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Everything posted by bzymom

  1. My poor son went out to mow our grass earlier, and ran in a short time later sporting multiple stings AND yellowjackets still hanging on him. (Shiver :svengo: ) We have about an acre and a half, but only about 3/4 acre to mow. We have all been stung over the past several years hitting nests. Mowing the grass, blowing leaves, pulling weeds. Different areas of the yard each time. I am so over all of this. I feel badly sending my sons out to do yardwork. I used to do a lot of gardening, but after last year, I am not touching it. We have an exterminator who comes every two months and who I can call if I know of a nest, but that doesn't prevent episodes like today's! Are we just living in some sort of yellowjacket sanctuary?? This cannot be happening to everybody all the time! I don't know what in the world we can do, and am concerned someone is really going to be hurt. So far no allergic reactions, but my boys do have other allergies, and I know it can happen at any time. Would love some suggestions!
  2. Apparently I cannot get smilies on my IPad, but consider yourself ((hugged)).
  3. Poor guy!! Lots of prayers and healing thoughts on the way.
  4. Keeping your son and family in my prayers.
  5. My 16 yo dd plays. Our experience is great game, very competitive, great deal of skill involved, and higher injury rate than some of the other sports she has played. The girls play HARD. DD loves it, I hold my breath.
  6. If she has been in pain for a long period of time, it could certainly explain some of the aggression. I give you credit for getting pup to the vet and trying to hang in there! I agree with the nothing is free work, especially with a dog like this, and I really hope the changes you are seeing indicate the end of the worst of it! That said, you can only do what you can do. If the dog cannot be helped in a way that is reasonable for your family and your situation, please don't feel guilty looking for a rescue to take her.
  7. I am not an expert by any means, but I can tell you what we have done with our dogs. I put a few coins in a coffee can and tape it shut. I keep it out of sight but handy, and when they jump on someone, I give it one quick shake and say "off". I try not to make the source of the sound obvious, so I will do it behind my back. I want them to associate the jump with the noise so they don't start to figure out jumping is safe if there is no can nearby! Usually only takes a short time to teach, and then I start to see the pup catch him or herself as they start to rev up and get back to four on the floor. If the behavior starts to reappear, we go back to basics and use the can a couple of times.
  8. Cost of repair at half of value BUT it also can depend upon type of damage. As mentioned by PP, you can buy back the car from the ins. company and use the check you receive for the totalled car to make repairs. This can make sense if you are planning to drive the car until it is truly done, but not if you will be selling it down the line. I hope it works out for you.
  9. Maybe a two-seat bike with trailer?
  10. I am hoping to try to make few $$ at a couple of local craft shows in September. I am planning to crochet hats (animals, seasonal and some in local school colors), and make headbands. The headbands are similar to the Sweatybands, and I have been making them for my daughter and her friends for quite awhile. I am working on making inventory now, but thinking ahead to an inviting display, pricing, how much to make, etc. I would love any suggestions! Thank you.
  11. What a beautiful room! It will be with the work. Do you have a wallpaper steamer? I bought one for $50 years ago at Home Depot, and it cut my removal time drastically.
  12. You poor thing! :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope they do whatever is possible to mitigate your loss and give you a SAFE kitchen.
  13. The 2 year-old girl I have now was my most difficult spay recovery, for just this reason. The shave for the spaying made her CRAZY! She was constantly trying to scratch or bite at herself, and since she could not (cone of shame), she would be going in circles and from spot to spot to spot all over the room to "escape" the itch. Our vet is great, and we tried lots of different meds to keep her comfortable and calm. It was very challenging. I slept on the floor with her for several days, and we made sure she was never alone. Should the itching become a big problem, please do call your vet and let them help you. There are ointments, creams and oral meds to help. I have had other pups who were tired for a couple of days, and then had to be reigned in because they were ready to rock and roll. I hope your girl is going to be one of these!
  14. Sometimes manufacturers mistakenly use the word "servings" when they mean mouthfuls. I have seen a lot of this happening with ice cream manufacturers. It is aggravating.
  15. I would not, but every town, every situation is different.
  16. Sending healing thoughts your way. :grouphug:
  17. Thank you, dear hospital. You took lovely care of my d/h. But I wonder if sending him home 12 hours after discharging him from ICU was really a great plan? PICC line and 10 meds? Maybe someone could have given me a moment's notice? Cause I do work, ya know. And not cause I need the mental stimulation.
  18. Full disclosure: I am very tired, and likely punch-drunk, cause this is killing me.
  19. :lol: Was sure thread title said "houses". Now can't stop imagining my out-laws ringing the bell, and watching as my house collapses into a teeny tiny box due to the magic button I have pressed from the other side of the peephole.
  20. Protect yourself and your family. I know your heart is hopeful, and you want your brother back, but please don't allow it to be at your expense. If he has truly gotten on course, particularly addressing the drinking, he needs to make amends. His comment about his jealousy of your Ds on Facebook is a red flag. The onus is NOT on you. A bullying, threatening person, even a brother you love, will break your heart. A person in healing who shows clarity and remorse is the one to embrace. I truly hope he reaches that point. ETA: If there is alcohol at the wedding, even more reason to keep clear.
  21. It is clear you want to attempt to repair this relationship, but I have to agree with some of the PP. Too much expense and cost to your family, coupled with having to spend the day defending yourself and family life just seems to place ALL the burden upon you. If the invitation is a genuine effort to calm the waters, then this couple must be able to comprehend that perhaps it is not reasonable to expect you to attend, at great expense, without your husband, and will be happy to receive a lovely card with sincere regret that you had to miss their special day, your great desire to see them both soon to celebrate their happiness, and a gift. If they cannot accept that in the spirit in which it is intended, how long would it be before some other event derailed this relationship?
  22. Continued prayers and hugs for you and your courageous son. I know many adults (myself included) who would not likely be able to keep marching forward with the strength and faith he has displayed.
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