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Everything posted by Perry

  1. People are probably contagious for only about a day before symptoms appear. Adults are most contagious for 5-7 days after getting sick. Kids are contagious longer, for about 2 and possibly 3 weeks.
  2. I poach chicken breasts. I've never poached a whole bird but I'm sure you can. I wouldn't boil it, as the chicken tends to dry out. Roasting would be fine.
  3. We won't be first in line but we won't be waiting long. There will likely be a vaccine shortage, and I feel pretty confident the *potential* risk of the disease is far higher than the risk of the vaccine. Right now the flu is pretty mild, but by the time it changes (*if* it changes) there probably won't be any vaccine left. I'm not willing to chance it. DH is a Family Practice doctor and will get it as soon as it's available. The influenza vaccine has a long record of safety. This vaccine isn't different than any of the flu vaccines that have been around for years, except that it's a swine strain. If there are safety issues, they will likely show up quickly, so if nothing shows up in the clinical trials, I won't have any worries about it. There is a remote possibility of rare complications that won't show up in the clinical trials, but I'm willing to take that small chance. Good handwashing is really, really important. I have hand sanitizer in the car and will keep extra on hand this fall and winter. Social distancing. Usually a flu sweeps through a community, makes a lot of people sick, and then moves on in a few weeks. If it's mild, we'll probably continue our usual routine. If it's bad, we won't be going out much. If it is severe, I wouldn't be surprised to see school closings and recommendations to avoid activities. Those things do help halt the spread of disease, although they won't stop it altogether. I'm not planning to stock up on groceries. I have a box of N-95 masks although I don't plan to use them unless the situation is really serious. Cheaper masks are useless. Good nutrition. Increasing your Vitamin D probably helps. A recent publication suggests that obesity might be an important risk factor for severe disease related to this strain of flu. It isn't thought to be a risk factor for seasonal influenza, so this is a new finding. So obese people might want to consider themselves at particularly high risk.
  4. I can't see anything with it. I'm wondering if dh put it together wrong. Thanks for the info. I hope I can use it, eventually.
  5. I forgot Culver's! It's my kids' favorite.
  6. It's possible, but it doesn't *necessarily* have to happen that way. It's complicated, but the influenza virus has 8 genes, 2 of which code for the surface proteins hemagglutinin ("H") and neuraminidase ("N"). Those proteins are the H and N that identify the subtype of flu virus (H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, etc.). The vaccine is produced based on these specific proteins, causing your body to build immunity to them. As the H and N genes slowly mutate, your antibodies to those specific proteins are less and less useful. The factors that determine virulence (how severe the disease is and how sick you will get) of the influenza virus aren't completely understood, but they are probably located on more than one gene. They may be located on the "H" gene, but they may be located elsewhere. So a mutation that makes the disease more virulent will only decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine if it is located on one of the gene segments from which the vaccine is made. Even if the virus mutates the vaccine should offer at least partial protection.
  7. The kid is responsible for the bike. I ALWAYS look behind the car before backing out.
  8. My husband insisted that golden beets tasted nothing like regular beets, so we put some in the garden this year. Blech. They tasted just like regular beets. I tried several recipes and couldn't manage to choke them down no matter how I disguised them. Good luck.
  9. We had our first student-led parent teacher conference last year, and I hated it. I already know what my kid is going to say. I want to know the teacher's perspective. I found it a total waste of time.
  10. I don't know how quinoa is processed, but might it be toasted first, resulting in an occasional burned seed?
  11. Every passenger in the vehicle should be buckled, for their safety and everyone else's. They are a danger to the other passengers in a collision. I would have a conversation with the pastor, and if I didn't have a guarantee that everyone will be buckled, my kid would not be riding. Period.
  12. Frontier is a good company. I've taken a tour and met with some of the chemists that do quality control. I was impressed.
  13. I love coconut. My kids don't. This would solve my ongoing problem of the kids getting into my private stash of candy. I'm headed to the store!
  14. You can, but if you skip the tray, they'll freeze in a big hard lump.
  15. They are testing different age groups at different sites. Testing will begin in adults first, and if no safety issues are identified, will then start in children. Animal studies have already been done.
  16. I worry a lot about girls growing up too fast. I can't stand the marketing directed towards little girls, and loathe the hoochie mama clothing targeted at them. But for me, issues like wearing bras, shaving legs, and plucking/waxing eyebrows aren't necessarily about growing up too fast. Like it or not, when girls go through puberty many tend to get obsessed with their appearance. And girls are going through puberty at a younger age than in the past. I think my girls are beautiful but I am quite sure that when they look in the mirror, they first see their flaws. I wish it weren't true, but honestly, how many of us look in the mirror and think "Wow, I look great!". Maybe some of you do, but I sure don't and I really don't think most women do that. My dd looks in the mirror and sees her eyebrows. I wouldn't say she's obsessed, but she certainly focuses on them as a flaw. If a simple waxing is going to improve her self image I don't know how that would be a bad thing. My hope is that it will allow her to focus LESS on her appearance. Now if we do this and she suddenly starts focusing on some other perceived fault, then I'll have to re-evaluate. We have an appointment at 3:00 today for her first waxing. Her friend had it done and they ripped the skin off, so dd's a little nervous.
  17. Sure there are, and it's a serious problem. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that there are millions of hardworking people without insurance, through no fault of their own. It seems to be a common belief that if you don't have insurance it's your own fault, and I think it's a terrible misconception. Okay. I'll change that to "appropriate access".
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