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Everything posted by Perry

  1. My son only began to understand long division after we worked on partial quotient division first. Once he got good at that, we transitioned to long division and the place value just made sense. ETA: We did *A LOT* of these on the board, for weeks, before suddenly the light bulb came on. Be patient. He'll get there.
  2. Some of the drug stores will do them with a doctor's prescription. If you call your doctor's office they may be willing to call in a prescription to the pharmacy. I'd try the county health department first. They often offer free or reduced cost vaccines.
  3. Grilled Swordfish with Rosemary, cucumber salad, rice
  4. Here are some spelling rules. Math facts are just the operations that you want your child to know from memory, like 0+0 =0 through 10+10=20 (or 12+12=24). Think flash cards for +, -, X, /.
  5. The link won't work if your facebook is set to private. But you can right click on the photo you want to share, click on "copy link location", then in your message here, click on the "insert image" button, then paste the image location. The photo will appear in your message.
  6. You did the right thing. It probably would have ended up costing much more if you'd waited.
  7. I don't for a second think all technology is an "advancement". I do think there are very good reasons that most kids have cell phones. While the kids want them because their friends have them, the parents want them because it gives them peace of mind and they add convenience. Of course, if the kids are always with the parents they're unnecessary. That's a different story.
  8. I'm thinking about this some more, and I think you could say it about any innovation. I don't really need a car, but it sure makes life a lot easier having one. We don't really need an indoor toilet, but I'm glad I have it. I really resisted phones at first, but looking back I think I was just being stubborn. I didn't want my kids to have one because they were trendy and I don't generally like to go along with the crowd. But there came a point that I was just inconveniencing myself, for no purpose other than to say "I refuse to conform". I would feel differently if my kids were with me all the time, but they aren't. OTOH, I'd be happy to get rid of the TV. I can't stand the thing.
  9. I don't feel paralyzed at the thought of not having it. But for my family, the pros of my kids having a phone far outweigh the cons. I can't think of any good reasons not to have them, and I see lots of benefits. I do know there can be problems (rude behavior, overuse, cost) but we don't have those issues.
  10. I was thinking about that today at the grocery store. There wasn't a single cart in the parking lot, except in the corrals. I almost never see a stray cart. I didn't when I lived in Wisconsin, either.
  11. :iagree: I get along well with my mil and fil, but I had similar concerns about them watching my kids when they were little. We did not see eye to eye on the importance of safety. Several situations arose that made me very uncomfortable, and they just couldn't understand why I was upset. I never told them they couldn't watch the kids, but I just didn't leave them in their care again.
  12. I really didn't want to get my girls a phone, but finally caved when they were 11 and 13. Now that they have them, I have to say I'm very happy with the arrangement. We do a lot of traveling for dance, and they have to be on their own for hours. I like that I can reach them whenever I want, without having to wander around a hotel or convention center or backstage searching for them. We don't have texting, except for family members. They rarely talk on the phone, but it's there for security - mainly mine. OTOH, the iPod touch was a big mistake.
  13. Bacterial vaginosis causes a fishy odor. Wiki She needs to see a doctor.
  14. When my dd was about 4 she went through a long stage of wanting to be a baby again. She was very serious, asking me how she could do it, and getting very upset when I told her she couldn't get younger, only older. I don't know what caused her to feel that way, but she eventually grew out of it. She still remembers it though, at age 12.
  15. I still use a crate for my adult dog, and would always want to have one available. It's where I put her if she comes in the house muddy or wet and I don't have time to clean her right away. She also goes in if we have company who are uncomfortable with dogs. She goes in on her own accord frequently during the day for naps, or if she just wants to be left alone. Even though I don't need it anymore for training, it still gets plenty of use.
  16. Cha Cha's White Chicken Chili I double this or it wouldn't be enough for the 5 of us. Mulligatawny Soup Catherine's Spicy Chicken Soup I leave out the can of tomato soup Black Bean Soup Really fast and easy
  17. I can't find a complete list, but this is interesting. Schmidt Sting Pain Index
  18. Well, I'd answer because this is the kind of work I do. But it is completely voluntary, so if you don't want to, that's fine. If you don't want to participate, just tell them and they shouldn't call you back. If you don't answer the phone, they will continue to call.
  19. I should qualify this. Not everyone who gets an influenza vaccine will get immunity. Even if you do get an immune response from the vaccine, it can decrease over time. Natural immunity may decrease over time as well; I don't know of any good data that compares the two. The vaccine and natural immunity both induce antibodies that should last many years. They just aren't any good for different (later) strains of the flu.
  20. It is true that the hepatitis A vaccine is probably not cost effective, if you are only looking at monetary cost. Natural immunity to influenza isn't any better than the immunity you get from the vaccine, because the virus mutates so quickly.
  21. 1. No, it ranges from mild to severe, and is very rarely fatal. Once recovered, there is no chronic infection. Hepatitis B and C can cause chronic infection, liver failure, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. 2. If they continued to let him work there after they knew he was sick they'd be in a world of trouble. 3.Yes, vaccination within 14 days of exposure has been shown to decrease the risk of getting sick with hepatitis A.
  22. Yep. It can range from mild to severe, and in extreme cases can be fatal. But it doesn't lead to chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, or liver cancer, like Hepatitis B and C can.
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