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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I don't think it's a girl/boy issue as much as an education issue. I don't know many kids who would listen to SOTW without a family who cultivates some love for history, or some listening training for advanced audiobooks. Does that make sense? Many kids would turn their noses up and rather listen to something more fanciful or watch something that moves. The reason my girls love SOTW is that we've read it together, my dh and I talk about it and think it's wonderful, and we listen/read a variety of literature. Does that make sense??? I just sometimes realize that my girls are "into" things their PS counterparts aren't because we've cultivated an interest, or because they haven't had to suppress an unpopular interest. The short of it is, I would NOT assume SOTW is a good fit for any child unless I knew the family. It's too expensive to be wasted if it is not treasured. :)
  2. Because my old name gave me away to anyone who knew meIRL and I've recommended this site to too many people. ;) I should have chosen a more private screen name, but three years ago I didn't think I'd me talking about MILs and husbands on a homeschooling board!
  3. Ha! Oh I get it. No, I think she was grateful! I didn't take it that way at all.
  4. She asked if anyone had seen their kid go through this because its apparently not "supposed" to happen. She's asking to make sure other kids have similar experiences. You make it sound like that's a problem. ? I don't get it.
  5. $2,000 of Mary Kay. Let's just say my sisters in law are probably still enjoying their free makeup. Lesson learned!
  6. We just left a practice exactly like this!!!!! RUN, don't walk!
  7. I've read one and found it pretty disturbing. Our children's librarian doesn't recommend them because of how dark they are. But sometimes I feel the same way about Harry Potter and my girls love it.
  8. We don't do sleepovers for a variety of reasons. There is only one family we've traded with just a few times and we don't live near them anymore. I have a dd with special needs that make sleepovers less than desirable. She's also impossible the next day. I don't think there is enough supervision at most sleepovers (parties) and my kids are only 10, so I don't think they positively add to a friendship in a way that can't be cultivated otherwise. I had a lot of negative experiences at sleepovers when I was younger. We aren't anti-sleepover, but they just aren't for us. My girls have both been to sleep away camp though. We DO have our first Girl Scout camp out next weekend and I'm almost breaking out in hives. Have you read Queen Bees and Wanna Bees? Lots to think about.
  9. We will be exactly half way done. I planned for 30 weeks and we will have done 15. We started at the beginning of August and we'll finish at the beginning of May. We travel a lot.
  10. Oh, and I'd encourage you to do your homework on the whole immunization-autism link. I'm not going to get into it here, but a simple google search should put your fears at rest.
  11. We haven't gotten the shot since we started homeschooling and none of us have been sick. We aren't high risk, we stay home when we don't feel we'll, etc. I just don't feel like it's worth adding another shot every year. My kids are vaccinated otherwise.
  12. Nothing! Pull her out and just enjoy her! Have her help with the holidays- baking, wrapping, etc. Really, truly, just enjoy her. The academics will make zero difference in the end, but she will remember these weeks with you forever. ;) Start fresh after the new year!
  13. Ok. Phew. Thanks for your replies. I guess I needed some reassurance that it is ok not to make an appointment right now.
  14. I took my girls to the orthodontist about a year ago just to make sure they didn't need anything right away, even though my dentist assured me they were fine. The orthodontist said they had great teeth, their ortho needs would be purely cosmetic and optional, and that until they lost more teeth, there wasn't anything to do. He said to check back in a year to 18 months. Well, they've each only lost one tooth since then and nothing else has changed. Is been one year. I have gotten three emails from the office wanting me to schedule an appointment immediately, per the ortho's instructions. Three emails! Do I call and say we are waiting? Ignore them until we are ready? What? We are a little over the top with dental care since my mom is our hygienist, so it's not like I'm going to miss something huge and their dentist is perfectly capable of referring us when it is time. They are only 10 and have several more teeth to lose. I do NOT want to get into ortho prematurely because of a scammy office! (Although the office comes highly recommended.) We can't afford it right now. How do you handle all of this ortho stuff? Should I ignore them? Call them and say, "Don't call me, I'll call you?" I hate feeling guilty for not taking them in, but I'm 100% sure it's unecessary at this point.
