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Everything posted by Perry

  1. If it was a safety issue, they could have just said so. I don't think anyone would have had an issue with that. But instead they said this: "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement. :confused: (According to this thread, anyway. I haven't read any of the articles and don't plan to.)
  2. On one of my computers, I wasn't able to send FB messages. Later this evening, the login button won't work. But I went to a different computer and I was able to login, although it was very slow.
  3. Pillars of the Earth and World Without End by Ken Follett The Source by James Michener
  4. It is very misleading. However, I have decided not to get into this discussion.
  5. Yes. One of the health issues most frequently reported to VAERS is venous thromboses. The rate is no higher among girls receiving Gardasil compared to girls who don't. Most of the girls with thromboses have a known risk factor, such as taking oral contraceptives, whether receiving Gardasil or not.
  6. About 23 million doses. I don't know how many people that is, because 3 doses (per person) are recommended. I'd estimate about 10 million individuals. I'll find you a link after I finish making lunch.
  7. I don't have time right now to do any detailed investigation, but just want to point out that in most of these cases there is no CAUSAL relationship. If you look at a similar population of young females that did NOT receive the shot, there are very similar rates of deaths and disability. There is a suggestion of a possibility of a causal association between Gardasil and a neurological syndrome, but that isn't clear yet. There have also been a couple deaths due to head injury when the patient hits their head after passing out after the shot, but that has been reported in young girls receiving *any* vaccine, and isn't specific to Gardasil. People should always be sitting or lying down when reeiving a shot, and shouldn't stand up if they're feeling dizzy at all. The rest of those problems are very unlikely to have anything to do with the vaccine.
  8. We stopped doing ALEKS for a few months, and when we started back with it this summer, we are having lots of problems with getting the site to load. It won't work at all in Firefox, so we're using it in IE, but it still intermittently won't finish loading the pages. Just wondering if it's the site or my computers. Thanks.
  9. That stinks. I would make sure the family doc is aware of that. Is there a medical school or referral center nearby?
  10. Has he asked his family doctor for a referral? He/she might be able to schedule an appointment for him with someone else.
  11. My kids love naked spaghetti: Spaghetti tossed with a little olive oil, fresh grated parmesan, and a little basil or Italian seasonings.
  12. The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by Brian Greene. It's good, but I can only read a few pages at a time. The World is Not Enough by Zoe Oldenbourg. Historical fiction. I'm having trouble getting into it, but I hear it gets better. Just finished Tea Time for the Traditionally Built: The New No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Novel by Alexander McCall Smith. What a delightful series.
  13. Two of mine have night terrors when the are sick. Two years ago they had influenza, and they both had hallucinations when they woke up in the morning. It was terrifying. There really isn't anything you can do about it except stay calm and wait it out. :grouphug:
  14. I'd suggest reading through Reading Reflex and then using ABeCeDarian, which is similar to RR but much more user friendly. Many public libraries have RR.
  15. Changes in policy need to come from the owner/director. Not a brand new teacher that none of the parents have ever met. The written policy regarding pointe is this: "Pointe is by invitation only." We've been at this studio for 5 years, and I know all the competition and advanced student families. About 1/4 to 1/3 of these girls over the age of 12 take pointe. I know only a handful that were "invited". The rest asked the director if they could take pointe, and she gave them the o.k. It has never been expected or encouraged at this studio. That may be changing with this new teacher, but in the past it definitely has not been the expectation that all the girls will take pointe.
  16. This isn't a ballet school. We have written policies, and it is a written policy that all students have to take ballet. There is *not* a policy, even an implicit understanding, that all ballet students take pointe. If they want to require pointe, that needs to be made clear to the parents. This is a brand new teacher, she has no business making a new policy without the involvement of the studio owner.
  17. I know the owner pretty well and she has never pushed anyone into pointe. She has told several girls they aren't ready, so I know she's not the one encouraging this. I do plan to let her know what this teacher said.
  18. My dd 12 is very involved with and committed to dance. She takes ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, hip hop and modern, and is in a competition group. She loves them all, except ballet, and only takes that because it's a studio requirement. She's taking an intensive dance camp this week, and the teacher (a new one to this studio) informed the class tonight that they all need pointe shoes by tomorrow. The kids were told that they all need to be enrolled in the pointe class this fall, because they are far enough in ballet that any more ballet is a waste of time if they don't do pointe. This is news to me. This is a dance studio, not a ballet school. My dd has no plans to be a professional dancer, let alone a ballerina. I have discouraged pointe in the past, mainly because it's terrible for the feet. I also don't want to pay for shoes and one more class unless there really is a good reason to do it. There is no policy at this school that the girls have to do pointe. So. Do your dds take pointe? Is it really worthwhile? Is further ballet really a "waste of time" without pointe? That sounds like baloney to me, but I don't know anything about dance. I don't have any problem telling the teacher "no". I just want to be sure I understand the issues before making a decision. Thanks.
  19. We had this problem and it was quickly fixed with the Halti. Gentle Leader is similar.
  20. Not at all. You've been very polite. I'm enjoying reading this thread.
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