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Everything posted by 3littlekeets

  1. I came from the same type of family -- no traditions -- no heirlooms. So, needless to say, I have started many of my own for my kids. 2 that you could EASILY do would be yearly Christmas ornaments and keep shirts, blankets, etc from important events (first picture, christening/baptism, first day of school shirt, favorite shorts etc.) and collect those to make an heirloom quilt of their childhood. Then, when you know who they are as adults, you can build the color scheme of the filler quilt pieces to meet their own needs. Good luck!
  2. I agree. I think they might be "My Scene Barbie" dolls. My friend -- a little on the crude side (an understatement) calls them "F-me" Barbie. She lost it many years ago when Pregnant Kelly was pulled from Walmart. Her spiel was "they'll pull a married, pregnant Barbie, but not the one to show girls how they end up that way.:lol::lol:"
  3. I was fortunate that my sister made me buy it -- assuring me it would be a sell-out. She was right! DS11 is STILL reading it and I know it was more than worth the 12.00 I paid for it at our local public school Scholastic sale!
  4. Star Wars Lego Visual Dictionary was the BIGGEST hit in the house, followed by a Star Wars Lego Millennium Falcon, and Nerf guns.
  5. Thank you! How wonderful that you can trace your dh's family history through Ellis Island! My DS is convinced by all of your posts and will dress up.
  6. in the early 1900s? I am thinking pants, suspenders, and a jacket and tie. DS (11) insists he'd be in a t-shirt and suspenders, no tie or jacket. Ugh... he's meeting with a hs group to reenact Ellis Island on Friday...and he's suppose to bring a common food for his "character" Vito. Ideas for that? -- his suggestion was pizza :lol::lol::lol:.
  7. Try soaking it in Ammonia tied in a garbage bag (left OUTSIDE) for 24 hours.
  8. My son devoured the latter and now wants the former (all because of Percy Jackson!)...
  9. Can I add a wrinkle just a few miles away.. Charleston. Of the three, I'd live in Charleston any day!
  10. After 2 months of Glucosamine supplements, I rarely "pop" anymore. It somehow keeps your cartilage pliable...
  11. Truthfully, they'll be hard-pressed to find anything much under 1,000 per month. It's beyond expensive there. Their best hope it to see if they can "housesit" or "caretake" for an older person. I had a friend in Boston who did that through graduate school, but to be honest, I don't know how those agencies work. She did not get paid -- had to do basic house cleaning and shopping, but free rent.
  12. Put the books in a plastic box with charcoal. Works like a charm for me :-)
  13. The beach home owned by Diane Keaton in As Good as It Gets gets me drooling...everything is white and clean and clutter free....sigh.....in my life with kids and hopefully one day lots of grands, I can only live vicariously through the movies. For "real" I loved the decor in Father of the Bride. So livable and inviting!
  14. A nice lamp from his Alma Mater or something from the Univ. is great. He'll want to display his uni. pride in his new office.
  15. From my plumber and web googling...never use Drano like products in your sinks. They are far too corrosive. You can try Coke -- a two liter -- and let it sit for an hour.... Baking soda and vinegar, even lemon or lime juice :-).
  16. I'd guess lots of people will show up with guacamole, too. I love this recipe...empanadas. Baked they don't have to be served straight from the frying pan :-=_) http://recipes.epicurean.com/recipe/294/empanadas.html or tamales http://www.recipe4living.com/Recipe/34252-GoodGolleeTamales.aspx
  17. Maybe with your gracious thank you card, you should enclose a check :lol::lol:.
  18. http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/featuresopinon/display.var.2501746.0.The_beauty_that_matters_is_always_on_the_inside.php Captures all those thoughts so well... my favorite quote is "Susan is a reminder that it's time we all looked a little deeper. She has lived an obscure but important life. She has been a companionable and caring daughter. It's people like her who are the unseen glue in society; the ones who day in and day out put themselves last. They make this country civilised and they deserve acknowledgement and respect. Susan has been forgiven her looks and been given respect because of her talent. She should always have received it because of the calibre of her character."
  19. Yes, and here they are dancing to it Bahhhhhh. We're a talented homeschool group ;-).
  20. Thank you both! DH will be in St. Louis and we hope, eventually, for us all to be there. But, there are no openings for me right now :-).
  21. I planned to homeschool my oldest starting in June. We've been seriously afterschooling for years, so I was prepped for the transition. Now, I might dive in and hs all three b/c DH is taking a job 10 hours away. I only work T, TH (teaching) and do my remaining work from home. It would make sense to HS all three so we'd have the flexibility to go be with DH whenever we wanted...and I'm kind of glad for the "push." :tongue_smilie: So, if we split time in Alabama and Missouri, do we have to file in both places --- UGH. I'm hoping not.... but don't want to be "busted." :lol:
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