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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. a dunny is an outhouse. a toilet in a little room behind the house. usually a drop toilet, over a deep pit. until very recently lots of houses had them in Australia, certainly in my living memory. they are still found in remote areas
  2. Saw on the news that just about all of Europe has stopped Astra Zeneca use because of blood clots
  3. probably because they want to go on a holiday overseas and want the border opened so they can come back
  4. Hugs Melissa, I didn’t want to like your post but wanted to send hugs.
  5. I don’t mind as long as you are all picturing me as drop dead gorgeous, instead of the grey headed middle age woman I am
  6. My twins psychologist , who works only with children under 18, said that she noticed that quite a lot of disengaged at school kids flourished with the online learning. Something that I am sure would not surprise homeschooling parents at all
  7. numbers for today Vic 45 NSW 919 NZ 62
  8. Boy oh boy. My mother lives only 17 km away. She works full time. She has looked after my children when I was in hospital having a baby, or when we were picking up the twins, or when dh and I went to oldest University graduation. Otherwise my children my responsibility.
  9. Mince is minced beef. Put through a mincing machine. I think you might call it ground beef or something like that.
  10. Or perhaps more of the population in Australia is interested in working together and trying to eliminate this thing.
  11. It is because of the lockdown Here in my part of Australia (Victoria) we also have a 5 km limit. But I am rural, so 5 kmwould not get me near any shop at all. So it is then the closest supermarket. Which is 17 km away, but there is only farmland between. Common sense is to be applied. In Melbourne you are meant to go to the food shop in your suburb 5 km in a city can get you a long way. In the country 5 km is nothing at all. It is actively inforced as well. On Sunday we helped my ds17 shift 100 km to nearest very large town.We were pulled up by the police to check our reason for being 5 km away from place of residence. Shifting for work ( he started his apprenticeship on Monday) is an approved reason.
  12. NSW is out of step with the whole rest of Australia. The rest of Australia is still going for elimination
  13. Chicken and veggie curry for rest of family, chicken and veggie stir fry for me.
  14. When I was a child lamb was the cheapest meat. It was mostly what we ate. My mum would buy half a lamb every 2 weeks and that was just about all the meat we had. Now lamb is more than beef. A luxury to be savoured a few times a year
  15. We buy 1 roasting chicken or a packed of drumsticks, 2 kg chicken breasts,1 kg mince per week plus one of either a corned beef, or beef sausages, or a piece of steak, a roast pork Very occasionally a roast beef ( mostly if my oldest son is visiting from Melbourne). My second ds gives us shark fillets regularly. I plan on under $15 per meal for meat for 5 people , everything else on the plate is from the veggie garden. We eat a LOT of veggies with every meal
  16. We have chickpeas and lentils in soup every day for lunch. We eat meat of some sort every day for tea(dinner). We eat a lot of chicken now, but I am chronically anaemic, even with iron supplements I cannot keep my iron levels up . I have to eat meat every day ,not a very big piece . I think a piece the size of your palm is the recommendation as a serving.
  17. It is mostly because Australia had a several year drought, and most big farms right across the country destocked some completely. So now we have had rain again all the farms are restocking. the cheapest cuts of beef, like minced beef are about $16 kg. Though cheaper can be found if you want poorer quality. Steak is $27 kg and up
  18. Same and we grow all our own veggies meat is going to go way way up because the price of live cattle is the highest it has ever been. It is over $10 kg live weight before it is even slaughtered and butchered.
  19. probably not modern enough but I can Jump Puddles A Fortunate Life
  20. In Victoria, there are currently 494 active cases, 112 of those are under 10. Just over 100 are between 10 and 19 and another 79 are in their 20s so most of the cases are in younger people
  21. Thanks I couldn't remember what it was called
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