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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. To clarify, I do mean situations where someone would rather let something that someone did or didn't say or do bother them, but won't want to go talk about it with the offending party. And then they hold on to it. Not to create conflict where it isn't necessary, because you get over it easily, but where you avoid it even when you don't get over it. If I am making any sense at all.
  2. I admit that I don't understand the mentality of someone who would let negative things occur because they prefer to "avoid confrontation." Do you consider this personality trait to be a positive thing or negative, generally speaking?
  3. Maybe your daughter was invited, but didn't want to go, and never told you?
  4. IMHO, a boy should not ask a girl out on a date if he can't pay, due to lack of job or whatever. If one of them expects any kind of physical repayment, then the other breaks up with them. That is a no-go, plain and simple.
  5. When I was in high school, our grades would definitetly be affected if we did not do an assignment. We disected a pig, a lamb brain, a frog, etc.
  6. I have been looking into getting new sheets for the same reason, and keep seeing L L Bean's 280 count percale cotton sheets recommended. http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/44655?feat=1156-CL2 We will buy a set later this summer probably.
  7. But don't you know, we men are so visual. Womenfolk are pure emotion. It's easy for you all to not be overwhelmed with the desire to grope people. It's difficult for us though. Especially when you are enticing us with your...whatever it is. Wiles. Or maybe not.
  8. This is just ridiculous. I don't feel emasculated because it's socially unacceptable or illegal to ogle or grope someone because of the way she is dressed. Is this some type of poorly executed attempt at satire?
  9. My neighbors park on the street behind our duplex house. In front of a "no parking on the street" sign. SO annoying, especially since the vehicle sticks out in front of our garage often.
  10. That's the whole point of it being an essential. I wouldn't attend a church that didn't have the same essentials.
  11. Essential: Triune God Sovereignty of God Deity of Christ Virgin birth of Christ Inerrancy of Scripture Perfect sinless life of Christ Atoning death of Christ Resurrection of Christ Salvation by grace, through faith Christ is returning again to judge the living and the dead Existence of hell Not worth dying for: Origin of universe - though I am a YEC Cessationism/continuationism/charismatic Millenial views Other eschatological views (Rapture, tribulation, etc)
  12. We have had a Plymouth Grand Voyager (essentially the same as a Grand Caravan) and an Odyssey. We definitely prefer the Odyssey. I would recommend seeing if you could get a Sienna or Odyssey for the amount of money you are spending... Toyota (and Honda) miles can nearly be doubled to be equivalent. IE, 200,000 Toyota miles is roughly 100,000 Dodge miles.
  13. 3 and 5 year old together, 7 year old in own room, baby with you. When you want to, then put the baby in with the 7 year old. Personally, we have had better luck with our girls sleeping the earlier they aren't in a room with us. Our oldest went in her own room the day dw got home from the hospital. She was sleeping 6 hours at 6 weeks, and 8 hours at 8 weeks. Circumstances prevented us from doing that with the younger 2, but we still moved them from our room to their room as soon as we could.
  14. Did those things edify you or your relationships with your friends in some way? I am in a situation where I can not tell my wife certain things (work-related). But as far as situations where it is something a friend tells one of us, it should be expected that the information could be shared by both of us. As others have mentioned, we are one, and we do not keep secrets. That doesn't mean we share everything necessarily, because the information may not be of interest to each other. If someone specifically asked me not to tell my wife something, that would raise red flags with me. If it's like, "Hey, promise you won't tell your wife, but we bought her this gift." well, yeah, I would make sure to not tell her.
  15. ... And it is something understood to be confidential, do you assume that they may share it with their spouse?
  16. Absolutely. I would attend the current meetings if I were you. That way you will know what the issues are.
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