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kpnick in nc

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Everything posted by kpnick in nc

  1. After my high school had some ties for valedictorian, it changed to a finer scale for class rank GPA. We received numeric grades (out of 100). On a 4.0 scale, 100 = 4.0, 99 = 3.9, 98 = 3.8, ..., 90 = 3.0, 80 = 2.0, 70 = 1.0. We had the weighted scale for Honors and AP as well. If I remember correctly, my high school posted 2 GPAs for me - a traditional one (4.0 scale, letter grades) and one to determine class rank.
  2. :iagree: I liked the idea of having the same author.:001_smile: This book was easier for me to pick up when able with my busy schedule - not so thick that I had to do a lot of backtracking. For someone like me who hadn't had a lot of ancient history, it was just right - deeper than SOTW but not difficult to get through.
  3. I had MRSA, mainly on my legs, several years ago with an infant in the house. DS had a couple of cases of impetigo and DH had it on his face :001_huh::001_huh: I showered with Hibiclens, let it sit on my skin for a few minutes, then rinsed. I used hand sanitizer whenever I passed by the pump. I washed my hands lots and lots. I also had three courses of both Rifampin and Bactrim. DH's went away with tetracycline. Before this regime, I had tried several courses of Keflex (I was nursing and my doc was primarily an ob, so he was cautious) to have the boils come back as soon as I was done with the course. This regime was given to this doctor by an infectious disease doctor. It went away for good after that. Now, whenever I see any type of pus, I clean it with alcohol or hibiclens. We have not had any problems since then.
  4. Finish SOTW1 (and go back to some fun projects we missed) and move on to vol. 2. Keep math fresh - laid back Finish OPGTR with DS; begin with DD VanCleeve's book of Engineering for fun Swimming lessons VBS at my in laws'; sil wedding; Something for Bible - maybe the Vos story Bible Safety stuff- I keep working on my kids learning at least my cell #- just not happening...
  5. I did it for my first-grader and loved it - didn't cut up workbooks, but I had planned for the entire year for those as well. I tried to make library lists, but I found that wasn't worth it. I just ended up putting post-its listing which library had which books onto the appropriate page in the SOTW AG. I didn't plan the extra crafts as much this year, but I plan on adding those as well for next year.
  6. Just feeling a little overwhelmed. We took Spring Break last week, but as it was not our local Spring Break, all of the extras were still on. My toddler is teething like crazy. Also, I went to the Greenville convention. So here it is Monday, the house is in the same state and I didn't get ahead on school things like I normally do during breaks. DS is still sleeping away, and I am fine with that. :tongue_smilie: I'm sure I'm doing better than if it had been a school week, but still... Anyway, I do have that post-conference inadequate-yet-inspired feeling, and I bought new books. Now if I can just make it through this week, I think I'll be set to finish the year. No questions. Just venting. Thanks for listening!
  7. Thanks! I was able to order it at the Rainbow Resources booth with free shipping.
  8. I am in the exhibit hall at the Greenville SC conference. I feel that I've looked at each booth that would have a chance of carrying Veritas products and haven't seen ANY - not even Omnibus. If you are at the conference, have you seen or bought any Veritas products? Where? I'm looking for the Judges to Kings set. TIA!
  9. I have the student readings from Lessons 64 to about 175 in a Word doc - same style font but slightly bigger. I didn't leave room for illustrations (DS hated illustrating more than the reading :glare:), but it would be easy for you to cut and paste to make notebook pages. PM me your email address if you are interested.
  10. I came here to find a thread on this topic to have that oh-good-I'm-not-alone feeling. :tongue_smilie: We may not take the week off, since next week is our planned Spring Break. However, we are definitely taking today off. Maybe we will get some Home Ec in...
  11. :iagree: It is also very easy to do 2 'days' per session and you can move through at least twice as fast. Days 1 & 2 together would be one plain copywork with one narration, and Days 3 & 4 would be copywork and a narration + copywork.
