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kpnick in nc

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Everything posted by kpnick in nc

  1. :001_smile:I dropped my copy of Little Women in my grandparents' yard, and it was mauled by a dog and carried to a neighboring field. I found it, taped it together and finished reading it. It is still the copy I have. Others favorites: Nancy Drew, Little House series, Childhood of Famous Americans books, An Old-Fashioned Girl, Anne of Green Gables (somehow didn't discover these until 7th grade) High school: Jane Austen books, Jane Eyre, Tess of the d'Urbevilles (I don't like Tess as much as I did as a teen - my taste has swung more toward Austen)
  2. I'm using the Genesis-Joshua set with my 1st grade DS, and it is the only product I use from VP. I do most of the writing for him, but he is able to answer most of the questions. I skip the tests. I agree that it is more like a survey than devotional-style. It hasn't been what I expected, but I have liked it, seeing that it is good for a grammar stage study. We have a family worship time and do our own Scripture memory work, so I'm fine with the way it is set up. We usually complete the week's work in 3 or 4 days, so I will probably make one day "character development" day using Kids of Integrity. Oh, we don't do the song. I know that's a big part of their plan, but I just can't get into it, so neither can DS. Maybe that's why we finish in 3 days sometimes.:001_smile:
  3. At first, I planned on defying the advice of TWTM and beginning each 1st grader at the beginning with ancient history. Well, I am 10 weeks into my oldest's first grade year, and my mind is a'changin. My dc are three years apart, so in 3 years, I will have 4th grade ds and 1st grade dd. I now see that I do not want to go through 2 SOTW activity guides at once. :tongue_smilie: I'm now considering the different-curricula-same-time-period approach, since I keep hearing that sotw 4 is not ideal for first graders. I really like the idea of all the projects, library books, field trips, etc. applying to everyone's history.
  4. Another night owl here. I'm up between 7:30 and 8, when DH leaves for work. I have my 'me time' at night (until 1 or so, difficult for me to sleep before then anyway), and little DS is always highly offended to wake up without me next to him. :tongue_smilie:Even once DS is sleeping through the night consistently, I don't see myself getting out of bed before 7. On Saturdays, DH lets me sleep in - I can easily sleep until 9:30, but then our Saturday disappears.
  5. Love, LOVE WWE!! I was dreading writing this year as we had eked through handwriting in K. WWE is so gentle, yet it progresses, DS's writing is SO much better. We are also enjoying SOTW and VP Bible. I, like many moms here, have been looking forward to teaching through SOTW ever since I heard of it; I'm so excited that DS is enjoying it as much as I do! Our chicken mummy flopped, but we still had fun!
  6. I am currently using Latin: An Intensive Course by Moreland and Fleischer. My oldest is in 1st, and we won't be starting until 3rd. We had gotten some Matin Latin volumes dirt cheap recently (don't think we'll be using it); I tried just going through that, but I was bored to tears. I like this intense one because I can move quickly on my own in less time. It is thick, and there is no answer key (I have found some online though...) I'm still pretty early in the book, so it remains to be seen how far I will progress in the next couple of years. Having had NO Latin, I wanted to be in a position to feel like I was far ahead of DS, since according to WTM, he will pass me pretty quickly if we start together.
  7. I sing alto - took lessons in college and sang in college then church choirs until a few years ago. Hope for another chance someday! I am decent on the recorder. I can play the Star Wars theme with my ds on glockenspiel. I self-taught piano when I was in middle school until I reached as far as I could get on my own. I thought I would be able to teach at least a little piano to ds to gauge interest. Epic fail.
  8. When people use 'loan' instead of 'lend.' My dad has always insisted that 'nauseous' means causing nausea and that I should say, "I'm feeling nauseated," instead. This thread inspired me to look it up. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nauseous Always a big pet peeve with him, so I still say 'nauseated' so automatically. People driving the wrong way through parking lot aisles. I do this, but I'm trying to quit. Poor DH.
  9. I'm in an unincorporated town, so it feels like the boonies. My first *rough* estimate was 0 since Wikipedia said our town was 9428, but our local university (included in our census area) lists its enrollment at 9500. :confused: I answered 1-5K since when I took out the college-aged category, I came up with 2800, which sounds right.
  10. I'm using the opposite combination - revised text with original Activity Book. I'm 11 chapters into Volume 1, and I've not noticed any problems. Thus, I would *think* you should be fine, but maybe someone who knows more will answer.:001_smile:
  11. I used to be more of a theistic-evolution&day=long-time kind of person. What really changed my mind was thinking of the Fall. Was there a real Adam and Eve and was there a real Fall of Man? Were there people before Adam and Eve and what was their relationship with God? Did these pre-Fall people die? The account of the Fall does not fit as easily with old earth viewpoints. If there was not a Fall, many other questions are raised - including crucial questions regarding the necessity of Christ. I decided that I did believe in a literal Genesis. I say this because I remember what it was like to feel unsure in this area. Now I feel sure and just wanted to share. (I suppose you could argue I would feel as sure and free of confusion if my convictions had taken the other fork in the road.) :tongue_smilie: :iagree::iagree:GREAT answer. I would argue no. DS6 was large for his age and walked at 9 months. A stranger asked me if he was one yet, and my answer was - no, he's 9 months. Although he had many of the landmarks of a typical 1yo, he was measurably 9 months old. She was looking at part of the picture, but I knew his dob. :001_smile: I see what you're saying. I would say that scientists who age the earth as very old are similarly looking at part of the picture.
