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Everything posted by Perry

  1. What happens when they end up critically injured and they have no insurance or money? Do we let them die because they can't pay?
  2. We just play videos in the laptop. I am definitely a fan of videos on long car trips.
  3. I recall someone mentioning that it is possible to disable the network on the iPod Touch. I figured out how to disable Safari and MySpace, but Facebook and other internet apps still work. I want to prevent the thing from connecting to a network. Is that possible? Thanks.
  4. He has to buy his own clothes. He goes once a year and gets exactly the same things he got the year before. :rolleyes:
  5. I don't think it's weird. I think it's a personality thing. I'm introverted, and having conversations and small talk with people I don't know well is very uncomfortable for me. Having an ongoing conversation for hours in a car would be absolute torture, no matter who it is. But then I was public schooled. Maybe that's what's wrong with me.
  6. I just did a quick search and found that there have been a couple cases of mumps transmitted via the MMR vaccine, but no reported cases of measles. Couldn't find anything on rubella. I don't know much about mumps so don't know if that's a concern in immunocompromised patients. Mumps is typically mild, but I don't know what it would be like in someone with cancer.
  7. That surprises me. While Varivax (the chicken pox vaccine) is occasionally transmitted to household contacts, the MMR isn't supposed to be contagious. Here is the CDC recommendation for MMR Oral polio vaccine should not be given to household contacts of immunocompromised people. That one is definitely contagious.
  8. No, he is not contagious. Your kids won't get measles from him. :)
  9. That was the famous JGEMom incident. IIRC, she claimed her dh died of an MI. It was a total fabrication.
  10. Ah.. Maybe I should read the article before I post. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Ok, I want to start. I'm off to buy the DVD. Is there just one, or will I have to pick from a gazillion different workouts? If so, which one are you using?
  12. I never saw the blog, but mommylaw posted about this a few days ago, and said people donated money and gifts.
  13. I'm not angry!:) This thread has gotten unwieldy, and it's hard to keep track of "conversations". It's impossible to follow if you are reading in linear mode. I posted something (I don't even remember what, now), and mommaduck suggested I go read the links posted about how the scientific community skewed data. She was referring to the links you posted. I read them, responded, and a short conversation followed. I was not talking *to* you. I wasn't shocked or offended; it's all stuff I've read before, and mostly agree with. I am always skeptical of new research, and don't have blind trust or faith in doctors and pharmaceutical companies. When I post in threads like these, I try to keep emotion out of it (not always successfully), and stick to data, research, and evidence. I find it frustrating and yes, dismissive, when I do that and someone responds with a suggestion that I read some links effectively telling me that you can't believe anything you read in medical journals. I usually stay out of vaccine threads. I wish I would have stayed out of this one.
  14. I think there is some miscommunication somewhere. You haven't been rude, dismissive or unreasonable at all. I was responding to mommaduck's links, not anything that you said. And it was someone else who said vaccines don't work.
  15. I started out with RR, and love the first few chapters of the book. But it's hard to use as a curriculum. ABCD is very similar but MUCH more user-friendly.
  16. I don't know where those charts came from, but they seem to be based on the idea of a Dr. Biskind who wrote in 1953: That's why I was :lol:
  17. Nutrition and hygiene are more than correlates- they are disease determinants and there are causal associations between those factors and infections. Crowding itself doesn't CAUSE measles, but it is a risk factor and can be measured. There is no causal association between DDT and polio.
  18. So DDT causes polio?:lol: Actually, the graphs do show a correlation- -but not causation. And there probably was a correlation, because Polio is spread by flies, so in response to outbreaks, DDT was sprayed in an attempt to reduce transmission. So actually, polio causes DDT!
  19. Not Alice, but I didn't even think they were available. Talk about skeptical. I'd be wanting to look at the label on the bottle.
  20. Here It is disillusioning. I am always skeptical of new recommendations, treatments and medications, whether traditional or alternative. I personally avoid new medications and stick with things that have been around awhile. I would never make ANY medical or health changes based on one study, and I wait for the evidence to accumulate.
  21. I'm not dismissing her. She certainly has a right to her opinion. And I'm sure she's read many more papers than I have. But there are many other people in a similar position to hers who don't agree with her.
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