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Disney Dreaming

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Everything posted by Disney Dreaming

  1. Boy do I ever know what you mean. In a year and a half we have been through 5 math programs, and the poor child is only 7(new homeschool mom). Find a program he is able to do and don't get caught up in catching him up. I believe if you find a program and stick with it, he will come around. I kept wanting to do the programs everyone said was the best, instead of what works best for my child. He may not ever like math so I wouldn't try to find one that he LIKES. Good luck!
  2. The aquarium is awesome! The Varsity, um, not so much. The zoo is very disappointing and I don't recommend it. We live over towards Athens(about an hour east of Atlanta) and there is honestly no eating places over that way that we make an effort to eat at. There is a Hard Rock(or used to be) downtown, not too far from the aqaurium. I have heard that the World of Coke and Fernbank are worth seeing. Traffic is horrible so make sure you allow plenty of time if you are on a schedule!
  3. Thanks to all of you for your experiences! It sounds as if the Kindle is the way to go, but I would like for it to be in color. Guess we can't have it all!!
  4. I am looking at getting an ereader and need some opinions from those that have had one of these for at least 3 months, or know of someone who has had one for at least that long. The reviews on the Kindle are not great, I keep reading about them freezing up. I can't find any reviews on the nookcolor, and very few on the Sony. Help! Thanks in advance :)
  5. Brooke Hayley Abigail Makayla Makenzie Hannah Ansley Macy Emma Ella Lily I don't know what is common in your area, it seems different parts of the country lean towards certain names.
  6. Born and raised in the south. No, our gifts were never wrapped as kids. When my oldest two were younger we never wrapped them but since dd(7) was born we have started wrapping to slow down the process on Christmas morning so I can record them opening their presents.
  7. :bigear: Needing new dishwasher as well, listening with interest! Stove, fridge, and microwave too.:glare:
  8. We use Amazon for dd's(7 yrs old) Fuze. She loves it. We bought one and it started giving us problems, so we bought another and have had no problems with it(we did buy a warranty this time).
  9. I have received a new car twice as gifts. The first was my 16th birthday from my parents. The second time was a surprise from my husband, I had just had our second child and he picked us up in a new van from the hospital. THAT was a total surprise, we had been discussing needing one, but it wasn't expected.
  10. Thanks to all of you who posted! HOD, MFW, and SL all look like good programs and I appreciate all of your wisdom! I am leaning towards HOD or MFW!
  11. Thanks Katrina. That looks like a good plan and may very well be what we do. I don't know if dd is ready for Core 2, it LOOKS like a little much for her, but she is doing well with Core 1. MFW and HOD just look like more FUN! I want her to enjoy learning, not just read and answer questions day in and day out. She is a visual learner it appears so these may be what I choose from for next year.
  12. Thanks Donna. I really appreciate you explaining the curriculum. I have looked at the website and the catalog but some things are better coming from someone who has used it. Is this enough for a 3rd grader? My dd will be in 3rd grade next year, and this seems really great. I am not homeschooling any other children and still trying to find my footing(this is my 2nd yr homeschooling).
  13. My only true problem with SL right now is the lack of hands on activities. I have seen that most other programs have activities scheduled. The thing I liked best about VP was the coloring books and supplemental books added in.
  14. I want a spine that is on a child's level(and not boring) because dd is borderline ADD. I also want some hands on activites. I would prefer a shorter lesson for 4 or 5 days rather than a longer lesson 2 days a week. I don't have a preference between world or US as long as it is going to hold dd's attention.
  15. I am looking ahead to next year for my 7yr old dd. We are using Core 1 this year with Sonlight. I have looked over Veritas Press, Biblioplan, HOD Preparing, Sonlight Core 2 and MFW-which one is better? I would like a list of pros and cons--and any other suggestions you may have. I have tried SOTW, *I* like it but dd isn't crazy about it, which makes me think maybe Biblioplan isn't the right choice. Thanks in advance for your help!
  16. Look for a sweet potato souffle recipe with sweetened cond. milk, brown sugar, and pecan topping. I am not crazy about sweet potatoes, but I love this!
  17. Thank you for all the replies! And thanks Alison in Kentucky, that explains alot!!! I am going to go ahead and buy this for my dd.
  18. About 30-45 minutes for everything, done as scheduled.
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