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Everything posted by Perry

  1. My favorites are CLR and Bar Keeper's Friend. Spray the CLR on liberally, wait 10 or 15 minutes, then scrub. Have a lot of scrubby sponges ready, because they get gunked up quickly. Repeat. The longer you wait, the easier it comes off.
  2. Did you have back pain and dry heaves?! Those are signs of a kidney infection, not a simple UTI. Untreated kidney infections can be dangerous and even life threatening. She needs immediate treatment, not cranberry juice. :grouphug:, Daisy. Please get seen ASAP.
  3. It's in this post Here it is again though: The new thief is enlightened, and on the way to nirvana.
  4. :iagree: I want my kids to feel like they have some privacy, and I wouldn't go looking for something unless I was really worried about their safety and welfare. I do keep an eye on their twitter and facebook, because those things by nature aren't private. They don't have a problem with that. I trust my kids and give them the benefit of the doubt. They trust me. If I started snooping in their rooms I know that would change and would hurt our relationship.
  5. Satori stole 74 cookies...

    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 75 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  6. anotherbrother! That was hard. The new thief is enlightened, and on the way to nirvana.
  7. 8 I no longer buy books unless it's something I can't get from the library and absolutely have to have. Only two of those eight orders were books. The rest were things like cell phone batteries, an ipod digitizer and a few other things I can't get locally.
  8. I don't think the Clarisonic is going to help much. Instead, I'd use an exfoliant (salicylic acid) and Retin-A. Paula Begoun (from Beautypedia, Don't Go to the Makeup Counter Without Me, The Beauty Bible, etc.) has good advice for treating large pores here.
  9. Muffinmom stole 67 cookies, .but someone else took 68 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  10. Muffinmom! New thief: When I see her name, I think of these
  11. Elevated liver enzymes can be caused by many different things. It depends on which enzyme(s) are elevated and how high they are. It's complicated and you will probably need more testing to figure out what is going on. :grouphug:
  12. Astrid stole 65 cookies, .but someone else took 66 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  13. I'm about an hour from Newton, and that is definitely the heat index! I think the highest HI we've had in my town is 115. It feels like a sauna. Or it would if I ever went outside. It's nice and cool in my house. :001_smile:
  14. Rose in BC stole 63 cookies...but someone else took 64 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  15. tess in the burbs! I'm cooking dinner. Might be awhile before the next clue...
  16. dragons in the flower bed is the cookie thief. BUT... someone else took 62 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  17. Ravin. I need to get a life. The thief is hiding in the petunias.
  18. Shinyhappypeople is the cookie thief. BUT... someone else took 60 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

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