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Everything posted by deacongirl

  1. Depending on the age of the child...because it was veteran's day yesterday I was thinking about Hugh Thompson, the helicopter pilot who saved Vietnamese villagers during the My Lai massacre, and how his actions to protect the innocent, when it wasn't just his job but his life on the line, contrasted with those at Penn State. The subsequent cover-up as well. My kids aren't old enough to tackle My Lai yet--but if I had an older child I would have used it as an opportunity to teach. "Evil doesn't come like Darth Vader dressed in black, hissing. Evil comes as a little bird whispering in your ear: 'Think about your career. I'm not sure what's going on. We'll muddle through for the next couple of hours. We'll get over the hill, and we'll go on. I mean, after all, I can't call people in and admit that I can't control, I can't do some other thing.' In my judgment, the evil comes from that point of view." (From p. 43, David Anderson, ed. Facing My Lai: Moving Beyond the Massacre) "It was the ability to do the right thing even at the risk of their personal safety that guided these soldiers to do what they did," Army Maj. Gen. Michael Ackerman said. Too bad McQueary, Paterno etc. didn't follow the example of these brave men.
  2. I really think a full eval. would be very helpful to determine what is going on--ITA with the above. Also, they say if one child is gifted, test them all. Siblings tend to be relatively close (I have heard w/in 10 pts.) in IQ and so it is possible some kind of LD could be interfering here.
  3. yup. and...mmmm bacon! That sounds yummy! And...salsa really doesn't go with it? I would try not to let it but it would bug me.
  4. Google gifted perfectionism. There are tons of articles and resources. Violin has been good to help reduce perfectionism in my dd.
  5. This would help explain his inaction. I can't even imagine how many children Sandusky victimized.
  6. This could an indicate an LD or ADHD inattentive. I would consider an eval.
  7. YES. I think you have it exactly right here. Even without eyewitnesses to actual abuse, the guy's behaviour was creepy enough that it certainly would have drawn attention.
  8. You are being facetious, right? If it was your kid the guy was sodomizing in the shower would you have thought that was enough?
  9. The front of my tooth chipped off when I was 10--the regular dentist "bonded" it (I think that was the technical term). It now needs to be redone and my regular dentist is doing it. You may need a specialist, but I don't think the orthodontist is the one.
  10. I could be wrong but I don't think you need an orthodontist to fix it. I think a regular dentist should be able to. Good luck!
  11. I agree with all of the above and think it is great advice. I would have said what I bolded too prior to my own 3rd child. I have worked with kids for years and am very familiar with typical three-year old behavior, and still had never seen anything like my child! I am certainly hoping mine isn't like this at 8 or I might lose my mind!
  12. Not really a fan of worksheets here. I love Barbara Curtis' book Mommy Teach Me.
  13. The other kids need to be taught that being a bystander and not intervening is not acceptable. "How can a parent make a difference? This article highlights ways you can support your child, not through asking him or her to change, but by identifying and supporting those children who are bystanders willing and able to act in your child's defense. Too often, as Coloroso notes, bystanders – those who are neither bullies, nor direct targets of bullies – are unwilling to come to the aid of victimized children because then they become the targets, and are sometimes treated more harshly than the original target. It may be because, by standing up for the rights of the targeted child, these defenders have called attention to the bully's inner character problems, thus adding insult to injury in the bully's calculations. Their outspoken behavior challenges the bully's right to harm others... But even serious bullies are reluctant to target a child who has a strong circle of friends or supporters around him or her...every classroom and neighborhood has a good chance of containing other children who are morally motivated to protect and defend children who are being targeted. Unfortunately, far too often, teachers, parents, and others ignore and fail to support these children in right actions, because they tend not to be troublemakers, nor victims, and thus are a group of children teachers often feel they can safely trust with less attention. Yet identifying and supporting these children may be the surest solution to bullying, either of children with Asperger's, or of children targeted for other reasons." http://www.learningdisabilitiesinfo.com/bullied-children.html
  14. Rosalind Wiseman's book/blog/articles etc. She also has a curriculum that could be adapted to younger kids easily.
  15. Yes. My mom (incompetent cervix and pre-term labor) was advised by her OB to have a glass of wine every night b/c it would relax her uterus, and he wanted to avoid having her in the hospital on an alcohol IV.
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