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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. You're not over-reacting. If that happened here, there would be no more play dates with anyone in that family.
  2. :grouphug: Wishing we could all wrap you up in a big hug.
  3. Interested in this also. We used HAS for 3rd, and have purchased/planned for Atelier this year. DS has requested a more rigorous art DVD. Less crafty, more "arty." I have no idea if this will do the trick. :)
  4. We did Home Art Studio for 3rd, and it was a big hit. We're doing Atelier Art for 4th, hoping for another big hit. I may pick up HAS for extra fun, just because I have an art loving kid, and he always asks for more. This book is excellent, and one of my favorite resources as well.
  5. You are so strong for hanging in there. I would be sorely tempted to go get him and just hug him. :grouphug:
  6. :grouphug: You are on our minds every day here, too. DH asks for updates periodically, too.
  7. Thanks, it's great to hear this isn't totally over kill. I think we'll stick with MCT and AAS, then, since I have them. Plus, they've been working well so far. I would love to drop both, and trust that it's all going to come together as suggested in TWJ, but I think we're going to need separate spelling at a minimum. The grammar is more for me, for my sanity, so I know we're covering what I want covered. Grammarland looks like a lot of fun!
  8. I am no expert, but this made me think of DS, who has just been diagnosed with developmental vision issues. I know you said her vision is fine, but developmental vision issues are separate from standard vision tests. It's more a question of whether the eye muscles are working together properly to send messages to the brain. DS's reading sounded the way you describe. Though he sometimes would lose his place, reread lines, or insert letters to words as well. His stamina wasn't good either, he'd start out strong then make more mistakes the longer he read. You might check out COVD, and look into convergence insufficiency. And, if I'm totally off base, well, I'm new to the vision issue world. :)
  9. Do you use anything? I am implementing a lot from TWJ and Arrow, and now wondering what to use for grammar and spelling. I have MCT and AAS on the shelf. Would that be overkill? Open to other suggestions as well. Thanks!
  10. Our unschooly friends aren't interested after all, though they might use some of it, so I'm piling it all into a crate, and I'm going to post it on our local homeschool group. I'm going to let people just come take what they want - they can sort through the crate and see if they want any of it, and take what the need/want. Some of it would be hard to sell - some marked or missing pages in the consumables (before we figured out that we wanted to switch programs), lots of file folder games and centers with laminated pieces. I wouldn't know how/where to sell some of it. Giving it away feels best! Thanks for all the ideas! :lol:
  11. :party: Yay!!!!!! Sunbutter, here you come! No bake sunbutter balls are awesome! (One tiny tip, watch the chips for sesame - some are may contains, I have *no idea* why, but keep an eye out!)
  12. I am not familiar with Nook, but with Kindle, everything that I've downloaded is in the cloud, so if it's deleted from the device - I thought we could download it again? Not sure if the Nook is different, or I have that wrong about the Kindle. No problems with Amazon so far here, but again - it's probably all about backing everything up. Love our Kindles, by the way. I have a Paperwhite, because I prefer the iPad for everything but books. That said, though, we have the app on the iPads & iPhones. Love that I can read a book on my phone while waiting in an office, and it syncs to the last page read on the Paperwhite or iPad. :) DS prefers to read on the iPad, and DH reads on the iPad mini - which is more the size of a Kindle. But I still prefer the Paperwhite.
  13. Oh, I wish you were closer! Anyone in VA want to come and free up some square footage for me, er, raid my stash? ...mostly kidding here. ;) Reaching out to my unschooly friends, then it's off to Good Will!
  14. What a great idea! Yes, I do know a few unschooly families that are tight on funds right now. They won't use our materials (too schooly for them) but I can ask about this option. Great idea!
  15. If you find this app, please post it! That would be ideal. The kitchen fairy has yet to visit our house, despite numerous invitations. I've been using the app Food On the Table. It's not a fit, but you can plug in your own recipes or follow their links to a ton of blogs and websites. It even connects with Pioneer Woman's blog. It also suggests meals per your local store's weekly sales and makes lists. I posted a code with a promo for free lifetime membership not too long ago. Still using it. :) Without the code, I think it's $5 a month. I greatly prefer the code!
  16. Our local middle school has had a lot of pregnancies recently. One sixth grader, one seventh, two eighth graders. Hard to imagine.
  17. Thanks. Apparently I need to work on reading comprehension. :) I would be more concerned about that than the empty box of condoms that may or may not have been for sex.
  18. I am confused - did the OP also find weed in her son's room? Did I miss that post? Condoms would not upset me. They might surprise me, but I would be happy to know that he was making good choices about using protection. It might remind me that we need to have some low key conversations about respecting women, about safe sex, etc, but I would not freak out.
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