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Everything posted by 3littlekeets

  1. We've got a girls date with friends this weekend. My parents weren't too fond of things I liked either, luckily, the never banned them :tongue_smilie:. My girl wants to see HM, we shall go!
  2. I'd love one, but with 2 big shedding dogs, I'm afraid it would be ruined in days. I'll listen in and hear what everyone has to say.... :lurk5:
  3. Talk about a lesson in not judging a book by its cover! Incredible :001_smile:
  4. I'd be turning to Publix ;-), but it is gorgeous! Good luck!
  5. A few thoughts.... Did you let it come to room temp before cooking it? Did you coat it in flour or oil -- or anything? You can even put them in a bag. Did you sear the meat at 450 or higher before you turned it down (to at least 325)? And, did you cover it? I'm a big believer in coating and searing. I don't like "soup" added to meats...though I now some people RAVE about that method. So, for me, it's all in the small preps, like above. And, I never cook my veggies without a good coating of olive oil and seasonings or a little added beef broth to keep them moist. Good luck!
  6. Ah love my iron! Downy Wrinkle Releaser and my "ricky irons" as my former Navy DH calls my hands :-).
  7. Really.... a litter trained rabbit???? Are there certain "smarter" breeds ... and ones that aren't HUGE? :-).
  8. Rats...no matter how very hard I try, they just aren't in my power to love. I loved the Chincillas ==== oh my goodness ==== true love. However, WOW, way out of our budget. GP it may be...though Ds just said his friend has a hedgehog? Any experience with those?
  9. We have 2 large dogs already, but my DD wants a small indoor furry pet. Ferrets are totally out for me :tongue_smilie:
  10. yup..and you can see your panty lines and all tushie forms....look in the mirror from the rear ;-).
  11. My Catholic Grade School required I memorize this poem. I did and I've tried to live it, too. For me, it's never been about believing in "THE" diety, but acting with respect to all that has been created -- however it may have come to be. Abou Ben Adam, by Leigh Hunt Abou Ben Adam (may his tribe increase!) awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight of his room, Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, an Angel, writing in a book of of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adam bold, And to the presence in the room he said: “What writest thou?†The vision raised its head, And, with a look made of all sweet accord, Answered, “The names of those who love the Lord.†“And is mine one?†said Abou, “Nay, not so,†Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerfully still, and said, “I pray thee, then, Write me as one who loves his fellow men.†The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night It appeared in a great awakening light, And showed the names whom love of God had blessed, And lo! Ben Adam’s name led all the rest.
  12. Truly, Americans eat way too much meat. Kathy Frestone of the Huffington Post just had this to say: I've written extensively on the consequences of eating meat -- on our health, our sense of "right living", and on the environment. It is one of those daily practices that has such a broad and deep effect that I think it merits looking at over and over again, from all the different perspectives. Sometimes, solutions to the world's biggest problems are right in front of us. The following statistics are eye-opening, to say the least. If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would save: ● 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the homes in New England for almost 4 months; ● 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a year; ● 70 million gallons of gas -- enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare; ● 3 million acres of land, an area more than twice the size of Delaware; ● 33 tons of antibiotics. If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would prevent: ● Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France; ● 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in resulting economic damages; ● 4.5 million tons of animal excrement; ● Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air pollutant. My favorite statistic is this: According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off of U.S. roads. See how easy it is to make an impact? Interesting eh? The link is http://www.alternet.org/water/134650/the_startling_effects_of_going_vegetarian_for_just_one_day/
  13. My dad has two teeny mutt dogs that outdoor trained very quickly. I've only heard horror stories about pee pad and how they never actually train a dog. I'd ask a vet and lots of breeders before doing indoor dog potty training.
  14. It is amazing! I bought it after seeing people rave on makeupalley. I've only had mine for a week or so, but my hair looks amazing!
  15. Most of us don't have unions. All Cal State schools are unionized, I believe. But, I've been at 3 different Research Intensive schools and interviewed at several private schools, and believe that most higher education institutions are non-union shops :-).
  16. Wow -- she is truly living the dream...~~~ I'd be so proud if my children had a) the talent and b) the conviction to follow it!
  17. I would think that 9 is way to young to read about rape and incest. If it were just about racial tension, no --- but the other subject matters are just to intense for a young child, imho.
  18. I'm so sorry... this has got to be rough on your whole family. And, given that, I'd explain to my kids that they need to deal with past and sauce and suck it up for a few weeks, even months... sometimes kids need to learn how to roll with the punches. As for meals, White chicken chili will extend the chicken Homemade tortillas are cheap and YUMMY and you could make soft tacos filled with beans and any meat -- or burritos. Pancakes are uber filling! Serve with some meat on the side if necessary. Red Beans and Rice with the sausage. Porcupine balls (hamburger rolled with rice) are always a huge hit with my kids. Pizza bread (heavy on the bread dough, with just enough filling for taste) Again, Huge Hugs and I hope your DH finds a great job soon. :grouphug:
  19. them without having the mom abandon the nest. The nest is in a flower pot, but I"m afraid that if I move it to get into my gardening tub with all kinds of things I need now, she'll abandon her nest. I'd rather have no flowers and lots of weeds than kill the babies. And, if we let it stay, how long until Finch eggs hatch and babies fly away?
  20. Harper Lee has done rare guest lectures and book signings at the University of Alabama in the last couple of years. I went to one and felt like I was in the presence of true greatness, yet she is incredibly introverted and kind.
  21. I adore Southern Utah. Bryce Canyon is stunning and the red rock mountains and Native American history always leave me in awe. We also visit the Escalante National Staircase and Zion's when we are in the area. St. George (which has some amazing Dinosaur Tracks in the hills) is always our "home base" and it has grown tremendously in recent years. Oh, and we have rented boats at Lake Powell on occasion, which is a great treat. I think it's more "pure" and still less touristy than Sedona (but my last visit there was 8 or 9 years ago). So, what specifically would you like to know?
  22. Sheepishly admitting that I will fight over a spot....I will even slam on my breaks for tailgaiters (if my kids are NOT in the car). I'm very aggressive in my care, and know I need to work on it.
  23. Auctiva is free and lets you include multiple pictures without ebay charges. Get a good scale for your packages; remember shipping includes your packaging charges (which can eat into your profits if you don't assess accurately). OH: if you have a scale, for smaller packages, you can print out the postage online and your delivery person will take them with your mail. ALWAYS get some kind of delivery confirmation and be prepared to eat some losses for mishandling by the delivery service or unscrupulous buyer (rare). For big packages, FedEx ground is often the cheapest way to go. Remember, you pay Ebay listing and final value fees, plus paypal, PLUS factor in your time. Lately, it's been less expensive for us to sell at our consignment shops or on Craigslist :-). Good luck!
  24. Thank you all very, very much! I really appreciate your thoughts. I will document my issue in writing and go see the Y director in person, too. And, UGH, I should have known to ask DH to call. He was really angry, too. Thanks!
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