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Everything posted by Mabeline

  1. I think you should take it. You need it and they want to give it to you. It could prevent more damage to get it done earlier, and not wait until you are financially ready. I think makes it a justified need. Is there a reason why you don't want to take the help? (just wondering)
  2. I would love to paint to paint my walls. I have never had management allow us to paint the walls. I would do it.
  3. We had the last of the girl scout cookies for breakfast and now we are going out to IHOP. :-)
  4. Awesome news! So glad you are doing better already.
  5. Yup! I do this all the time. I like to make double batches and freeze the dough balls. Then I can bake only what I think we should eat. ;-) Don't forget to write the oven temp and baking time on the bag to make it easier at baking time.
  6. I vote iPhone. If any other family or friends has one, I love using FaceTime. Not to mention all the other great apps. iPhone's are the best.
  7. Yes, that would bother me. I would think you need to give your permission for them to access your information. My mom is an insurance agent and I don't think she would ever take the time to write up a quote for someone who has not asked for one. It is time consuming and she has real customers to deal with first.
  8. I would be concerned about reflux. Does holding her upright after feedings help her hold it in better? You could try tilting the head of her crib up a little.
  9. I would trade it out for a new one. I consider it the same as dropping a jar of spaghetti sauce. I wouldn't pay for it but I would let someone know so they could clean it up. Having said that I almost never have to do that. I guess my bread manages to stay on top. If the bread was just squished in a section, I would still buy it and use the squished part in French toast or something like that.
  10. Beautiful! They look yummy too. Now I need to make a chocolate cake. (mine will not be nearly as pretty) :-)
  11. I am so sorry. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
  12. I am so sorry. Your family will be in my prayers.
  13. I make it myself. I add in enough molasses to make it dark. I like the extra flavor.
  14. I am so sorry. Hugs to all your family.
  15. My eight year old boy still loves his stuffed animals and carries them around the house constantly. He rarely takes them outside only because he is not very careful with them and we don't want lost loved ones. I wouldn't think anything about it to see a child with a toy until at least 10 or so.
  16. We bought ours from walmart too. It's great. The slats are very thick and screw into the wood edge. It is very sturdy and even I feel safe climbing up there. I remember it costing $200 too.
  17. You're very pretty. I love your hair. Hugs
  18. Our boys get one dollar, four quarters, or an IOU depending on what's in my purse. One time my oldest even got a home drawn coupon for a scoop of ice cream. The tooth fairy has a very busy schedule and has forgotten a few times, that earned a trip to 31 flavors.
  19. Not lonely but dizzy with a headache, all day. Sorry today was sad for you. Hugs
  20. I love them sliced fresh dipped in hummus. Or they are yummy in a stir fry.
  21. In my uneperienced opinion, I would do mini cupcakes so they could decorate more than one or two and not end up with too many. I would put the frosting in squeeze bottles for less mess and have sprinkles and other candy in small bowls with spoons sitting in a rimmed cookie sheet to try and catch most of the mess. Also have paper plates with seran wrap or another easy way to transport them home.
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