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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. My son has asthma, and has never wheezed, or presented in a "typical" asthma attack type episode. He has allergies, but not to dust mites. He sometimes has the asthma cough, but not always. Typically, his asthma "symptoms" are anxiety, irritability, progressing to a terrible feeling of doom, really. He sometimes feels "mad" without knowing why. These episodes are well documented as asthma re: peak flow readings and response to inhalers. Recognizing his breathing issues is an art, a difficult one. We've had 3 opinions on this, so we are quite sure, plus the input of various ER docs when DS has been hospitalized for pneumonia. All of this to say that I have had to seriously adjust my ideas of what asthma symptoms look like. I could have posted the same thread a few years ago - asthma??? Really??? Glad you are already on the second opinion route. Get as much info as you can, and definitely get some pulmonary testing. It will give you more answers. For us, preventative meds clearly make a difference - we do daily peak flow readings, and can see a clear difference. There are behavioral results, better energy, better sleep, less night waking, and a ton of other things I see that make a difference. I worry about permanent scarring impacting him later, so whatever we can do to prevent that is good. I think I worry more about that - that in not adequately treating him his life will be limited later - than I do about any limitation treating his asthma now would place on him. Does that make sense? Treating him now opens his life up. I don't take the meds lightly either, but when it comes to breathing - well, we have to breathe. In your shoes, I'd want another opinion, and pulmonary testing, of course. But once you've got that, if he needs meds - at least you'll be able to make choices with all the info. FWIW, chlorine suddenly began setting off DS's asthma attacks last year. This after years of swimming. Bizarre. Allergist says it's not uncommon, and it may or may not be the chlorine - could be any pool chemical. Ugh. Outdoor pools are somewhat better than enclosed pools. Hoping you get good, solid answers soon. It is frustrating, and such a shock to hear that this might have been going on for some time. Please don't think you missed it, if it turns out he has asthma. There are some things that simply present in unusual ways, and it sounds like your kiddo's asthma, if it is asthma, is one of them. If my DS did not have allergies, we'd likely have missed his asthma, too.
  2. Non-book suggestions that work well here, for the same age group: DIY.org - he can do projects to earn badges. Great site!!! He has to join (it's free) but they have specific safety guidelines (don't use your name, don't post pics of yourself)... and parents are copied on all activity. Enormous potential for projects in a lot of different directions. Lots of inspiration. Your house will become home to many, many inventions and projects. Keva Planks - esp the contraptions kit with the balls. Lego. He could move ahead to Mindstorm, etc. Snap Circuits. Do you have an iPad? Are you opposed to that type of screen time? Tons of great apps out there. I will stop, but could go on and on...
  3. Has anyone mentioned Ted Drewes? Frozen custard stands that are an institution. The line will be long, but worth the wait!
  4. We have insulated carry cases for ours. I think ours are by EpiCozy? But the package insert says outings are ok - so I don't worry about the heat when the epipen is in my purse.
  5. DH thinks that this would make a great name for a homeschooling blog. Anyone want to start a blog called The Antonym of Strawberry?
  6. Yes - inhalers and epipens! Better to spend the money and stay alive. I recently developed a shellfish allergy too - aaack. Scary. But we have epis on hand for DS, and DH knew what to do. Thankfully. For you - ask the doc for inhaler samples. Our docs usually have them. And recently I saw a $100 online coupon for epipens. I will search for it for you, when not on my phone. Get at twin pack of epis... Sometimes you need a second shot. Always call 911 after using. And lie down! Epis can't stay in the car. They have temp requirements to stay effective. Keep it in your purse.
  7. Thank you for posting this. I remember that story, way back when!
  8. Thanks! I feel better already. He's not thin, but not overweight either. He's lost weight recently - but not in a concerning way, more in the sense that he had some baby fat that has disappeared. I think because we recently found that he's allergic to dairy, so we've removed that from his diet (and, wow, did it help his asthma!!! Yay!!!). Plus he's more active right now - nice weather & outdoor activities are gearing up. He's very fair. So the bruises really jump out. He's scheduled to go in for a well child check, so I'll ask soon.
  9. DS has always bruised easily, so this isn't new - but seems more extreme right now. His shins look absolutely spotted right now. :( He tends to play rough, throwing himself around doing "stunts" and just in general being silly, so I usually chalk the bruises up to that. He never knows how he got them, when asked. BTW, these are mostly on shins, knees, one on his lower arm - no place that makes me think someone is grabbing him or hurting him. He's had work ups (not for this specifically) - CBCs, vitamin levels, goodness knows what else as our doc is very thorough. But it's been about a year, I think, so I'll make another appointment. He has autoimmune issues, and is on a ton of asthma meds daily. I don't know if those could cause bruising, but maybe? Our neighbor works in the cancer research field, and is concerned - she rattled off a bunch of ominous sounding conditions that can cause easy bruising. I am trying to stay relaxed but of course her words are echoing in my head. Tell me to relax?
  10. I agree with the others saying that this is not going to turn out well. Personally, I'd scrounge up the $60 and pay them, so that there is no reason for them to complain that the DH did work and you didn't pay. I'd call it contributing to neighborhood peace, in my mind. :) No, I don't think you "owe" them the money, but I'd do it anyway. Or at least ask them for a bill, and tell them that I'll pay X amount asap - whatever schedule you can manage comfortably. Given the evaluation results, the little girl probably has option within the public school system. In our state, most counties have programs for kids with delays, and those would be tailored to her needs - and free. You might just let the parents know that you think their daughter would be better served getting specialized services. If you are worried that she *won't* get those services, then point the parents in the direction of the PS options. I bet the evaluator has already filled them in on any options in your area, so the parents may already know anyway. This is one of those times you might just feel grateful that these people have shown their crazy now, before you are in too deep!