  15. I used to teach in South Central Los Angeles, so I can give you some info on what my families there dealt with. It was a very scary place. Kids did not play outside after 5, period. Lots of gangs, drugs, prostitution, and violence. We had lots of shootings and a constant police presence. Lots of racism. Lots of poverty. The greatest families I've ever met. The best job I ever had. While I wouldn't move into the neighborhood in which I taught, there are milder places I would live. I would have to come to terms with the fact that my kids would be exposed very early to things that they wouldn't have otherwise- swearing, violence, and sex at a minimum. It could be a very rewarding and enlightening experience though!
  16. I have one twin with very similar issues (also adopted) and I am a former Ps teacher. Do not make these kids do compositions!!! That is such PS mentality. I've tried a lot with my dd and her writing has always directly mirrored her verbal language. We use AAS and WWE. She is 10, 5th grade, and working in level 3 of each. And you know what? That is wonderful for her! She came out of second grade PS a complete MESS!!! She can now finally write several sentences without many mistakes and she can tell when she is wrong! Don't skirt writing altogether though. Three-four sentences a day-very directed, WWE style, will get the job done. We use history, WWE, and AAS for writing opportunities. All very directed, no room for error, and she has a feeling of accomplishment. Don't forget daily copywork. When these kids finally get something it sticks, and the last thing I want sticking is some phonetic spelling due to journal entries! I was a very different teacher than I am a parent. Having a child with SN changes everything. The fact that she was a PS teacher means nothing. Honestly. Homeschooling is another planet.
  17. Wow. I would have never known this!! Thanks for sharing!
  18. This was my first thought. I think with younger kids, you teach obedience. As they grow, you model respect, talk about right and wrong etc. I think it's something gradual. Kind of like dressing your child. When they are young, they wear what you say or put on them. As they grow, you help them learn why certain clothes are appropriate at certain times, give them more and more freedom, address issues as they arise, have clear expectations, and hope that they choose good outfits. ;)
  19. It could be the title of my post, I guess! We'll see!
  20. Oh! Yes. Sorry. The author is Marcus Borg. He has written several books.
  21. This book was recommended to us as we are exploring our faith from a very liberal (?) perspective. I posted a few days ago about looking into Christian churches. We currently attend the UU church and are former Mormons- and threw the baby out with the bath water when we left. We've gone to a few Episcopal services because we realized it was important to us to explore churches that at least held our social beliefs and encouraged intellectual thought and a diversity of beliefs. Anyhow, as we explore Christianity and the Episcopal church, are there any other books/websites/videos you would recommend, specifically from a non-literal, progressive viewpoint? I don't even know if I'm using the correct adjectives, but I hope you'll understand!! Thanks!
  22. We LOVE Virginia!!! PM me if you want more info.
  23. Raleigh is one of my favorite cities I've ever visited. I also have friends who live just north of Charlotte and they love it. We'd love to move to North Carolina. I've never been to South Carolina, but we will be driving through in a few weeks. I think it would be a little too far south for me. We are in VA and I like being closer to things.
  24. I totally get where you are coming from, I do. I struggle with my mom wanting to control situations and judge how I am raising my kids. However, and I say this lightly, religious or not, Christmas can be a very important family day for people. Is it possible to just put things aside for this day and make it about being together? You could even gently tell your dad that you do Christmas the way you because x, y, z, and that it hurts when he makes comments about it not being good enough, but that you would stil love to spend time with him. As far as presents from others...sigh. I've learned to just let it go. People usually have good intentions and a few holidays a year isn't going to ruin my kids. Breathe. :) I get it, I do. Just try to focus on the relationship instead. That's my advice. I'm trying to take it myself this year.
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