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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. We are secular. We use We Choose Virtues cards, and DS chooses a card to work on for the month. I used to choose for him, but now he can choose his own. Then we read corresponding stories. Right now we are using Character Building Day by Day. We've also used Value Tales (I think that's the title). We discuss the trait we're focusing on whenever we can, throughout the month.
  2. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I see where you're coming from now, on the card, and understand.
  3. I'm sorry this is hard on you, swellmomma. :grouphug: Maybe your kids can talk to her at their next visit, and let her know that they don't prefer to be called her stepkids, and hopefully she'll respect that. I'm a stepmom. For almost 20 years here, too. It isn't an easy road. I am confused, though - why is it negative that she ensured that your kiddo gave you a birthday card? Is it just disappointing that he didn't think of it on his own? It's okay, whatever the reason, I'm just now worried, as I always made sure my DSS made his mom a gift and gave her a card - for all the holidays/birthdays/etc. It was never to upset his mom, and I sure hope it didn't. He just wouldn't have thought of it, or done it, without prompting. And, quite possibly, he may have sat with a card here and there and whined, "But I don't knnnooooowwww what to write," and I may have prompted him with wording. I am truly saddened to think this might have made his mom angry. [sigh] Water under the bridge, now, as he's an adult, but you made me think. Hoping that this situation will become more bearable for you soon.
  4. Ouch. Firing off a bunch of ideas ... Cool cloth is nice, put a few drops of lavender on it. Ice pack sometimes feels good. I use Icy Hot, too. On the back of the neck helps. Caffeine ok, or is that a no no? Advil? Dark room, quiet space. Put the kids to bed as early as you can and sleep. Maybe let them do a movie tonight? Quietly? Hope it passes soon!
  5. We have both. We tend to use the Usborne more often. Somewhere, once upon a time, I read that Usborne is better for younger kids. I'm not sure if that's true, we really do like both. I don't find that we use the internet links that often, though. Not terribly helpful, am I? :)
  6. Have you read the reviews on Common Sense Media? We did, and opted not to take our 9 year old. He doesn't scare easily, but we read about one scene that made us decide to wait.
  7. In addition to those you mentioned - have you checked your Vit D level? Pregnenelone?
  8. I thought we were the only ones. :) Kids wake up early here, I am the slow one. DH gets the up, breakfasted and started on their day (meds, clothes, teeth brushed, etc, not school stuff). I meander to the coffee pot at 8:30, and spend some quality time with the bean. DS does projects, or items from an allowed list of edutainment type stuff. DIY.org, brainpop, audiobooks, reading, etc. Most of them time, he has an in depth project going on. No TV. Once I'm sufficiently caffeined and my morning meds have kicked in, I do tot school with the little one. School for the big guy starts between 11 - 12, generally, but there is no hard and fast schedule here. We are usually finished between 3 - 4.
  9. I wouldn't balk at that shipping cost, personally, but will try to think of cheaper shipping options. May I still join in on the swap, if it happens? :)
  10. We share snacks. If I know it's ok with the parents, I'm fine if kids ask. We have food allergies, and DS can't eat at the neighbors' houses, but I have no problem supplying allergen free foods to the other kids. But I would not be fine with a kid going in our pantry or fridge.
  11. Rowan I have a niece named River, and went to college with a Dolphin. Dolphin's sister was Rainbow.
  12. So many of our favorites are already listed here, but I want to add Duplos and a nice shape sorter - my 2 y o loves those. Some others we love: A good set of blocks. She loves her toy firetruck right now, too, and any cars. Little people, wooden food - we like the ones with velcro, for "cutting" practice. Do-A-Dot markers are huge here, paints (the M & D ones listed already). Oh! And sand and water play are big, big, big. A chalkboard with chalk. Bubbles. Most of our favorites are listed by PPs though. Great hive minds think alike. :)
  13. Fly Guy helped my reluctant reader turn a corner. After that, we moved to the high noon books listed above.
  14. Yippee! It is absolutely like an ultrasound pic! Your child is waiting for you!
  15. Thanks, itsheresomewhere, that's what I was thinking. DH and MIL sat in the room-to-be waiting for him, so I felt there must be a complication. They finally got some info though, and are with him in recovery now, waiting to see if it's going to be ICU.
  16. Thanks! Yes, it was/is a complication with the meds. Looks like ICU tonight. :(
  17. Oops - sorry for typos. On the phone!
  18. When a patient goes from surgery to the recovery room... Is there an average time for the recovery room stay? I've had 5 surgeries, and never spent more than 1 - 2 hours in the recovery room, but I was young and relatively healthy. Feeling very concerned about an older patient (75) who went into the recovery room at 10 this morning after a successful surgery. But it's 5:40 now and he's still in recovery and has not woken up! No one can see him. :( Is this unusual?
  19. We are running late this year as well (long series of illnesses derailed us this year). We'll just keep going and finish. We just lighten up a bit during the summer, and slow down.
  20. I agree with finding a Lyme Literate doc. If you need help finding one, the people over at the "find a doctor" section of lymenet.org can send you a list of good LL docs in your area. Your kiddos' Lyme may not have been treated fully (which wouldn't be surprising) or it may be that they've contracted it again. In the words of a great LL doc, "ticks are filthy" ... the chances of a tick *only* carrying Lyme disease are fairly small. Some of the co-infections (infections also passed along by ticks, along with Lyme) are treatable with the same antibiotics, so treating for Lyme alone will catch them. Some are not, and will require different treatment for different durations. As for your kiddos' symptoms - I've heard similar stories over many years in Lyme support groups, so it's definitely a possibility. But don't panic. It's one possibility among many, and while it's worth investigating thoroughly - it's also something you can address.
  21. Still hoping your niece's day was wonderful! Just to share a quick, happy (and dark ages) preemie story: My mom and her twin were preemies in '41. They were each right around 3 lbs, and were sent home from the hospital with hot water bottles. My grandmother was a whopping 4' 8", and 40 years old when she had the twins. It's only recently that I've realized what a miracle it is that both my mom and aunt were perfectly healthy! We really have come a long way. Amazing!
  22. We are now dairy free. It's not easy at first. It will get better. DS is allergic to dairy, among other things, and when I find myself tempted to cheat - it helps to remember his test results. In DS's case, his dairy allergy is not as severe as his other life threatening allergies, so I tend not to take it as seriously. But it shows up on bloodwork, increases his asthma and eczema, and so we avoid. Having those positive tests helps keep me on track. Would testing help you?
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