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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. My girls wouldn't be going because I have twins, so everything is always double. It would have to be REALLY important and worthwhile for me to spend that kind of money on a "girls night."
  2. Last week's snack mom showed up with a pan of homemade something and a cooler!
  3. I've been laughing about it all week. ;) I can't even tell anyone why I'm giggling because there is no other way to start the story than with, "Well, on this message board..." How pathetic! haha
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/mom-gets-99-years-prison-gluing-tots-hands-160458042.html
  5. I always wonder why the company doesn't call the customer and say, "uhhhh, are ya sure?"
  6. Yes, Trader Joes is opening soon! Our house is in Daybreak! Great neighborhood! The HOA isn't bad at all, plus you get a free gym, pool, and fiber optic Internet. And our house is soooooo cute! ;) our renter's two year lease is up this summer and I'm not sure if they are renewing,. Just sayin! ;) Other perks to South Jordan- Herriman has a brand new library and huge indoor pool/ rec center. I liked being close to lots of amenities, but still up against the mountains. I couldn't live in Draper because I used to teach there. That is all I will say about that. Haha. My SIL lives in Lehi and she loved her kids' charter school. It is called Timpanogas Academy, I think. Charter schools are huge in Utah. I used to teach at one. (My husband would love to work at Adobe because he's a graphic designer and loves their company. That woud be the ONLY way we woud move back to Utah. Sorry. We do miss our house though. A lot.)
  7. Does anyone know if he took one and if he passed? Just wondering after he again proclaimed his innocence at sentencing. (Totally think he is guilty, FYI!!! I'm just wondering if he passed a polygraph sine I have a similar experience I want to compare it to.)
  8. I missed four, but I used to be Mormon and I've taken School Law, so maybe that's cheating. :) I wonder if the findings actually have to do more with levels of education than with anything else. Perhaps of the people who took the test, the atheists had a higher level of education? Or perhaps it had to do with socioeconomic reasons. The answers to most of these just come from being aware of what's going on in the world and having a solid education, don't you think?
  9. Live north of point of the mountain!!! Check out Draper, Sandy, and South Jordan. The commute will be far easier than living anywhere in Utah County. The whole Lehi/AF area is out of control, IMO, but that is clouded by the fact that my in-laws are long time Lehi residents. I hate the traffic and construction. Did he apply at Adobe? ;) My husband would give his left arm to work there. If you end up in South Jordan, you can rent our house!!! ;)
  10. Virginia, of course! You could not pay me any amount of money to live in Nevada. Sorry. I've lived in CA and UT. I want to slit my wrists every time we drive through Nevada and I hate Las Vegas. My husband, on the other hand, loves it. Go figure.
  11. :iagree::iagree: My girls receive SSI and I have to fill out the form every year. It has never asked about school or anything of the sort.
  12. At 7 and 11, I wouldn't sit them down and tell them. But if they asked, I'd be honest. It will probably come up eventually. I say this as a child of divorceS and remarraiges. I just didn't need to know all the drama when I was younger. But, I wouldn't want my parents to flat our lie to me either.
  13. I would feel the same. Unless he was young and hot! :tongue_smilie:
  14. My friend's dd used to do this and it was getting worse. She had add and a host of lds. They actually found out she also had severe sleep apnea. She has to sleep with oxygen now. My dd has significant delays, add, language and communication problems up the wazoo, etc. She forgets names like crazy, but she has NEVeR forgotten an event from the same day. It was scary to watch my friend's dd go through this.
  15. We LOVE this program. We've used it for a year now. It's a great addition to our math curriculum. I would not use it as a stand alone as it doesn't cover all topics.
  16. No coffee, but some drink this NASTY fake coffee stuff!!! Haha, what's it called, people? I've only seen old people drink it.
  17. Hmmm...someone who is still LDS might have a different answer, but... Mormons eat chocolate and drink soda. The Word of Wisdom says to refrain from hot drinks, which at the time was considered to be coffee and tea. It's generally agreed that they don't drink coffee or black tea, but almost every Mormon I know drinks caffeinated soda. On the BYU campus they don't sell caffeinated soda though (or at least they didn't several years ago). Very hardcore Mormons don't drink caffeinated sodas, and maybe don't eat chocolate, but I only knew one family like that.
  18. Mormons eat chocolate!!! I've never heard of anyone not eating chocolate, although there are always those that take things to an extreme. Utah is like the land of sweets. :)
  19. Costco! I can't remember which brand they were, I think Motorolla???, but we bought walkies at Costco a few years ago to use for a long move in two cars. They worked great. I think they were $50.
  20. I don't know. I'm with you though. I will admit I specifically didn't post on that thread because my response would have been, slightly tongue in cheek, "Coffee, alcohol, and shopping on Sunday. :)" I stopped because I thought it would offend the LDS ladies on here (since I used to be LDS) since you can't hear tone through a message board. I think as long as we are being respectful, people need to understand. There are things that work for others that don't work for us, and that's ok. I get tired of people being offended because I don't agree with them. It's not a personal attack on your religion if I don't agree with you. However, I do believe it is always my responsibility to be respectful. Two way street and all...
  21. Um, I agree with you 100% and the hard boiled egg comment, to me, confirms he indulges her. Perhaps he is so overwhelmed with his older child that he indulges his neurotypical child? I know not everyone agrees because we all parent differently, but I am definitely on your page with this!
  22. Yes! Goody's Deli on 5th across from the university. We stopped there all the time on our way to Idaho Falls from SLC. There is also a good little Cuban place further down the road (north).
  23. Brushing and flossing is not just about cavities, it's about having healthy gums. I helped until they were 8. By that time I was brushing them a few times a week. Now I occasionally brush them just to check to see how they are doing. I was raised by a hygienist though, so I'm a little OCD.
  24. The loud truck would be a no from the get go! I like my neighbors too much! We are landlords and I would NOT rent to these people!
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