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Everything posted by Hathersage

  1. I hope no tries this. That church will bury them in a litigation nightmare.
  2. I'm patiently waiting... http://www.whitehouse.gov/live/president-obama-delivers-statement
  3. kumon makes some workbooks on simple multiplication.
  4. I use my google voice number to send texts from my computer, if they are in my gmail adddress book, all i have to do is type a few letters or numbers of that person's name/phone number..It only lets you send a text to 5 people at a time though....
  5. For independentish time with math, may I suggest http://www.khanacademy.org We started out with MM, but my daughter really loves the video explantions that Sal gives. (We also tried TT) Granted , you'll still need MM, or RS, or whatever to fill in all the maths in the younger years, but for those times when you need independent time with arithmetic practice, I do like Khan academy.
  6. For using chrome for downloads in the future... Go to Wrench -> Options. Go to the under the hood tab tab. Change the default place where downloaded files should go. If you wish, you could also check off the box that says "Ask where to save each file before downloading". When you download a file, you can choose where you want it to go.
  7. if you are downloading in chrome it is saving it in your download folder, not your music folder unlike other browsers. does that help?
  8. .According to tradition, he can only see his blushing bride when she has completed her walk and is by his side.
  9. Kay Ray, who also does librivox recordings has a podcast, http://kayray.org/kayray-reads/
  10. Well, I never had a pet. When I was in college, we had the what would your porn name be.. Your first name is your pets name, and your porn last name would be the street you grew up on.
  11. I added in Khan Academy for my 7 year old., http://www.khanacademy.org/ My daughter loves earning the badges, and likes the youtube videos better than TT, even.
  12. you could also suggest, Khan Academy...its free too, and you can track progress, etc.. http://www.khanacademy.org/
  13. Well, cities allow them because HOA"s pay for things that they would otherwise have to provide. It allows a civil municipality to increase its tax base, but without requiring it to provide equal services to all of its citizens, so its a cost-savings for them. But it may be your only option in some part of country. Around these parts, HOA"s are your only option if you want to live in a new neighborhood. And you are less likely to lose value in your home.
  14. books are always a possibility. Our easter gift has always included a book, or two..
  15. or maybe because of *those* threads, it thinks all homeschoolers need kilts?
  16. Turn TV off week is now called, Screen free week http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/screenfreeweek/index.html
  17. Yes, and think about how much time we spending on what we would do with that money when we finally do win the lottery. LOL
  18. And to lessen the impact, they are offering us, a bone... Not all visits to NYTimes.com will count toward the 20-article limit. In an effort to reduce losses among the Web site’s more than 30 million monthly readers, The Times will allow access to people who arrive at its Web site through search engines like Google and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. There will, however, be a five-article limit a day for people who visit the site from Google.
  19. Not that you'll be able to see if if you've hit your limit, but yes they are.. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/business/media/18times.html
  20. OMG! I was reading about the letter carrier who wanted a kilt added to the list of approved uniform choices. (he lost).
  21. and the self-paced exercises, http://www.khanacademy.org/ and if you do FB, you can like Khan Academy.
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