  11. :lol: I've gotten DH sucked into it now, too, and he is watching it at the moment. What insanity! Definitely go and take pics!
  12. Oh my. She said he could go live with them? Big boundary issues here. I'm so sorry. Do you think you could get him into counseling before seeing her in person? Maybe some counseling for you, too, for support? Doesn't sound like you'll get much support from the agency. Sending him off to meet strangers is not very good advice! Also, if there's any way to bring her to your area, it might be a more secure feeling for your son, and she might see that he has a real life, and that could help her back off of the "come live with us" idea. Though I don't know, just a feeling. Sending warmth and hugs. I could see something like this happening with one of my kids' birth families... So I feel deeply for you.
  13. Whoa. Couldn't stop watching. They are nuts!
  14. BC is frowned upon in my sister's community. She is Orthodox Jewish. There are varying levels of orthodoxy, of course, but she is on the more extreme end. The consensus about BC 20 years ago was that the rabbi would say no to any BC, so don't ask specifically and don't ask, don't tell. Now, it's just a simple, "No BC." Her community has many large families, needless to say.
  15. We do it all the time. We keep cupcakes frozen so there's always a "safe" cake on hand for DS to take to events (he has serious food allergies). I've never tried the syrup idea, though, and I think that sounds like a good plan! (Though our cupcakes always seem to freeze well without it - maybe I shouldn't mess with it?) Shall I send our address, so you can send some cupcakes this way? :drool5:
  16. I know what you mean about getting a sleeping baby into a crib - I had the same trouble! The play yard with a mattress on the floor sounds like a good option. Could he stand on the mattress and then climb out? That would be the one thing I'd check. Good solution!
  17. We went to a Montessori style room at about 11 mos, because our little one is a climber. Some people do a version of that in the master bedroom, if that's where you have him sleep. It would mean child proofing your room completely though.
  18. Oh! We also have good luck with Elevation Burger - the lettuce wraps for their burgers are good.
  19. Oh my goodness! I've been watching this thread and was excited about investigating PF Chang's. What happened to your DD? My DS is anaphylactic to sesame, and I shudder to think what could happen. Our restaurant choices are very limited due to LTFAs in addition to dairy/gluten allergies (not LTFA so far), but Red Robin has always come through for us. Their allergy protocol is good. A manager always greets us, cleans our table/chairs with a clean rag, and personally prepares DS's food from the allergy menu. For people for whom this us a lifestyle choice, that may be overkill, but it's wonderful for anyone dealing with anaphylactic allergies. Chipotle is good, too. Has anyone here used the AllerEats website lately? That might be useful for gluten/dairy issues.
  20. Well over a million. For the sake of comparison, in this area $300,000 will buy a townhouse with approx 3 beds, 3 baths. No land, obviously.
  21. Thanks! I didn't know about Modcloth - fun! And everything else looks great - some companies I remember, some are new to me. I love new finds! Now I'm off to shop, if the kiddos will finish up their school work so I can take some computer time. Priorities, you know! :lol:
  22. I hate shopping. But I need a new outfit - preferably a few, but definitely at least one for a gigantic outdoor party at the end of May. Here's the thing - I am picky. Before kids, I was in the art world. My clothes were all purchased at art shows or tiny, very cool little shops I'd find while traveling. Since I'm no longer on the road, I don't find those great little shops any more, or run across funky handmade clothes. I've devolved into jeans, v-neck tees and birks. It's fine for most of the time, but now I need something more. Our local shops are lacking - so I need to look online. Any great ideas on where to look for good quality, fun clothes? My price range is pretty open, as long as I like the clothes and they are well made, I'm willing to spend a bit. Hoping you can point me to some new options! Oh! And just to add... I'm a shortie. :) Seriously, I never quite hit 5'. So petite options are a bonus! ...Also, because I have OJ family, I prefer to find 3/4 length sleeves (or cover ups) and below the knee skirts - just because I like to respect their beliefs, and when attending events with them it's really necessary. So those options are a double bonus!
  23. Whoa, I never see anyone mention Me First and the Gimme Gimmes! Love them! Okay, somewhat different genre but our current household obsession is Walk Off the Earth. They do a lot of covers, but have great original work too. We counted down the days till their album came out in March. Check out their videos on YouTube - Red Hands is awesome. Gang of Rythm, too. Okay, well, we love 'em all. Seriously, even the 2 year old is obsessed here. If the 2 yr old is crying, Summer Vibe always fixes it. :)
  24. I wish I had some leads for you, but I don't. The only company I know of personally has that position covered. But I know there are more out there!
  25. Not a morning person here. :) I've never been wired that way, but now I have a medical reason. My body does not create the hormones, etc that normally wake us, so I have to take them. Aaack, just makes a non-morning person's life harder! I would sleep forever, really. I wake up twice. Once when the kids get up and crawl into our bed - around 6:30. At that point, DH gets up and passes me my morning meds. I swallow them, and fall back on the pillow while DH takes the kids for some quiet time. Around 8 - 8:30, I wake up and grab coffee, ready to go. DH heads to work, and the kids have Happy Mommy. (And yes, I know how lucky I am to have a DH who can do this, because he works from a home office!)
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