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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. For what you are describing, I wouldn't worry about it. It won't be your everyday table. When you do use it, use placemats and trivets. Now if the kids want to do school at it, definitely use a tablecloth! I've only ever worried about using a tablecloth if we have kids at the table or if there is something other than eating going on.
  2. They aren't kids, they are adults. I'm not surprised the professor did nothing. It's really not her/his place. She should report it to the police as harassment.
  3. If I didn't know the parents, my dds would not be spending the night anywhere. And at a hotel? I'd have to know them reallllly well and it would have to be a very small group of girls. And if I told my dd no and she threw a fit, she wouldn't be going to any part of the party. Also, getting invited the day of woud be a huge red flag for flaky parents. No thanks,
  4. 5? Definitely dump them! They are not worth holding onto, for sure.
  5. I will add that my dd was given this book in 2nd grade, so I thought it was totally inappropriate. How old is your son?
  6. It's not for us at all, and we are not very conservative- quite liberal, in fact. I don't like all the bullying talk, references to puberty, etc. There are much better books out there. FYI one of the books is dedicated to my girls' friend, Tomas, who died of a brain tumor last year. He loved the books, so the author dedicated one to him. I really wanted them to work for our family, but they don't.
  7. Another vote for sparkling cider! Just bring several bottles because one is only enough for two people- at our house, at least!
  8. That's what stood out to me, as well. I would have stopped reading after that.
  9. Well, from what you've said he doesn't have a routine at all. I would think at his age he's going to want to do what all your olders are doing and hopefully he'll go with the flow. I bet the limited tv/games and the healthy food will eventually be a battle, as well as maybe a bedtime? But with your numbers, hopefully the herd mentality will kick in. ;) good luck!
  10. I would talk to your pediatrician about this. I would cause me great concern.
  11. Of there are no significant challenging behaviors that would disrupt my current children, I would do it without hesitation. What are the other options for this child? Are they better than your family? If there are challenging behaviors, I would spend a lot of time getting histories, talking with the current therapist, etc. then I would probably still do it, depending on my own family's needs. And yes, I would most certainly take her for a weekend first, to see how it goes for you, but also to help her get to know you. "Trying it out," is most certainly appropriate and almost always done with older children. It's as much for them as it is for you. (Our girls were just shy of their 5th birthday when we got them. They are 10 now and I would never take another child without trying it for a few weekends first. I would want to make sure it was successful for everyone involved.)
  12. You flushed it?!? Did that work??? I told our neighbors we get mice and she told me they get squirrels! They chewed their way in and I guess once they find a way in, they will keep coming no matter what your do to close up the hole. She had three BIG squirrels in her closet! They've been back three times. They've tried everything!
  13. Lowe's sells a more natural version of Draino that worked well on our sink. We had the same problem. We had tried baking soda and vinegar, but that would only he for a few hours.
  14. My girls, one of whom has dysgraphia, have beautiful cursive thanks to CLE handwriting books.
  15. Oh, and same goes for meat. We eat a LOT less meat and it's all local and grass fed. Now, if we could just be better when we eat out....
  16. We pay that for a half gallon. Our solution? We drink less milk. Once you start making the switch and eating healthier foods all around, you can start to get more nutrients from non-animal sources, or from less expensive items like yogurt, cheese, and real butter. Get your calcium from green veggies. Eat more legumes. Cook from scratch. Bake. Eat real food. Also, we don't buy snacks or drinks. That saves a ton of money. My kids eat fruits or veggies, with nuts or peanut butter for a snack. Once you get used to shopping that way, you'll look at other carts filled with carp and wonder how THEY can afford all that! Look for a local co-op, too.
  17. Ooh. I love it. Trader Joe's has a shampoo and conditioner. Heavenly.
  18. That my mother is not infallible. I would have never thought my mother would be the person in my life causing me the most pain. Ever.
  19. No. It irritates me to no end when people want to diagnose my dd. She is very symptomatic of autism, but does not have autism. If it's such a close friend, then the parent will express concern to you and you can gently give your thoughts- when asked. Sorry. We are all so quick to label kids these days. There will be plenty of adults in his life who are qualified to to that. Leave it to them. (Assuming there is no neglect, etc.)
  20. I remember our movie, but it was definitely not a teenage girl. I don't think I'd have a problem with the movie but.... Why are we still trying to scare kids with birthing videos??? The birth is NoT the hard part!!!! How about a movie about everything they give up with teenage parenting? How about making the class go to social services and learn about welfare? How about having them volunteer in their high school's daycare (mine had one and that was 20 years ago)? A panel discussion at least! ETA- it's still informative to see a birth- I just don't agree with using it as a deterrent!
  21. I wouldn't encourage it, but if she wants to go, she'd better earn it with a dang good costume! ;)
  22. Also, I would totally assume there was drug activity. But I think everyone is on drugs. :lol::lol:
  23. Whatever it is, it sounds obnoxious. I hate having people coming and going, and lots of cars around. It's unnerving. You want to know what's going on around you! I'd ask. Maybe even ask the woman neighbor. Be friendly about it though. If you do suspect drug activity, just start recording the makes and models and license plates. When the house next door to us was empty and for sale, cars kept coming and going from the garage- always at night. It was so weird and it freaked me out. I called the realtor and he laughed at me and gave me some excuse about the owner using it to park cars (which I figured wasn't true b/c the owner lived out of the state). After that call, I never saw cars there again. Sometimes just asking will help to subdue suspicious behavior if, in fact, it is suspicious.
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