  12. My 6th grade Geography teacher had everyone keep a current events log. He would write the day's headlines on the board; we were to come in, sit down, copy the headlines into a comp book. He would always go over them first thing, give brief context if necessary, track hurricanes on his weather map, etc. It's a little thing, but I remember many of those events even now. I haven't started on a daily basis yet, but if something 'big' comes up, I try to talk about it with DS using that teacher as a model. I haven't decided how I will do this yet, but I like the idea of documenting what happened in the world during your school years in a way that sticks.
  13. I also do 2 minutes for my first grade DS in Saxon 2. The first few weeks, I skipped the timer altogether because I thought it would stress him. it turns out that it keeps him from dawdling and he competes with himself. The first few timed drills, I let him skip around the page, but he was skipping the same ones regularly, so now we go in order. :001_smile:
  14. It might take me a while to convince my 14-year-old self that, in my case, a full-blown career in academia AND motherhood is impossible. I think she would happy with my choices and excited that I am homeschooling (especially after learning about classical education). She would be happy with DH by any measure she would apply. Her main disappointment might be that I am not trying to be *the best* at everything (and that I'm not pushing that attitude on my kids). Ok, I probably have some of that struggle still, but now I know better - unlike my 14 yo self.
  15. Not yet; I registered on Sunday, and my email said to expect my packet mid-Sept.
  16. :lol: This is true for us; it was very useful last week when I was sick and after discovering that Tangled is now Watch Instantly.
  17. :iagree: This is how most of our differences of opinion regarding the kids look.
  18. Tea - Anything with caffeine! Lunch: Sandwiches and peaches Wish: I wish that all signs of this virus will go away soon. I also wish that our chicken mummy will work. I probably should have changed the salt on Sunday but didn't (see wish #1). It had a not-so-'neutral' smell today - not rotten, just different than before. If it is better at the next change, I promise that I will do all future changes on schedule. Leaves: still quite warm here, but I have seen the beginnings of change. We are 30 minutes from Great Smokies NP and Blue Ridge Pkwy.
  19. Only for weddings, etc. I used to wear it every Sunday for church, but that ended once I had kids. DH prefers no makeup. Whenever he has seen me really made up (MK parties, etc), he gives me odd looks, so I believe him :001_smile: My facial features are not suited to makeup. I never can figure out what to do with blush and eye shadow. My face is just special, I guess. :tongue_smilie:
  20. I can - no problem. I'll be asking the same thing when I use Saxon 3 next year... PM me your email address, and I'll get it to you. Kristy
  21. I am another one bad at small talk. In group situations, I end up mostly listening because a) I only pipe up when I have a specific, new point to add and b) the conversation changes paths by the time I have figured out what I want to say. I find these two things true in this forum as well. So, I guess I'm pretty similar in both places.
  22. By the Civil War, all my lines were in SC, so any CW vets would've been confederate. One likely, but not confirmed, ancestor was a loyalist in SC during the Rev War! I know of one ancestor who came as an indentured servant in 1600s. My maternal gf's line has some interesting bits and legends. He always told us that he had a fairly recent Native American ancestor - facial features are consistent, but I can't confirm otherwise. He also told us that a recent ancestor (I can't remember/never knew if these two are the same) ran away from home as a teen and was picked up on the road by another family. Another difficult thing to confirm. He also had an ancestor listed as a farm overseer on a mid1800s census in SC. While I'm pretty sure no one owned slaves, I wonder if this man had to do the dirty work involved in such an awful institution. DH's grandmother still owns property that was part of her husband's line's royal land charter pre Rev War, which I think is pretty awesome!
  23. :iagree: with Ellie. And yes, the noi is the 'registration.' Don't feel thick. It has taken me a few readings of DNPE's website to realize and feel sure that, yes, that really is all NC law requires me to do and no more.
  24. I'm going through the NCDNPE registration now so I think I have a handle on it. From the website FAQs: "Required for 5/6 year olds? (about Notice of Intent) No. If your child will not turn age seven during the current</B> school year (which runs from July 1 through the following June 30), you will not file a Notice of Intent with DNPE for this school term. ... Within 30 days preceding the child's seventh birthday, the school will need to be registered with DNPE -- by no later than the child's seventh birthday." All NC requires that you have: immunization, attendance, testing (before 8th bday and yearly thereafter). Under current policy, it doesn't look like they will ever ask about math curriculum, how long you spent on math/lesson/week during the age of 7, etc. It looks like they will only look at the records required by state law. They would have no reason to ask you what you did before the age of 7.
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