  12. I'll be there! I've only skimmed the schedule so far, and I agree that it doesn't look as exciting as last year...
  13. My.life.exactly! I worked part-time for 3 years and quit while expecting younger DS; I thought I would be soooo happy to be home full-time (don't get me wrong, in many ways, I am), but I recently realized that the alone drive time, and time by myself at a computer did wonders in keeping me sane - too bad I was spread too thin to keep it going! I've been known to completely shut down when DH gets home. He is a trooper! Saturday, I usually get a couple of hours to myself. DH takes all DC on various errands and adventures, and I stay home and do house stuff, if I feel like it. I like the idea of having a planned, weekly time for DH to take care of dinner, bedtime, etc. Knowing that a break is coming would help me when I'm thinking, "Will this ever end?!?!"
  14. We did that one today! DS did not do as well as he normally does in answering the questions. Even as I was reading it to him, I thought that we were going to have a difficult time. I just re-read the portion with the answer, let him answer and moved on. The language was a little thicker and more old-fashioned than he's used to. I figure the exposure is good for him, but I don't feel compelled to make sure he has mastered it before moving on. Reading the classics throughout elementary will give plenty of experience in this meatier reading.
  15. Drawing with Children Mind Benders (DS can almost read well enough to do on own) Various geography resources (hoping to begin that this week, though)
  16. I confess I haven't shopped around for this type of book yet, but this does not suprise me at all. I personally plan on introducing study of evolution during the logic stage. I am also YEC, so frankly, I am focusing on teaching within that worldview during the grammar stage. By the logic stage, hopefully, my dc will have been introduced to all fields of science and to the scientific method. My vague plan at this point (I have 4 years) is to do an evolution unit study during the logic stage. I will probably use a secular science book so that it is "in their own words." This unit would also accomplish worldview study and logic (examining the arguments and use of logic on both sides). As a pp said, clarifying definitions is a must, which is another reason to wait until logic stage for serious study. In the grammar stage, I find it more important to understand what I do believe. When evolution things come up with DS7, I simply state what we do believe and give a grammar level explanation of the different worldviews. I'm sure it would be much the same as an evolutionist addressing a creationist thing coming up with their dc. We will save the worldview analysis for logic stage. I want my dc to know evolution thoroughly as well. I changed my views to young earth creationism during my time in a science grad program (one with strong evolutionary scientists), so I was immersed long enough to want them to know as much as they can and not be afraid of it.
  17. Academic quiz team Interact Club (service club associated with Rotary) Science Club (couple of field trips per year) Church choir The rest of the time I was reading or watching old movies...
  18. The preschools near me that I'm familiar with begin at age 2 (must be 2 by the cutoff date). I always got the impression that some of the parents weren't crazy about beginning at 2; they went along to make sure their child had a spot in the 3 year old class. DS7 went to a 2 yo class while I was working pt - two mornings/week. DD also went to the same school at age 2, but they had changed to an all-day program by then. The school told DH and I that it would be more beneficial to dd to do all 4 days rather than 2 half days :confused:. Apparently, most of the other families had our mindset since the school changed and offered half day options for the 2 year old class.
  19. :grouphug: I'm shifted behind you a bit - newly 7, newly 4 and 12.5 months. I agree that these are tough ages. It has been humbling to have DS7 call me on losing my patience, etc, in light of what I'm expecting from him. DH can usually tell how much school we completed by the state of the house when he gets home. :tongue_smilie:
  20. My high school was transitioning to a Xerox in the early 90's; most copies I had were purple, but some were black. My US History teacher used the tests that came with the text, and the font and size, I guess, were not ideal for mimeograph copies. The teacher spent several minutes at the beginning of many tests reading the questions to us. I think by the end of the year, she was able to do most of them on the Xerox.
  21. Loved this one! I really like the international specials. The US specials are interesting to see their perceptions of different regions of the US. I always feel bad for James. Jeremy and Richard rarely give him a break!! I know that's part of the formula of the show, but still...
  22. I typed out the selections in a larger font (beginnig around Lesson 70 when he was newly 6). That way we are a little more mobile during the longer passages. It freshened things up a bit.
  23. Bejeweled Blitz I used to play more, but at some point I stopped all games. Bejeweled is the only one that made the cut when I started playing again.
  24. Same here. Our mess is mainly due to lack of storage and lack of a laundry area.
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