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Everything posted by ChristineW

  1. In order to get medical retirement, the medical board either had to determine that the pain from his illness rendered him 30% or more disabled or he had 20 years in the military. If the board had found that he could perform a desk job and he didn't meet the other two requirements, they wouldn't have discharged him. Even at a desk job, you have to meet fitrep. There are a ton of items in the budget and loopholes in the tax code that I care more about than someone who served honorably getting a medical retirement so he can spend more time with his family. I do agree that the economy is really looking scary right now.
  2. The culture of OP's son's troop sounds extremely toxic. Have their been prior complaints against other boys? Have any parents complained about leadership higher up the chain of command? I don't think Op's son should be scapegoated, but on the other hand he did demean and humiliate a subordinate scout. Wrong is wrong even if everyone else does it. The younger scout's family wasn't wrong to complain, and they have a right to expect resolution. Many other scouts and parents should have complained long, long ago. Kicking Op's son out of scouts seems overkill; a formal reprimand seems more appropriate. I'd finish scouting with a healthier troop.
  3. I think it all depends on why you are upset and why you want to home school in the first place. If it is truly a good school, I think I'd send him. He did well in the private kindergarten and is excited about the charter. Your husband liked the school. If the charter doesn't work out, you can pull your son, but if you later regret not sending him to the charter it will be much more difficult to get him in later. There are many more charter slots for first grade students than for older grades. Slots for the older grades typically only become available if someone leaves the school which means that there may only be one slot for all of second grade next year. There might not be any slots for a lottery as he gets older. But if you are homeschooling for reasons other than academics, or the school is somehow a bad fit, keep him home. Just be certain. You are a good mom regardless of what decision you make. Be glad that you have a choice between two good options. Christine
  4. I am waiting this year. Last year at this point, I was more than halfway done but I've only bought one thing so far. If I see a great deal on something that I know they will want then I'm getting it--for example my 4 year old is getting a trunk of princess dress up b/c I was able to find four practically new Disney "boutique" costumes at the thrift shop for $5 a piece. However, my 5 year old wrote Santa three different letters between his November birthday and Christmas asking for different items. Also, we're spending Christmas with my mom and she'd lose any packages sent now.
  5. If you don't arrive in time for the free planetarium parking, if you are members of your local ASCI, they will validate your parking for the paid lot. Tickets for the discovery room (baby-six) and planetarium shows are also free for ASCI members. I think that there may be a discount for Lego Mindstorms but my kids aren't old enough. We've never had an issue parking for the Art Museum--usually we've parked at the Art Museum and walked to the zoo. The Hill and South Grand are great for food. We had some great Bedoin cuisine last time we were on South Grand but I can't remember the name of the place, Meskerem and Pho Grand are awesome as well. Christine W
  6. Just had a root canal this morning and it was no big deal. I am a wuss about pain and it hurts less now it did than yesterday. No tylenol even. I don't see how it could be any riskier than pulling a tooth. My dentist was extremely careful about keeping the root sterile and making sure that the sealant made a good bond. I go back in a week for the new crown.
  7. She's in a tankini, which means that she's trying to be modest. I'd tell her.
  8. Some are fighting back, but its hard. Parents need to know that there is something better and that their kids are just as entitled to a good education as the rich folks. But lots of these parents are just struggling to survive. If you're working two or three jobs and don't speak English very well, it isn't easy to advocate for your kid. It's not impossible--when I was in law school, we helped parents petition for access to school records, after school tutoring and radical reform. The neighborhood school is central to the community. Most parents don't want to abandon it; they just need help organizing to make it better. The regulations for the new parent trigger law should help make this process easier. http://parentrevolution.org/] Almost makes me miss LA.
  9. I'm a lefty and my son is a lefty. DH is a righty and DDs are probably both righties (the 2 year old tends to use her right hand more but she's more ambidextrous than either of her siblings). Dh is excited that his son is a lefty--apparently its an advantage in sports--it never mattered to me (I learned to catch and bat right handed).
