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Disney Dreaming

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Everything posted by Disney Dreaming

  1. Ok guys, I am in my second year of homeschooling and really tired of curriculum hopping. Sometimes the hopping is that i believe that the grass is greener on the other side, sometimes I don't feel like dd(7) is keeping up with public school. I have tried A Beka for a yr and a half and I just don't know if it is enough. We haven't hit nouns yet. I have bought CLE, it doesn't look like there is enough in the first unit-maybe I need to look through the rest of the units? I have FLL, I like this so far, we may double up to finish by summer. I tried Rod and Staff at the beginning of the year, there just seemed to be ALOT of writing for dd. For writing, I have picked up WWE, this is the only writing we have tried. Opinions? My instinct is FLL and WWE, but is this REALLY enough along with spelling for LA? Has anyone used these alone until 5th grade? If so, is your child where he/she needs to be?I really need guidance, I don't have any support group here. All friends and family think I am crazy to be homeschooling dd(we live in a county with unbelievable school system). Please, help!
  2. Top Gun Jerry Maguire Mission:Impossible Dirty Dancing Star Wars The Karate Kid(the original) The Lion King Beauty and the Beast Toy Story Pretty Woman Spiderman The Jason Bourne movies Back to the Future movies Forest Gump The Die Hard movies Batman
  3. :glare:Every time I come here I find I don't like what I am using. The grass isn't greener just because it costs more. Look through Sonlight's catalog and check their books out of the library for readers and read-alouds. I would imagine that some of the history read alouds are there as well. I have heard Goodwill sometimes has some books. Enchanted Learnings website has alot of educational things to print off. I think their membership is $20.00 a year(not sure though).
  4. My complaint with A Beka is that their writing program is terrible! I have used it for 1st and 2nd(for 100 lessons). During this time nouns haven't been brought up at all. I understand that scope and sequence is different with every program but I feel my 2nd grader is way behind. I have tried to supplement with other programs but then we end up spending too much time(up to 1.5 hrs) on LA. I wish there was a perfect program but so far I honestly like FLL and R&S the best.
  5. Sum Swamp, Math War, Dino Math Tracks(place value), Pizza Fraction Fun(fractions).
  6. :bigear: Listening with interest. I have had headaches almost daily for most of my life(since in high school). My ds(17) also has several a week as well. I take Advil almost daily and many days they go away just to come back as soon as the Advil wears off.
  7. Since there is spelling in the Saxon program *I* would use it and not add in Spelling Workout. Are the words too easy? If so, then I would find another program for spelling. Just my opinion, I am struggling with what to do with my 7 yr old!
  8. Lesson 22 farm park warm floor Lesson 28 having luckier bodies Lesson 34 retold unlock reread Lesson 35 hole whole to too right write HTH!
  9. My dd(7) loved Nim's Island. Of course, the Air Buddies movies, Beethoven(the dog), Full House(I am fine with mine watching this but maybe not everyone would agree), Escape to Witch Mountain, The Game Plan. Please look these over because I am not too strict. If it is G or PG, I let mine watch it. She has much older siblings(21 and 17) so I am a little more laid back with her.
  10. Thanks Ellie, it's good to know they are similar in scope and sequence. I think I like the idea of the use of notebook paper too. Anyone else want to share their opinions?
  11. Anyone? Does anyone care to share the pros or cons on what you use? I have FLL and WWE but I would like to do another program as well.
  12. If it looks like the hold up was weather related, I would either offer to return the item(they pay postage) or repay them for the item you were refunded for. I don't think this will be an issue though, it sounds as if they were hoping you would run out of time to make a claim and be refunded.
  13. Has anyone tried both of these? If so, which is a better program? We have tried A Beka for the last 2 years and it's just not working. We are 100 lessons in and haven't hit NOUNS! I have picked up FLL 1, we are about half way through this, but I need a good solid LA program for next year. I have purchased CLE LA 2, just started this week, but it looks like it isn't as strong as Rod & Staff. Am I correct in this assumption? Dd(7) is the only child I homeschool-this is our 2nd yr homeschooling and I still feel lost!
  14. The Air Bud movies are great. Who doesn't like watching golden retrievers?! Homeward Bound(another animal movie), Snow Dogs, Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Wall-E, maybe the original Star Wars movies?
  15. I found that this was over dd's(7) head. I don't know if it would be for all 7 yr olds, but it was for her. *I* loved Apologia and will try it again in a few years. We have switched to Elemental Science and love it!
  16. I just wanted to post to let everyone know that homeschoolbuyersco-op.org is having 20% off all Alph Omega products today only! Someone may have already posted this, disregard if so!:)
  17. Thanks to all of you!!!!!!! We have been working on this concept(quarter til, quarter after) for the last few days and dd(7) CANNOT grasp this. She is doing fine telling time but this has me pulling me hair out! I am glad to know that this may be a maturity thing!! We are using BJU 2, which blue MM set do you recommend for reviewing this?
  18. OK, I am new at this. I have read through SWB's book, but exactly how many sentences should a second grader do? I know that she narrates and I write, and then she copies what I write, correct? I assume that if she leaves out some words in a sentence that I write it correctly so that when she copies it, she's writing sentences correctly. Right now I am only making her write 1-2 sentences in her ES workbook, but I am starting her with WWE this week and want to make sure we are doing this correctly. Sorry, OP, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread!
  19. Orlando? We went a few years ago and the warmth was nice. You have Sea World, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot that would be educational. Cape Canaveral isn't too far.
  20. I'm not an afterschooler but it seems after reading the newspaper this morning that GA, along with 40 other states, may not be REQUIRED to teach cursive. Here is a quote from the local newspaper: Cursive isn't a required standard for students in the new Common Core State Standards for English, which Georgia and 40 other states adopted last summer. Teachers and administrators from across the state will meet in March to decide whether to amend the standards and retain cursive writing, according to Matt Cardoza, a spokesman for the state Department of Education. But many teachers say they simply don't have as much time to spend on cursive handwriting skills - and the stakes aren't as high because none of the standardized tests given to elementary students measure how well they can write in cursive. "You try to squeeze handwriting in anywhere you can," said Lisa Lyles, who teaches third grade at Gaines Elementary School. "Unfortunately, the state has so many other standards that something like handwriting has gotten to the point where we don't have enough time in the day."
  21. I do both. I haven't had any issues on homeschoolclassifieds or here. I have had 3 problems in the last month with paperbackswap. In 2 cases I received my credit back and the other was never resolved. I don't understand people sending books with pages pulling away from the spine:glare:! One instance someone spilled water on the book right before sending(they pm'd me and TOLD me) and sent it anyway when my request states that I didn't want damaged. Anyway, I do try to look at buyer reviews before I buy and if they have ANY negative reviews I won't buy.
  22. Thanks for all the replies! I will have to do some more research.
  23. Thanks! I need to go look at the evaluation!
  24. I am thinking of buying WWE for my 2nd grade dd. Do we need to start with WWE 1, or could we start with WWE 2?
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