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Everything posted by Guest2

  1. Kaitfish,the Barton method worked really well in my family as well. It did not go as smoothly with my kids as it does on Susan's video with an adult. Op, good luck and keep us posted. As a parent, I would have been over the moon to have a mom of dyslexic kids with special training teach or tutor my kids. It adds another layer of someone"getting us".
  2. I am thinking about doing this too! I am not familar with PACE , going to look it up. Originally, I had thought of refreshing my O.T. Degree and combining it with some sort of behavorial program, but I am getting older and reading would be much easier on my body.
  3. i can totally relate. I would visit. It's better than continuing to look up your old home on google satellite maps to see if your car is still in the driveway, right? Or Am I the only one who does that? I was homesick for a long time. I prayed a lot. California was beautiful, but I wanted to go home. ( We lived in Texas for 5 years,but has felt l home for me since I attended graduate school here over 20 years ago).. We are back in Texas, but not in the same town. The time and place that I remember is a snapshot of time that isn't how life would be if we moved back to our original town. People move, change happens when you are not there. It may not be exactly how you remember it. But it could still be a fun vacation!
  4. I don't think Texas gives any $ for automatic merit. If it does, could someone please tell me where to look,( 3 more kids going to college within 8 years). We pay full freight...no offers from either flagship school based on merit with pretty good test scores( commended , missed NMSF by a few points). Couldn't find anything automatic for top two schools. On the bright side, a CC in the area is now offering free dual credit. Some of the smaller state schools that are less selective do give some $ .
  5. Dignity is not based on how much money you make, but the quality of your work. Money does not equal dignity. Edited...New Years resolution..be more positive.
  6. Not disputing your numbers, but would suggest there is more to it. The apartment I rented 22 years ago was $450, now $740. Sure, the building is older, but same square footage in newer buildings are comparable. Minimum wage then was $4.25, now is $8.25. There are so many things that come into play. Cost of living varies so widely across the country. What is a harship is some locales, is comfortable in others in regard to housing and food.
  7. Congratulations! I don't have anything to add except..don't forget there is Amazon uk. I imagine it would be great for care packages or heavy stuff a person might need while in the UK.With the airlines charging by the pound for extra luggage, this could come in handy of birthdays and Christmas gifts too.
  8. Some doctors seriously don't like to see more than two c-sections. My OB told me everything was fine after my 4th c-section, and could probably have a few more ( it didn't work out). I had a new doc(we moved) try to tell me it was unhealthy. Unless there is reason to believe that your uterus in particular was thin and scarred, he/she may be just biased. I had my forth at 40, and my life would have been less sweeter without him. My mom thought I was nuts until she saw him, now he's her favorite. Sorry, I didn't see you updated post when I posted this. I will let mine stand. If you don't have peace , maybe you should do what you think will bring peace . There are a lot of wonderful things about having another baby. I wish I could.
  9. I think you have some great answers. Questioning is a wonderful thing as you are seeking the truth. Many parishes have libraries, and volunteers to assist with a study ,spiritual advisors, ect.. After you have researched the above,I would encourage you to experience it for yourself. In fact, I would encourage you to take your bible and go to adoration and in your prayers ask God to reveal the truth to you. When I wasn't sure, I thought that adoration at worst ,would be a quiet reverent peaceful place to pray. It was so much more than that.
  10. I'll play. Can you use DVDs? English Lit...our home or public library. i prefer to start with modern texts, then go backward in history as my kids were more ready for the ancients in 12 than in 9th. I'd use teaching guides for discussion helps and some tc lectures. Grammar: I might use Analytical grammar for a year if needed. If you don't already have that, i wouldn't buy it new. Maybe use writing guides, or SAT gammar helps. History, I would use great books, or living books and a text , depending on the student. I would look for local resources , reenactments, museums, dvds. Math: used copies of Saxon( if you like it) for a few pennies and buy/borrow the DVD if needed. Ebay video text Algebra can get you a good price. I have never used AOPS, but think it sounds great. Life of Fred. I guess I would try to figure out what our goals were for each course . Then I would work backward using the library, and interlibrary loan,as well as practical hands on resources to achieve the learning goal. I love Texas in that I can request items ( limit of 20) for free . Interlibrary loan is free. In CA that was not the case.
  11. I'll join. Drive to CC School for youngers Laundry Find socks! It is cold today. Adoration Dreaded email composed and sent Lunch in crockpot Smile
  12. Oh,that makes total sense. Frogger, you crack me up. If spelling/ not having autocorrect was a requirement , I would have been booted off years ago. Yes, my kids have had the same problem with spelling. We follow the procedure that One Step just posted. We keep moving through the program and are often 1-2 , sometimes 3 books behind in spelling. I emailed Susan Barton about it when my daughter didn't seem to be catching the words. This is a pharaphrase of what she sent me. Please follow the procedure in the attachment, but if that still does not work... There are a few students who will have extraordinary difficulty retaining the spelling of the sight words when you use the special techniques built into the Barton System. For those very few students, I recommend the following: * Teach the spelling of sight words the same way. * But after the student gets 3 checkmarks in a row, add that word to their "personal dictionary" and retire that spelling card. What is a personal dictionary? It is a small spiral-bound notebook that fits into a shirt pocket, into a zippered case in their binder, or into their purse. Label the top of each page with several letters of the alphabet. For example, the first page might be labeled A, B, C. The second page might be D, E, F. The third page might be G, H, I, J, K (there aren't many sight words that start with those letters) and so on. When you retire a spelling card, pull out the student's personal dictionary and write that word on the appropriate page -- and write the red letter in red. Because the student has practiced that Sight Word extensively during your tutoring sessions, she will remember that it is a sight word when she is writing. She can then pull out her personal dictionary and quickly look it up. Hope that helps!
