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Everything posted by Hathersage

  1. One reason the Bosch is so quiet, is there is no heating element to dry your dishes, Eliminating the vent eliminates a weak spot in the soundproofing. It also doesn't have a food grinder built in. So those missing things, would be what you want to look for in a quiet dishwasher.
  2. I'd even go so far as to say I'd wait until our library catalogued it. And sometimes that takes awhile. (Just last month, we started using netflix) I will add that we don't have TV, so 1. I'm not always aware of the latest movies, and 2. there is a backlog of TV shows that I catch up on. I'm guessing that I can wait til it was out on DVD in first place, I can wait 28 days. I think that it is dumb to make us wait. I'm only likely to buy a DVD if I've already seen it, and I think wow it is THAT good, ya know?
  3. Food? Have the 5 year old help you bake him something. I know about as creative as the sweater, but we all have to eat. You could do framed 5 year old art work. This always a big hit with grandparents. Along with photos of the grandkids, does he have one of those digital frames?
  4. You could always make some pads :) LOL. http://tipnut.com/free-pattern-for-washable-feminine-menstrual-pads/
  5. That reminds me, all my mother wants is a family picture.
  6. Oh, I don't know about that. LOL. My sister asks for and receives undies every year. I got money specifically to buy bras for my birthday from my parents. Now what I can't bring to ask my family for is reusable feminine pads, even though I really want to try them. I can just see the look on my dad's face if he saw that. LOL. Oh my, it almost would be worth it for that.
  7. LOL. I don't know, I think I'd be singing the praises of the nice Borg, if there was less bleeding and cramping involved.
  8. I noticed Homestead Emporium said the pads they sell are an all in one style. Does anyone else make the all in one..Does anyone prefer them to the other style?
  9. Yes, Pink was a boys color, but in the 1920's until Hitler got a hold of it. (the pink triangle). Color assigning started in about the 1920's, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color, or related to the Virgin Mary.
  10. Here's what on the Hulu christmas collection as for now: http://www.hulu.com/collections/532 keep checking here for the latest on hulu holiday specials http://www.hulu.com/holidays
  11. Well, I just bought an iOptron LiveStar Mini Planetarium from Wal-Mart. Totally blew my budget, but I think the family will love it.
  12. I found these lists: http://www.chiff.com/home_life/holiday/christmas/whats-on-tv.htm http://holidaypages4u.tripod.com/christmas_movies_tv.htm hulu.com has been having the seasonal charlie brown specials, they'll probably have the christmas ones up there as well..
  13. the nook Barnes and noble through e-bay $79 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&PID=1225267&ViewItem=&item=300497023543
  14. Or you could use the fairy tale of the day site for inspiration: http://www.mythfolklore.net/andrewlang/
  15. I found Book Depository to take about 7-14 days. They will also send a price drop email if you sign for it, for price drops on things in your wishlist. Or an email if something comes back in stock on an item.
  16. It is from What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? It was only ever available on VHS. It is on youtube in 3 parts.
  17. Are these the types of people to actually USE gift certificates? Some people no matter how useful the GC may be never get around to actually using them.
  18. It wasn't one of Ben's ideas. I think he wrote satire mentioning it, though. It was actually one of George Vernon Hudson's ideas.
  19. I was going to edit my response. Hachiya are also called American persimmons. I ate what I thought was a ripe Hachiya, and Ewwwwwww!!!! I thought that if the flies were buzzing around them they were too far gone, but apparently that is when they are ripe. LOL. Do they taste similar though?
  20. Hachiya persimmons are inedible unless they are VERY ripe. A mushy, pudding like consistency! We have Persimmion tree, and they are not ready to eat until they are what most people would as far gone. They have a texture of an orange, but more of apircoty flavor, maybe mango. You don't eat the skin. and really are not in way ready to eat until they are mushy, mushy, mushy.
  21. I just finished watching The Diets that Time Forgot. I'm starting to recognize the period experts from show to show.
  22. If you don't fix the bite issues now, it could turn it a much bigger problem/expense down the line. They would have break the jaw, surgery, etc to fix it.
  23. Kansas banned it this year, with the exception of Casinos.. Here's where you can look up the laws by state http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_smoking_bans_in_the_United_States
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