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Everything posted by KeriJ

  1. Or could it instead be just a type of personality?
  2. Purple pens for everything! Not a bright, cheesy purple. But a classy, dignified purple😄 And a quality, but not expensive, spiral notebook,with off white pages, I found at Walmart. I do all our school planning in it and then make random lists just for the fun of it. I do use other colored gel pens, but purple is my go to.
  3. I think it is still recommended to get the vaccine. I had shingles last fall. The rash wasn't bad for me, but it was truly one of the most painful things. Deep nerve pain that lasted weeks. I got the antiviral about day 4. Hoping for a mild case for you!!
  4. I have tons of memories from age 3 on. I also have one memory from when I was 1 and a few from when I was 2.
  5. But it's more than just boundaries for some of us. Finally understanding the name of the disorder finally helped me understand that I wasn't crazy. That's one of the hallmarks of a true narcissistic. They make people close to them think they are the crazy ones. I have more true narcissists in my family than just my officially diagnosed dad. And unless you have actually lived it, like a pp said, you can't understand the relief from finding out it wasn't you all this while like you thought it was.
  6. My dad went because my mom insisted in an attempt to save the marriage.
  7. Yes! Because my dad truly had diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder...mental health professional said it was one of the worst cases he'd seen. So it's hard for me to watch people throw the term around loosely.
  8. They have moved away from that somewhat.
  9. That I understand. But earlier in the pandemic it was stressed that wearing a mask does not protect the wearer. So I am trying to understand all those who are now wearing them for their own protection.
  10. I should know this, but what is the reason that the message "my mask protects you, your mask protects me" has now changed to masking for your own protection?
  11. Scrolling through social media, based I am sure on my search history, I constantly see ads like, "Middle age weight loss is not about eating less and moving more." "The key to weight loss is resetting your hormones." "It's not about restricting certain foods, but instead increasing your metabolism." So...what is it then? All of them claim not to be keto or IF or calorie restriction, or special products, etc. Just resetting hormones and boosting metabolism through coaching. Of course you have to pay. Anyone know what the method in these programs actually is?
  12. Honest question. It seems like a thread about government was labeled as a conversation about politics. I'm not sure what made the difference.
  13. What you posted is what I think the law clearly says. Our county is hung up on the word "maintain" and thinks it means yearly. I just wanted to verify. Thank you!!
  14. HSLDA states that it is only needed once.🤷‍♀️
  15. Can a county request something outside of the state homeschool law? In Florida, we are required to submit a letter of intent when we begin homeschooling. My county contact keeps asking for us to submit one each year because that is how she interprets "establish and maintain a homeschool." But I know for a fact that we only need to submit it once. So far, I have just ignored the email.
  16. I don't have an answer, but sending hugs to you.
  17. I am very, very against giving a gift with expectations attached. When you give someone a gift, it is no longer yours and no longer your business what they do with it. They are allowed to take it straight to Goodwill if they want. I think it was rude of her to ask. And then condescending to make the reading comment. Hugs to you. ❤
  18. This. This is the point. Whether or not it is a baby is the entire foundation to the argument. If it is a baby, then it should be legal to kill babies, in or out of the womb. But Scarlet is right, it is not an extreme minority who think a fetus is a baby.
  19. Interesting. My 17 year old had ear pain out of nowhere and was diagnosed with an ear infection. A few days later she had nausea and fatigue. Binax Covid test was negative. None of the rest of us had any symptoms.
  20. Lol, yes! It's just in addition to what I already do. I don't do it that way every time.
  21. I do this. I do it when cleaning the house. Instead of working efficiently and systematically, I just walk from room to room, back and forth, putting things away randomly. Professional organizers would cringe, but I do it on purpose to keep moving.
  22. We lost our sense of smell on about day 3, I think. It came back gradually but was weird for awhile.
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