  13. Wait, I don't have my manual in front of me, but don't you draw a picture on the sight word card to assist with memory? Isn't that how you memorize the words? We actually love this part. We usually do something silly, typically using a word that rhymes and a quick story. Red letter? Isn't that for the spelling? I should grab a manual, but I don't want to wake the dogs. Now the spelling cards...that is another story.
  14. My family seems to consist of generation after generation of Catholics marrying non-Catholic Christians and the non Catholics coming into communion with the church. In my husband's case, his parents live quite far away and were sort of a non issue as they just didn't care that much. His extended family were all pretty strict MS Lutherans and had some weird ideas of what Catholics believe. It was all civil, and he knew his catechism well for discussion, There were still little snarky comments when we would leave the group to go to mass. But in general it was fine. My Mom had no religion, but was a believer in God. Her family were pretty accepting, but there were Catholic roots with some past problem with the church in that family. Her mom was Catholic and Dad Protestant. If that caused the trouble, it was well over before I was around. My Father's Dad was MS Lutheran and his family disowned him and wouldn't speak to him for 20 years when he married my Catholic grandmother. I think it depends a lot on what the local pastors teach. Sometimes there is some hate and prejudice taught from the pulpit. People have accepted some falsehoods as truth and frequently base their opinion of the Catholic church on them. There is still some hate out there. Search the Catholic threads and notice how at least one person will pop in and say something about the priests that implies all priests all guilty of horrific actions( this hasn't happened much lately). My grandmother had crosses burnt in her yard. I used to walk home from my K-8 Catholic school wearing a uniform and public high school kids driving by yelling "fish!" from their car , and sometimes throw garbage. I think things are way better, but there are remnants of prejudice and hate still there. I think if your family and friends are open to discussion and disagreement, it will be fine. There may some pushback, but it will be ok. If they all live close by and are taught by a pastor with an axe to grind, it will be more difficult. Spelling edit.
  15. Many do. The ones I am familiar with introduce weapons after more basic moves. You may need to go private lesson for weapon first type of training. We have been involved with Aikido, Tai Chi, Karate, Kung Fu and TDK. Edit- serious comma over usage
  16. My DH is a huge TV fan and we use through our Roku using WiFi. We subscrbe to Sling for ESPN and HGTV( that's for me), ABC,NBC,lots more for $20 a month , I think. CBS is seperate for $5 a month. Between Sling,Hulu Amazon Prime and Netflix( which we were already paying for) we are only paying less/ probably have same amount of channels. Very few commercials. You do have to wait a day for the shows to be aired. Super dependable if you have good wifi. Our tv/ internet was bundled, but we are still saving about half the cost of cable.
  17. Yes. I so get this. My doc is now an intergrated health doc because of her own auto immune issues. She does some of that testing on first visit. I think the mutations are super interesting and possibly will become a way to explain why people feel horrible but labs are ok, or the reverse. Maybe it will possibly explain slow weight losses/quick gains. I would be curious to know if there is a link between homozygous or heterozygous mutations and thyroid/ liver/ endocrine system functioning.
  18. The links that I have seen seem to link ( or perhaps correlate would be a better term to use) NASH to hypothyroid are: .http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14506393 http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0004-28032011000300006&script=sci_arttext https://www.liverdoctor.com/thyroid-health-depends-on-your-liver/ ( lots of supplement..hawking, but good info) HTH!
  19. I think I posted a link to the general stopthethyroidmadness site. Here are some recommended labs. http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/recommended-labworks This site does a good job about explaining results as well. ​ Sorry, if my earlier post wasn't clear. Are your liver enzymes elevated? There is sometimes a link between liver function and thyroid functioning. It may be helpful to hand carry your lab results over the last few visits to show the upward trend. HTH
  20. I like this site a lot: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/ I have no answers other than it seems most books and sites do recommend more tests than the TSH to investigate thyroid health. My TSH is over 6 by the way. wheee. The more I read, the less I fell like I know in this area. It seems so interrelated to other hormonal levels and liver health. Good luck!
  21. Here are an example of public hybrid school: http://www.triviumcharter.org/welcome-to-trivium-charter-school/ Here are a few more private ones to investigate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Association_of_University-Model_Schools
  22. Just to throw one more thing in the mix, what about a hybrid school? There are some public charter classical hybrids in CA, not sure if they exist everywhere. There are an overabundance of good private university model schools where I live. Both husband and myself went to private schools, so public was not the norm for us. Maybe the norm is whatever you did in your youth? Anyway with some of the great part time options, does it have to be either/or? Couldn't it be both? I'm no expert and I am not an afterschooler, so take this with a grain of salt.
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