a brief paragraph on each of the 24 books of The Iliad. 4. The Odyssey (Lattimer) 12 weeks. Garlic Press publishers lit, guide. Discussion questions, literary analysis info, and writing assignments. Writing –use several of the guide's assignment suggestions. 5.History of the Persian Wars by Herodotus 6.Oedipus the King, Sophocles (1st of the 3 plays of the Oedipal Cycle) 1-2 weeks. Spark Notes 7.Antigone, Sophocles (3rd of the 3 plays of the Oedipal Cycle) 1-2 weeks. Spark Notes 8.The Bible: The Book of Daniel. Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament, The Old Testament for Teens: A Guide to Critical Issues and Perspectives 9.The Aeneid by Virgil (abridged version by Church) 3 weeks. Spark Notes -- very helpful in seeing/discussing themes/symbolism/etc. Writing = brief compare/contrast paper of themes or characters or plot events of The Aeneid with both The Iliad and The Odyssey. 10.Various Greek myths 2 weeks. read only; no lit. guide; little discussion. Phaeton (by Bulfinch); Prometheus (by Hutchinson); Jason and the Argonauts (by Kingsley); Orpheus (by Buckley); and Midas and the Golden Touch (by Hawthorne) 11.Metamorphoses by Ovid 12.The Bible: Paul, 1 & 2 Letters to the Corinthians. Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament, The Old Testament for Teens: A Guide to Critical Issues and Perspectives Supplement with 1.The Western Literary Tradition DVD (Teaching Company) 2.The Iliad of Homer/The Odyssey of Homer DVD (Teaching Company) 3.Herodotus: The Father of History DVD (Teaching Company) 4.The Aeneid of Virgil CD (Teaching Company) 5. Spielvogel Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings Writing: Essay Voyage and Windows to the World Word Within the Word Magic Lens vol. 2
  6. I was unsuccessful at finding envelopes that were sturdy enough, so I use ziploc big bags. They don't look pretty, but they're functional and cheap. The XL are great for artwork. Ziploc Big Bags
  7. Winterdance by Gary Paulsen. I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face. All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. Autobiographical, but not entirely non-fiction.
  8. Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency Jan Karon's Mitford books
  9. Pill esophagitis? It's especially common with tetracycline and doxycycline. The pill gets stuck, and irritates the lining of the esophagitis. The pill dissolves or dislodges, but the irritation (basically a burn) can take days to heal. Gerd can cause that feeling also.
  10. This quiz: Economic Left/Right: -4.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.13 Compared to the quiz found here: You are a left moderate social authoritarian. Left: 4.77, Authoritarian: 1.62 I believe the second quiz more accurately represents my views.
  11. The National Cancer Institute has a page about him. And Respectful Insolence has a post about him:The Gonzalez protocol: Worse than useless for pancreatic cancer
  12. My teen girls now deliberately wear unmatched socks. Apparently "everyone" does. :D Makes my life easier.
  13. What are your accent colors? I really like the walls, but I need some color. Everything else in the bedroom is brown and cream and it's a little boring. But I can't figure out what to add. Reds, maybe?
  14. Sounds like angioedema, which is like hives but occurs in the deeper layers of the skin. There are both acquired and hereditary types of angioedema, and I found the quote below in an article about hereditary angioedema. I don't know if there is an association with acquired angioedema or not. Medscape
  15. Something like this would probably work. Do you know what caused it? I have it, and I'm sure it's from resting my left elbow on the table while sitting at the computer. I haven't tried a brace or anything, but instead am just trying to avoid that position and keep from bending my arm.
  16. :seeya: I know you. I had a different name on the old board, though. Great to see you back.
  17. Liver and gallbladder problems cause itchiness ("cholestatic pruritis"). I had it when I was pregnant. It's the kind of unrelenting itchiness that makes you want to dig at your skin and can drive you mad.
  18. A similar name is Mahala. It was dh's g-g-grandmother's name and was on our list but we never got a chance to use it. I think it's beautiful. My dd's middle name is Cecelia. I wish we would have gone with it as a first name. Love it. I think it sounds similar to Isabella.
  19. :iagree: My dd has migraines and Excedrin Migraine is the only thing that helps.
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