  10. This is our first year afterschooling. My son is starting kindergarten. His four year old sister is starting to read and the two year old baby is fascinated with letters and numbers. Christine
  11. I think that it is very clever and cute. Then again, I love registries. Makes it easy--especially for long-distance but beloved relatives. Gift receipts have become more important as stores have become stricter about returns. I try to always tape them on the box or put them in the card. We received three toasters at our wedding--I'm glad we were able to return two and buy a blender.
  12. Congrats! I love our local friends of the library bookshop--I've had amazing luck finding FIAR and ambleside books for 50 cents to a dollar.
  13. Thanks for the update. I've heard good things about the Peruvian restaurant that you went to and its near DH's work so I'm going to give it a try next time I'm in the city. Any other recommendations other than the yellowtail ceviche? Christine
  14. I have a JD. DH was in my law school small section and we were in the same study group so it was very useful for getting my Mrs. I did practice for nearly three years but it was too hard on the kids for both parents to be lawyers so I am home for now. Christine
  15. my newly turned two year old loves dress up clothes and shoes. She also loves art supplies (paint, all types of brushes and sponges, play dough, stickers and stamp art) and her little people doll house. If big sister didn't already have a big wooden dollhouse, I'd be grabbing the loving family dollhouse that's on clearance at Target right now. She tries playing with her older siblings playmobil sets so I'm looking for sales on the Playmobil 1-2-3 collection as well. Christine
  16. Was there a lifeguard at the pool? How many kids are with the instructor? I'm more concerned that no one saw what happened. I've seen similar behavior among typical boys at group swim lessons; however, there has always been a lifeguard or additional adult around to stop it before anyone got dunked or pushed off the wall. I can understand your anger. I'd be mad if anyone dunked and scared my kid. But where were the grownups?
  17. Do you think the ex-gf poses a danger to the baby? For $450 he's probably seeking a TRO (temporary restraining order) against her until she's stable enough to take care of the baby. I'd give him the money because this is a real emergency, refer him to legal aid for the regular custody hearings (they have a sliding scale depending on his income), and sternly remind him that now he is a dad and that the happy go lucky lifestyle doesn't cut it anymore.
  18. Love our Roku. I saw a rec for mighty machines on this board and my kids were watching it five minutes later. cHRISTINE
  19. What do you mean that the easement is illegal? Was it ever recorded? Did the title insurance company miss it when you bought the property? Definitely contact an attorney. I'm sorry that you are going through this.
  20. SpaceX rockets should be ready by next year. Also, the spin I keep hearing from the science community is that this frees up $$$ for the Mars program and other deep space exploration.
  21. Was the main branch open on the 5th? Our little library is often closed on Mondays and they extended to include the 5th but the larger library a couple miles away was open.
  22. I'm sorry that you were hurt, and it was incredibly brave for you to ask your mom about it. I think her answer was incredibly honest--she feels that you don't want and need her, Her perception is wrong, but she thinks that you rejected their help when you needed it most (after the fire). they offered to let you stay, you said no. They offered you land on which to build your house, you didn't like the strings attached. You chose to rebuild fifteen minutes from the inlaws and forty five minutes from them. Both of you got your feelings hurt, and things festered. Unfortunately, you can't turn back the clock. Your mom has made commitments to her other grandchildren because they've asked. If she's committed to watch Brother's kids on friday and you get sick that day, what is she supposed to do with the kids? If your nieces and nephews go swimming with grandpa every other Saturday, ask them to visit on dates they haven't already scheduled. I don't see favoritism here; I see misunderstanding. Christine W
  23. Older sis needs to deal with it. Little sis hasn't actively tried to encroach on her area but the boss wants little sis on board. She should take it as a compliment to her work ethic.
  24. My kids think "Go Bears!" means "Go, Cal!" They watch mommy and daddy playfight fight when UCLA and USC play football against each other. Mommy and Daddy and all the grandparents have advanced degrees. You bet your bippy that my three are going to college. The unemployment rate for college grads is 4.2%; for high school graduates it is 9.7%. Some degrees are more valuable than others, but for most who complete their degree it is well worth it.
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